Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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Market of the Sixties sfs LIFE 157 fr LP col 22min. $7.50. Visual projection of economic data, by editors of FORTUNE magazine. SH C A Money at Work In the Steel Industry fs captioned free to schools. Where money comes from for research and plant expansion. SH C Our Growing America fs JCEDEC col $15. Reasons for growth of the American economic system, and factors which make for instability. SH C A Personal Financial Planning mp SUTHERLAND llmin col $120 b&w $60. Gross and disposable income is analyzed; importance of planning, saving, record keeping; installment buying and budgeting. SH A Personal Money Management mp ABA 13min b&w apply. Local banlier advises young family with small daughter and teen-age son. JH-A A Practical System of Investment Analysis fs MAPI lOOfr col $20 ($15 to members). Training film for investment advisers on matters of new plant and equipment. C A The Role of the Commercial Banking System in the American Economy JCEDEC Sfs $7 or free from member banks. Titles; The Evolution of Money and Banking; Using Your Bank — Bank Services; Banking and the Economy. SH C A The Role of the Federal Reserve System in the American Economy fs JCEDEC 126fr from District Federal Reserve Banks. I: Demand for credit; II; flow of savings into credit market; III; effect of Federal Reserve System policies. SH C A The Skilled Worker mp AFL-CIO 30min b&w r$3. Elderly machinists troubled over disregard of his life-long skills in transfer to an assembly line job. SH C A The Treasure of Toquepala mp ANECFD 18min col $122.50. Mineral resources of Peru developed by foreign capital and native labor, an example of international cooperation truly helpful. SH C A 29's Boom and 30's Depression mp MH 14min b&w $85. The American business cycle and legislative measures to mitigate its effects. SH C A LEARNING CREATIVE ARTS-NATURE STUDY 6 Filmstrips and LP — $36.50 Box 397, Sierra Madre, California IjUUJV Voice of the Forest mp USDA 27%min col apply. An impressionable boy at summer camp imagines the forest talks to him — and is aghast when he realizes that his new-found friend could be destroyed by a carelessly set fire. El— A What We Have mp AMECFD 15min b&w $50.02. Dominant role of the consumer, freedom to choose, produce, save and profit from investment. "Money is worth only what it will buy at the time it is spent." El JH SH A The Wise Use of Credit mp SUTHERLAND llmin col $120 b&w $60. Types of consumer credit, credit costs, what amount of credit a family can afford, economic role of discretionary income. SH C A Workers for the Public Welfare 9fs EYEGATE col set $30. Police, fire, health, sanitation, postal, social service, transportation, park and recreation workers are shown. Elem. SOCIAL STUDIES Geography, Travel Adventure at Harrison Creek mp FILMRES 20min col $200. Contemporary encampment of 30 Ojibway Indians in northernmost Minnesota. Wild rice harvest, canoe logistics, historic fur trade, ceremonial feast. JH SH C A Africa 3 slides KEYSTONE VIEW ZViX 4" col ea $2.10. Titles of these new slides; Africa Before World War I; Africa Before World War 11; Africa Today. El-A Alaska and Its Natural Resources mp BURMINES col loan. History, traditions, industries, agriculture, recreation. National Monuments. Sponsored by Richfield Oil Corp. JH SH A Alaska — *9th State fs LIFE col $6. From frozen tundra to Matanuska valley. JH SH Alaska: U.S.A. mp BAILEY 19min col $200 b&w $110. Geography, history, resources, natural beauties, development. El-A Ancient Cities of the East mp AV-ED 20min col $200. Beirut, Damascus, Istanbul, Cairo, Athens. Documentation of historical landmarks. JH SH A Atlantic Region (Canada series) 3fs STANBOW col set $13.25 indiv @ $5. Titles; From the Sea; From the Rivers and Mines; Deep Sea Fishing. JH Australia Today mp IFB 22min col $225. Completely new film replaces earlier version under same title; 15% credit applies on exchange. Modernity of Sydney contrasted with backcountry areas; importance of aviation, scientific production methods and mechanization. JH SH C A Australian Week-End mp ANIB llmin col $85 r$2..50. How Folks "down under" relax. JH A Bermuda si MESTON col 71 packets of 4 slides each. Nassau In the Bahamas 11 packets. The Bible Lands mp IDEAL 27min col $101.65 r$2.50, Travelogue covering Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Iran. Emphasizes Christian points oi interests in Arab world. Sponsored by American World Airways. JH SH A Britain mp AV-ED lOmin col $100. Fron London through England and Wales to Edinburgh; highland folk gathering. JH SH A California and Its Natural Resources mp USBM 30min col loan. Contributior of mineral and energy resources tc industrial and economic progress Mining, irrigtion, oil, farming, forestry— also vacation land. Sponsor, Richfield Oil Corp. Elem -A Canberra Today and Tomorrow mj ANIB lOmin col $85 rS2.50. Develop ment of Australia's national capital JH A Ceylon, the Resplendent Land mp AV ED lOmin col $125. Geography, peopl — caste and class, Buddhist celebra tion, Kandyan dance, harvesting th cocoanut palm, exports, primitive ir dustry. El JH SH A A Child of Hawaii mp JOURNAL 14 j min col $150 b&w $75. Theo Susi Mago and his sister Sharon tell i j their own Hawaiian way about tl home and school life of the Island and about what they have learned i their own schools about their nati\ land. Pri Int The Desert Sfs DOWLING 30-S5fr c set $13.50 ea $5. Titles: Desert Anim Life; . . . Plant life; . . . Rocks ar Minerals. El JH An Egyptian Village mp FA 17min c $200 b&w $110. Lite and work farmer and his family, arrangemer for a wedding, isolation, religio traditions. Int. JH SH European Lands 5fs JAM col $26.25 $5.75 Titles; The Netherlands, De mark, Belgium, Switzerland, Austr Int. European Travel (series) Bmp MO ERN loan col. Titles; The MaCharm of Austria's Wanderland ( min) ; The Fabulous Mystery of M^ em Turkey (13min); Vacation White (15min); The Red Devils > Kitzbuehel (27min) ; Rendezvous W» Europe (45min); Time Flies (27mi Operation Hamburg (12min); Vf come Aboard (29min). Sponsored Lufthansa German Airlines. JH-A FniirATinivii. SrRFFJV Aivn AlJUIOVISUAL GuiDE — AUGUST. 1^