Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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The Cover Scene This figure has been carved out of stone by an Eskimo artist. The film The Eskimo in Life and Legend— the Living Stone deals with his art pursuits and depicts the seal hunting activities of the Baffin Islands inhabitants. Photographed by Film Board of Canada. Produced by Encyclopaeda Britannica Films. The Authors E. F. (Fred) Holliday is film commissioner of the province of Saskatchewan. His pioneering efforts in visual education in the city of Regina go back to 1935. Since that time he has served as supervisor of visual education and has reorganized and modernized the visual activities of the Department of Education. Captain John B. Keeley is an instructor in the Department of Social Sciences at the United States Military Academy and is one of those responsible for the academy's very successful audiovisual program. EDUCATIONAL SCREEN & AVGUIDE EDITORIAL STAFF fAUl C. REED, Editor. JAMES R. CUMMINGS, Monloglno Editor. WiLLIAM S. HOCKMAhJ, Editor for the Church Field. L. C. lARSON and CAROLYN GUSS, Editors for Film Evoluotions. MAX U. BILDERSEE, Editor for the Audio Field. IRENE F. CYPHER, editor for the New Filmstrips. PHIUII> lEWIS. Technical Editor. WUUAM F. KRUSE, Trade and Public Relotlon,, IRENE THORSON, Editorial Awistant. BUSINESS STAFF H. S. GILLETTE, PublUher. MARIE C. GREENE, WILLIAM LEWIN, Aisociate Publiihers. THEA H. BOWDEN, Butineii Manager, OLIVE R. TRACY. Circulation Manoger, PATRICK A, PH1LIPPI, Oreulotion Promotion. WILMA WIDDICOMBE, Advor. titing Production Manager. Advertising Rapresantatives WILLIAM LEWIN, 10 Broinerd Rood, Summit, N. J. (Crestview 3-3042) WILLIAM F. KRUSE, 2000 Lincoln Park Weif BIdg., Chicogo 14, III. (Bittersweet 8-5313) EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD lAMES W BROWN, School of Education, San Jose Stote College, California EDGAR DALE, Head, Curriculum Division, Bureau of Educotionol Research, Ohio Stote University. Columbus AMD DE BERNARDIS, Assistant SuporintendenI, Portland, Oregon, Public Schools MARGARET W. DIVIZIA, Supervisor in Charge, Audio-Visual Education Section, Los Angeles City Schools, Los Angeles, California W H. DURR, Supervisor, Bureau of Teaching Materials, State Board of Education, Richmond, Virginia CHARLES F. HOBAN, Institute for Cooperative Releorch. University of Pennsylvonio, Phllodelphio EMILY S. JONES, Executive Secretary, Educational Film Library Association, New York City F. EDGAR LANE, supervisor, Instructional Materials Department, Boord of Public Instruction, Dode County, Florida f DEAN McCLUSKY, Professor of Education, Head of Audio-Visuat Education, University Extension, University of California at Los Angeles SEERIEY REID, U. S. Office of Educotlon, Notlonol Defense Education Act, Washington CHARLES F. SCHULLER, Director, Audio-Visual Center, Michigan State College, East Lonsing, Michigan ERNEST TIEMANN, Director, Visual Instruction Bureou. Associate Professor, Division of Exten sion. The University of Texos, Austin DON WHITE, Executive Vice President, Notlonol Audio-Visual Associotion, Fairfax, Virginia tOUCATIONAL SCREEN AND AUDIOVISUAL CUIDE October, 1960 Volume 39, Number 10, Whole Number 390 EDITORIAL 538 Four Letter Words ARTICLES 532 Boulder Religious Conference 535 Film Rental Libraries Meeting 536 NAVA Meeting in Review 540 AV in Canada: Saskatchewan Fred Holliday 543 AV at West Point Capt. John B. Keeley DEPARTMENTS AND FEATURES 519 The Authors The Cover Scene AV Industry News News Filmstrips Irene Cypher Film Evaluations L. C. Larson, Carolyn Guss AV in the Church Field William S. Hochman Audio Max U. Bildersee 558 Trade Directory for the AV Field 559 New Equipment and Materials 565 Helpful Books 566 Directory of Sources 567 Index to Advertisers 519 522 528 548 550 553 555 ATIONAL %"». I AXrON OF Founded in 1922 by Nalion L. Graana BUSINESS «c EDITORIAL ADDRESS: EDUCATIONAL SCREEN & AUDIO-VISUAL GUIDE. Znnn Lincoln Park West BIdg.. Chicago 14, Illinois. Contents indexed in the Wilson Educational Index. For microfilm volumes, write University Microfilms. Ann Arbor. Michigan. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE lU. S. currency or equivalent It Domestic — S4 one year. S6.50 two years. S8 three years. Canadian and PanAmerican — 50 cents extra per year. Other foreign — $1 extra per year. Single copy — 45 cents. Special August Blue Book issue — Sl.OO. CHANGE OF ADDRESS should be sent Immediately to insure uninterrupted delivery of your magazine. Allow five weeks for change to become effective. EDUCATIONAL SCREEN U AUDIO-VISUAI. GUIDE Is published monthly by Educ«tion«l Screen. Inc. Publication office. Louisville, Kentucky. Business and Editorial Office, 2000 Lincoln Park West Building, Chicago U, Illinois. Printed In the U. S. A. Entered u second-class matter November, 1959, at the post office at Louisville, Kentucky, under the Act of March 3. 1879. ADDRESS ALL MAIL ( Subscriptions. Chant* of Address, Forms 3S791 to: 2000 Lincoln P«rk West BIdg.. Chicago 14. Illinois. Second-cUei postage paid at Louisville, Kentucky. ENTIRE ISSUE COPTBIGHT 19«0 BT THE EDUCATIONAL SCKEBN, INC. DucATiONAL Screen and Audiovisual Guide — October, 1960 519