Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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New Equipment and Materials For addresses of the sources supplying information on wliicli tliese listings are based, refer to Directory of Sources, page 310. For more information about any of the equipment and materials announced here, use the enclosed readet service postcard. CAMERAS— Movies & TV Transistorized CCTV Camera, cylindrical in design, 5H" diameter 11%" long; withstands shock and noise without special protective housing; 650-line horizontal resolution; operates on only 18 watts input, provides 1.0-volt composite video output; works down to 1.0-footcandle scene illumination; circuitry uses only one tube. GECOMPRO. CAMERAS — ^Accessories Safe-look Speed Tripod features 3-direcal head. $22.50. Heavy duty "Speedpro" model, max height 68" from DON'T TAKE YOUR AUDIO-VISUALS INTO A DARK HOLE You can now project visuals in normal room light! Using new, modern LENSCREEN rear projection screens, visuals are presented easily, efficiently. Audiences are alert and in full control of instructor. For the first time in A-V history, here is a screen that meets the standards of modern education. Images are sharp, bright, true in color and contrast. Viewing is easy, at any time, with no loss of time, no interruption. Send for complete kit of LENSCREEN A-V Idooi— tielpFul, reveoting. You'll b« glad you did. POLACOAT Inc. ^710 Conklln Rooil Blue Ash, Ohio closed length of 43"; pneumatic device controls 11" rise in center column. $44.50. GRAFLEX. PROJECTORS— Movie Bolex 8mm Sound. "Sonorizer" unit attaches to Bolex M-8 and some other 8mm movie projectors to add and play sound on magnetic-striped 8mm film. The 30-mil stripe is added after the film is processed. Aperture to sound takeoff distance reportedly differs from that of the Fairchild and Eastman 8mm sound projectors previously announced. Wt. 28 '^ lb. $250. BOLEX. Kalart-Victor Series 70 sound-on-film projectors offer choice of 15 watt in single or dual (Classmate) case models; also 25 watt, with inputs for two speakers, phonograph and microphone; and a console combination of motion picture and still projectors, 4speed record player and tape deck, microphones, either 9" or 12" speaker, all mounted on a wheeled projection stand. VICTOR ANIMATOGRAPH. PROJECTORS— Still Flashlight Still Projector operates on 6volt lantern or 8 flashlight batteries, also on car battery or (with transformer) on AC line. Filmstrip only, with plastic lens $24.95. Slides only, with Airequipt automatic changer $29.95. (No combination model). Glass lens, add $6.50. AC transformer $7.95. Car battery connection $1.95. Transistor radio-phonograph, operates on 4 flashligrt batteries, $49.95. MITCHART. "PhD" Filmstrip-Slide Combination features spring lock framing; spin-back device speeds review and repeat showing; converts instantly to slides, 2x2 or bantam; 500w; 5" f:3.5 lens. Ties into 4-speed, single-case phonographamplifier, complete $169.50; phono NEW! The WILD RICE Story . "Mahnomen — Harvest of the North" . . . Selected ot a U.S. Entry in tlie 1960 Edinburgh ond Venice Festivoli, ftiij documentory film shows the ancient Chippewo "water" harvest of WILD RICE, stressing its importance, post ond present, to the life of the northern forest Indians. History — Social Studies — Geography 17 Min. Color $170 Library of Congress No. Fi A60.526 Preview prints from FILM RESEARCH COMPANY Box 1015, Minneopolis 40, Minn. graph-amplifier, complete $169.50; phonograpr alone $80. VICTOR ANIMATOGRAPH. 1200-Watt Slide Projector. New model "Selectroslide" features 1200-watt lamp. Show up to 48 slides, continuously, automatically; matched condensers for lenses from IVi" to 12", front-surfaced reflector. Also new 7501000 watt model. SAUPPE. PROJECTORS— Accessories Audi-Viewer for rear-projection on 24" x32" Polacoat screen, 6x9" oval speak 4 SPEED RECORD fr TRANSCRIPTION PLAYERS Write /«r illuttrUtd cataUt AUDIO-MASTER 1 7 E. 45th St., New Ytirk NOW IN THOUSANDS OF CLASSROOMS! BEST . . . because it has passed the classroom test AVR RATEOMETER Tops the list of America's Reading Learning Aids because of its proven performance IT'S VERSATILE . . . fits into any reading improvement program. irs ACCURATE . . . lifetime electric motor pro* vidos clock accuracy, trouble-free service. STUDENT CENTERED . . . requires minimum assistance. Students master its use in minutes. EASY ON BUDGET* . . . Actual classroom experience over a 5-year period shows that costs run as low as 37c per pupil. Teachers soy: *'Pu}uls love working with them*' . . . **best of its type" . . . "more convenient" . . . *'so quiet" . . . "flexible and adaptable" . . . "rate increase 70 to 300%." Complete with manual, carry-case, $39.95 5 fo 9 units, eo. $35.95 • 10 or more, eo. $33.95 Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Send orders to AUDIO VISUAL RESEARCH Dept. U08 523 S. Plymouth Ct., Chicago S FACTORY: Box 71, Wa.seca, Minnesota SIMPLE! EFFECTIVE 1 DURABLE! EnrCATIOiNAL SCREE.\ AND AUDIOVISUAL GuiDE — AUGUST, 1960 457