Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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News people organizations events One-Day Institute Slated For Canada Film Board An all-day film institute at the headquarters of the National Film Board of Canada in Ville St. Laurent, a suburb of Montreal, will be held Tuesday, June 21. It will be sponsored by Canadian Library Association film committee, the American Library Association audiovisual committee and the ALA adult services division in cooperation with the staff of the National Film Board. Participants will tour the building, and take part in case studies of the production of a film from its preliminary idea to its finished frames. NAVA Announces Major Feature of Convention "Selling to Industry" will be the title of a major presentation at the 20th annual National Audio-Visual Convention, August 6-9, in Chicago, according to an announcement by W. G. Kirtley, president of the National Audio-Visual Convention. Participating in the presentation will be Dr. Richard B. Lewis, Tom Clemens and Jerry Kemp, all of the A-V Center, San Jose State College, San Jose, California. Kirtley also announced that immediately following this portion of the convention program, NAVA will make first distribution of a new association publication designed to acquaint industrial management with audiovisual opportunities. This booklet is being prepared by the NAVA Industry and Business Council and the San Jose State A-V Center. More than 2,500 audiovisual people are expected to attend tlie 1960 NAVA convention and exhibit. The exhibition, already a record breaker, is the largest single display of audiovisual equipment and materials in the world. The annual gathering attracts business and professional people from all audiovisual fields and from each of the major AV markets: educational, religious and industrial. Illinois AV Association To Reactivate Midvi^est Forum Reactivation of the war-time Midwest Audiovisual Education Forum was voted at the statewide meeting of the Illinois Audiovisual Association at Peoria, Illinois, April 7-9. Since neither the Educational Film Library Association nor the Association of Chief State Audiovisual Officers plans to hold a national meeting this year in conjunction with the commercial religious agricultural medical meetings and the NAVA trade show in Chicago, the lAVA will assume the responsibility for arranging the customary educational phase of this all 'round national meeting, it was reported. Other state AV organizations in the midwest are being invited to join as co-sponsors of this program, a one-day session on policy, theory and administration. Suggested topics include auto Cover Scene This little baby rhesus monkey doesn't have a mother. Instead, scientists at the Primate laboratory of the University of Wisconsin have substituted a clothcovered board with a wooden head and the monkey believes it to be its real mother. This CBS "Conquest" program is now distributed on film by Carousel Films, Inc. mated teaching devices, airborne te casting, videotape, 8mm sound projf tors, exchange of NDEA experienct and the Illinois Curriculum Qui' soon to be published. 1 Closed circuit television is helping teach recruiters to interview prospective employees of The Babcock & Wilcox Company, New York City, efficiently yet swiftly. An actual interview is "piped" to a TV screen in another room, where B&W's recruitment staff is assembled. The live interview provides a demonstration of proper and improper techniques and permits free exchange of comments by the instructor and recruiter-students in the classroom. Syracuse Offers Course In Religious AV The Chautauqua Center of Syi cuse University will present a coui on Audiovisual Communication 1 Religious Education at the universi from July 25 to August 12, 1960. will cover Basics of Communicatic Psychological Factors in AV Commu ication. Utilization Techniques, ai Promotion of AV Materials in t Church. Instructor of the course will William S. Hockman, director of Chr tian education at the First Presbytt ian Church, Glens Falls, N. Y., ai editor of the "AV in the Church Fiel department for Educational Sereand Aiidiovmial Guide. Extension Association Heai' Freedman and Orton Max Freedman, Canadian bo newsman who now is Washington c( respondent for the Manchester (En land) Guardian was a headline spea er at the National University Exte sion Association annual meeting Api 23-27 at Chicago. In addition to Freedman's talk, a dresses at general sessions were giv by: Dean Harlan Cleveland, Maxw Graduate School, Syracuse Universit Duane Orton, editor of Think at educational consultant, Internatioi Business Machines Corp.; and Pn Barry Ulanov, jazz commentator ai critic, now on the English faculty Barnard College. Highlight of the conference was c servance of the 60th anniversary of t (Continued on page 268) 266 Educational Screen and Audiovisual Guide