Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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{rarliing Into Space" is an InternationFilm Bureau release. It is reviewed I page 438. lie Rabbit that Runs on Snowshoes mp HILFIK lOmin col $100 b&w $50. Annual cycle of the Varying Hare, who, as winter comes, changes his coat from brown to white and grows over-size "snowshoes" on his huge hind feet. As spring comes these are shed and he changes back to his summer coat of brown. Pri-JH )cket Propulsion Demonstrator uses COj cartridges to propel counterweighted crossbar. $21.50 CENCO. ience Adventures — Astronomy 4fs FH col set $20 ea $5. Titles: Sun— Planets —Moon — Stars. Captioned. Teachers guide. Emphasis on photography, spectroscopy, radio astronomy. Int. ience Adventures — Magnetism and electricity. 4fs FH col captioned guide set $20 ea $5. Titles: Magnetism; The Nature of Electricity; Chemical Energy and Electricity; Mechanical Energy and Electricity. Int. ience Adventures — ^Weather 4fs FH ol. set $20 ea $5. Effect of air pressure, wind and moisture; how to inerpret weather reports. El. ence Experiments in tlie Grade Schools kit LaPINE manual and 45 iemonstration items in wooden cabilet $39.95. ience Lab 3 kits MODELS 200 items !or 80 activities in 9 subject areas, starting with primary grades. $80. Dot-yourself materials, requiring no imning water, gas or electricity. Each tit (9y4xl6%x4V4 inches), packed »parately; three correlated hand>ooks. Pri El JH ience Model Kits SCIMAT complete rtth all parts and instruction books. idence of Photography, includes 'Optibox" camera model and devices or 45 experiments with light. 72p and 2p illust. books. $19.95 Automat kit, mechanics, gear reductions) $39.95. Itra-Violet Science Lab kit $16.95. _te-Electricity Physics kit $5.95. >ynatron kit on basic electronics 119.95. JH SH The Science of Fire mp NBFU 20min col loan. Principles of combustion, flash points, ignition temperature, vapor travel, methods of preventing and extinguishing fires. SH C A 34 Science of the Sea mp IFB 19min col apply. Oceanic influences on our daily lives. Produced by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. SH C A The Science of Sound rec BELTEL 90 min 2 LP microgroove. Demonstrates 19 different acoustic phenomena with narration writen by Bell Telephone Laboratory scientists. SH C The Science of Sound rec FOLKWAYS Two 12"LP $11.90. A Bell Telephone Laboratories production, written and directed by Bruce E. Strasser. Demonstrates extensive arrangement of acoustic phenomena and principles. Basic teaching tool. SH C ScientUic Method In Action mp IFB 19 min col $195. From Galileo to Dr. Jonas E. Salk; the six-step sequence is applied in the discovery and testing of the polio vaccine. General applicability of the scientific methods. JH "H C Simple Machines: The Inclined Plane Family mp EBF llmin col $120 b&w $60. The concept of work is explained in terms of force and distance; principles of the inclined plane; applications in the wedge and the screw. Int Solar Power Demonstration Kit includes 12 silicon solar cells, a small motor (flashlight battery powered) that drives a propeller. $18.25. CENCO. The Space Age 9fs EYEGATE col $25 Titles range from Pioneers of Space to Stations on the Moon. Int JH Space and the Atom lOfs EBF col set $60 ea $6. Adapted from the Walt Disney motion pictures showing man's flight into space. Reviewed ESAVG 11/59. JH SH The Story of the Universe (series) 6fs FILMSED si col set (6) $36; indiv $7.50. Unit 1: Introduction to Modem Astronomy and the Age of Space. Heviewed ESAVG 6/59. SH A Study of Crystals mp JOURNAL 17 min col $180. Dr. Walter McCrone demonstrates fusion methods in chemical research; crystals grow in strikingly beautiful formations under microscope. SH C Teaching Science in the Elementary School 4fs LONG col. Titles: ITie World Is So Full of a Number of Things (K); AH About MUk (Pri); Science in the Magic Story of Water (Int). WIN WITH FILM ASSOCIATES OF CALIFORNIA FILMS We have won Blue Ribbons for classroom films at the American Film Festival 3 years in a row! 1959 ELEMENTARY SCIENCE CATEGORY EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANOES 1960 ELEMENTARY SCIENCE CATEGORY ROCKETS: PRINCIPLES AND SAFETY 1961 ELEMENTARY SCIENCE CATEGORY WHAT'S UNDER THE OCEAN.' GRAPHIC ARTS CATEGORY DISCOVERING COLOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE CATEGORY LOS TRES OSOS To previev/ these American Film Festival Blue Ribbon films v/rite to ^^ FILM ASSOCIATES OF CALIFORNIA 11014 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles 25, California