Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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YOURS FOR THE ASKING! Tecnifax Corporation is continuously developing in^ts Visucom Laboratories new and interesting techniques for using the "overhead" projector. Training in these techniques is available to you, v/ithout charge for materials, facilities or instruction, through the following services: SEMI-ANNUAL SEMINAR-WORKSHOPS ... at these hard-working, three-day seminar-workshops, over 500 attendees acquire information, exchange ideas, and use new visual techniques to solve communication problems ... 16 held to date. ViSUCOM PROGRAM . . . this continuing training program provides first-hand experience in the preparation of "overhead" projectuals . . . five-day course . . . small classes . . . facilities for working out specific projects. TECNIFAX LITERATURE ... a series of brochures published by Tecnifax to provide useful and interesting information for workers in the field of visual communication. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, call or write Tecnifax Corporation, Holyoke, Massachusetts. Tecnifax equipment and materials are approved for purchase under the National Defense Education Act. BRANCH WORKSHOPS . . . projectuai making workshops are also conducted at Tecnifax' twenty-six sales branches . . . registrations ore accepted for groups or individuals. TECNIFAX CORPORATION Vlmtil Communication MotcrioU and Equipment HOIYOKE, MASSACHUSETTS V J Educational Screen and Audiovisual Guide — June, 1!