Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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The Cover Scene EdScreen is pleased to present, this month, a special report on a hot topic: the demonstration of the use of airborne television transmittal for educational purposes. The first actual 'in use' testing begins this month, and evaluation— both official and private (which we will no doubt begin hearing immediately)— will be under way. The three articles we carry this (nonth on MPATI have the objective rf presenting the facts on a still-verylew topic. We will welcome comments uid opinions, but for more informaion on the program will refer quesdoners to the headquarters of the opsration at Purdue University. On the cover this month. Grove A'ebster of Purdue, a member of the eohnical staff of the program, peers lown the interior of one of the four(Qgine aircraft which will carry the rV transmitting equipment. EDUCATIONAL SCREEN & AVGUIDE EDITORIAL STAFF *Ut C. REED, Editor. JAMES R. CUMMINGS, Mon;lng Editor. WILLIAM S. HOCKMAN, Editor for the lurch Field. I. C. LARSON and CAROLYN GUSS Hlori tor Film Evaluotloni. MAX U. BILDERSEe' liter for the Audio Field. IRENE F. CYPHER, editor f the New Filmitripi. PHILLIP LEWIS, Technlcol liter. WILLIAM F. KRUSE, Trode and Public r" lion. Coniultont. IRENE THORSON, Editorial ■(ittont. BUSINESS STAFF S. GILLEFTE, Publisher. MARIE C. GREENE. »S^ RUTH M. lEWIN, A.iociato Publisher.. ThtA h! JWDEN, Business Manager, OLIVE R TRACY reulotion Monoger, PATRICK A. PHILIPPI, Oroitlon Promotion. WILMA WIDDICOMBE, Adrering Monoger. Advartising Repr«smtatlvs< RS. RUTH M. LEWIN, 10 Broinord Rood, Summit N. J. (Crestview 3-3042) IlllAM F. KRUSE, 2000 Lincoln Pork West BIdg. Chlcogo 14, III. (Bittersweet 8-S313) EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD .MES W. BROWN, School of Education, Son Jose Stoto College, Colifornlo 'GAR DALE, Head, Curriculum Division, Bureau of Educational Research, Ohio State University. Columbus \0 DE BERNARDIS, Assistant Superintendent, Portland, Oregon, Public Schools kRGARET W. DIVIZIA, Supervisor In Charge, Audio-Visool Education Section, Los Angeles aty School., Lo. Angele., California H. DURR, Supervisor, Bureau of Teaching MoJeriols, State Board of Educotion, Richmond, Virginia ARIES F. HOBAN, Institute for Cooperative Reseoreh. University of Pennsylvonlo, Philodelphio ■'^r>,^' .■!?'^^*' E««'utivo Secretary, Educationol film library Association, New York City EDGAR LANE, supervisor. Instructional Materials Department, Board of Public Instruction, Dade County, Florida DEAN McClUSKY, Professor Emeritus, University of Coiifornio, P. O. Box 446, Nice, Calif. :RIEY REID U. S. Office of Educotion, National Defense Education Act, Washington *ltLES F. SCHULIER. Director, Center, Michigan State College, Eost Lansing, Michigan •lEST TIEMANN. Director, Visual Instruction Bureau, Associate Professor, Division of Extension, The University of Texas, Austin "^.^."'w^ E'""':"''''* Vice President, Notionol Audio-Visual Association, Fairfax, Virginia EDUCATIONAL SCREEN AND ^J' ''i^'ii^l. AUDIOVISUAL GUIDE Januoi^, 1961 Volume 40, Number 1, Whole Number 393 EDITORIAL 12 Electronic Space Dividers SPECIAL FEATURE An Exciting Experiment in Education 15 The Midwest Program on Airborne Television Instruction Bryghte D. Godbold 18 Economics of the Midwest Program 21 Math, Music, Art, Science . . . ARTICLES 13 NDEA At Midpoint Seerley Reid 25 Teaching Machines: A Primer Fred M. Neumiann NEWS REPORT 11 EFLA Regional Meetings DEPARTMENTS AND FEATURES 3 6 10 28 31 35 38 40 41 43 49 50 51 Cover Scene News Letters Film Evaluations L. C. Larson, Carolyn Guss Filmstrips Irene F. Cypher Audio Max U. Bildersee AV in the Church Field William S. Hockman Trade Directory New Equipment and Materials AV Industry News Helpful Books Directory of Sources Index to Advertisers -«■•■•. IDUCATIONAL I E SS iSOCI ATION OF "AMERICA Founded in 1933 by Nalion L. GrMn* BUSINESS & EDITORIAL ADDRESS: EDUS^JI'JS^'^ SCREEN & AiroiO-VlSUAL GUIDE, 2000 Lincoln Park West Bldg Chl?2^° ^*i. lUinois. Contents Indexed in the Wilson Educational Index. For microfilm volumes, write University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE (U. S currency or equivalent) : Domestic— $4 one year, $8.50 two years S8 three years. Canadian and PanAmerican— 50 cents extra per year. Other foreign— $1 extra per year. Single copy— 45 cents. Special August Blue Book issue — $1.00 CHANGE OF ADDRESS should be sent immediately to insure uninterrupted delivery of your magazine. Allow five weeks for change to become effective. MSMlIt |1ATI0«AIJ EDUCATIONAL SCRZEN & AUDIOVISUAL GUIDE is published monthly by Educational Screen, Inc. Publication office. LoulsvlUe, Kentucky. Business and Editorial Office, 2000 Lincoln Park West Building, Chicago 14. Illinois. Printed In the U. S. A. Entered as second-class matter November, 1SS9. at the post office at Louisville, Kentucky, under the Act of March 3, 1879. ADDRESS ALL MAIL (Subscriptions, Chang* of Address, Forms 3879) to: 2000 Lincoln Park West Bldg.. Chicago 14. Illinois. Second-clan postage paid at Louisville, Kentucky. ENTIBE ISSUE COPTBIOBT 1»M BT THE EDUCATIONAL 8CKEEN, INC. UCATIONAL Screen and Audiovisual Guide— January, 1961