Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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The Authors EDUCATIONAL SCREEN AND Dr. Bathurst is associate professor of education at Fresno State College, Fresno, Calif., teaching elementar>and audiovisual education. He has presented the material in this story to several of his classes at the college and university level and says he has found reflected there the growing interest in building map reading abilities of the young. Helen Carlton is audiovisual coordinator at St. Petersburg Senior High School, St. Petersburg, Fla. She is an old friend of EdScreen and AV Guide; for another of her light but deft contributions see the issue of March, 1956. Samuel Rubinstein is an instructor at Junior High School No. 104 in New York Citv. AUDIOVISUAL GUIDE September, 1960 Volume 39, Number 9, Whole Number 389 EDITORIAL 482 The Ultimate Up Until Now ARTICLES 484 NAVA Convention Report 486 Developing Map Skills Leonard H. Bathurst 489 Film Earphones in Classroom Samuel R. Rubinstein 490 "I Can Dream, Can t I?" Helen Carlton EDUCATIONAL SCREEN & AVGUIDE EDITORIAL STAFF rAUL C. REED, Editor. JAMES R. CUMMINGS, Managing Editor. WILLIAM S. HOCKMAN, Editor for the Church Fiald. I. C. LARSON and CAROLYN GUSS, Editors for Film Evoiuotions. MAX U. BILDERSEE, Editor for Iha Audio Field. IRENE F. CYPHER, editor for the New Filmstripi. PHILLIP LEWIS. Technical Editor. WILLIAM F. KRUSE, Trade and Public Relotioni, IRENE THORSON, Editorial Aisiitanl. BUSINESS STAFF H. S. GILIETTE, Publi.her. MARIE C. GREENE, WILLIAM LEWIN, Aiiociote Publisheri. THEA H. BOWDEN, Busineil Manager, OLIVE R. TRACY, arculation Manager. PATRICK A. PHILIPPI, Qrcvlotion Promotion. WILMA WIDDICOMBE, Advertiting Production Manager. Advertising Representatives Summit, N. WILLIAM LEWIN, 10 Broinerd Rood (Crestview 3-3042) WILLIAM F. KRUSE. 2000 Lincoln Park West BIdg.. Chicago 14, III. IBitleriweel 8-5313) EDITORIAl ADVISORY BOARD JAMES W. BROWN. School of Education. Son Jota Stote College. Colifornia EDGAR DALE. Head, Curriculum Division, Bureau of Educational Research, Ohio State Univorsity. Columbus AMO DE BERNARDIS, Assistant Superintendent, Portland, Oregon, Public Schools MARGARET W. DIVIZIA, Supervisor In Charge. Audio-Visual Education Section, Los Angeles City Schools, Los Angeles, California W. H. DURR, Supervisor. Bureau of Teaching Materials. State Board of Education, Richmond, Virginia CHARLES F. HOBAN, Institute for Cooperative Reseorch. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia EMILY S. JONES. Executive Secretary. Educational Film Library Association. New York City F. EDGAR LANE, supervisor. Instructional Moterlois Deportment. Board of Public Instruction. Dade County. Florida F. DEAN McClUSKY. Professor of Education, Heod of Audio-Visual Education, University Extension, University of California at Los Angeles SEERLEY REID. U. S. Office of Education. Notional Defense Education Act, Washington CHARLES F. SCHULLER, Director, Audio-Visual Cen. ter. Michigan Stote College. East Lansing, Michigan ERNEST TIEMANN. Director. Visual Instruction Bureau, Associate Professor. Division of Exten sion, The University of Texas. Austin DON WHITE. Executive Vice President, Notional Audio-Visual Assoelotion. Fairfax, Virginio DEPARTMENTS AND FEATURES 467 The Authors 468 AV Business News 478 News 478 Calendar 492 Filmstrips Irene Cypher 494 Film Evaluations L. C. Larson, Carolyn Guss 497 AV in the Church Field William S. Hockman 499 Audio Max U. Bildersee 502 Trade Directory for the AV Field 503 New Equipment and Materials 513 Helpful Books 514 Directory of Sources 515 Index to Advertisers ATIONAL lATION OF Founded In 1922 by Nalson L. 6ra«n« BUSINESS & EDITORIAL ADDRESS: EDUCATIONAL SCREia* & AUDIO-VISUAL GUIDE. 2000 Lincoln Park West Bldg., Chicago 14, Illinois. Contents Indexed in the Wilson Educational Index. For microfilm volumes, write University Microfilms, Ann Arbor. Michigan. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE (U. S. currency or equivalent) : Domestic — $4 one year, $6.50 two years. $8 three years. Canadian and PanAmerican — 50 cents extra per year. Other foreign — SI extra per year. Single copy^S cents. Special August Blue Book issue— -$1.00. CHANGE or ADDRESS should be sent immediately to insure uninterrupted delivery of your magazine. Allow five weeks for change to become effective. EDUCATIONAL SCREEN & AUDIO-VISUAL GUIDE is published monthly by Educationa] Screen, Inc. Publication office. Louisville, Kentucky. Business and Editorial Office, 2000 Lincoln Park West BuUding, Chicago 14. Illinois. Printed in the U. S. A. Entered u second-class matter November, 1959. at the post office at Louisville, Kentucky, under tbe Act of March 3, 1879. ADDRESS ALL MAIL (Subscriptlona, Ctaana* of Address, Forms 35791 to: 2000 Lincoln Park West Bldg., Chicago 14, IlUnols. Second-claei postage paid at Louisville, Kentucky. ENTraE ISSUE COPTRIOHT 1960 BT THE EDUCATIONAL SCREEN, INC. Educatio-nal Scree:\ and Audiovisual Guide — September, 1960 467