Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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United Nations 6fs STANBOW b&w ea $3. Titles: The U.N. and Refugees; The International Court of Justice; The Security Council of the U.N.; The International Trusteeship S y s te m; Economic Development in Central America. Also, in color, $5, The General Assembly of the U.N. JH SH C A Voting Procedure mp AFL-CIO 14min b&w r $2.50. Registering, voting straight or split. Indiana Univ. production JH SH A Blitzkrieg! rec COLREC 12" LP $4.98. Walter Cronkite narrates chapter from World War II. The voices of Roosevelt, Churchill, Chamberlain, Hitler and others are recorded. SH C A Boston: Birthplace of Liberty tape & si CRESOC 20 color slides $8.95 tape, 57min 7V4ips dual track $6.20. A sound tour of Boston's freedom trail, voices of guides, incidental sound, portions of services at Old North Church. JH Debt to the Past mo MOODY 21min col $190. A motivational film emphasizing our heritage handed down in language, agriculture, transportation, machinery, science, math, architecture, education, clocks-calendars, astronomy, engineering, metal working, navigation, trade, government and law. moral and spiritual concepts. In preparation are separate 10-min classroom instructional films particularizing this "debt" to Rome, Phoenicia, Greece, Egypt. JH SH C A You Are Tliere — Government Process 3mp MH 27min b&w $135. Selections from the CBS TV series narrated by Walter Cronkite. Titles: The Overthrow of the Tweed Ring; Susan B. Anthony Is Tried for Voting; The Bank Holiday Crisis of 1933. SH C A You Can Win Elections mp AFL-CIO 25min b&w r$3. Four steps essential in door-to-door canvassing for votes. How one person's vote may change an election result. Produced by Roosev e 1 1 University and Independent Voters of Illinois. JH SH A SOCIAL STUDIES History & Anthropology \braham Lincoln's Life Through Postage Stamps sfs H-R $11. The life of the Great Emancipator told via reproductions of commemorative postage stamps, and interesting narration. Evaluated ESAVG 6/59. JH SH \inerica and its Presidents 3 fs IVES col set $15 ea S6. Washington through Tyler; Polk Through Harrison; McKinley through Eisenhower. El. rhe American Revolution rec HEIRLOOM 12" LP $4.95. With teacher notes and pupil pamphlet. Bill Bonyon sings and narrates and Colonists point of view and is answered with vigor by the British counterpart, sung by J. A. Scott. Music by the Mattatuck Drum Band. JH-C "he American Revolution: A Picture History 6fs EBF avSOfr col set $36 ea $6. Titles: Causes of the Revolution; The War from Lexington to Princeton; The Declaration of Independence; The War from Saratoga to Valley Forge; The War at Sea; The War in the South. Picture material is from the magazine "American Heritage." JH SH C A Lmerlcan West (series) 6fs HAESELER col $36 indiv $6.50. Titles: Exploring the Louisiana Purchase and Northwest; Opening the West — -Explorers and Trappers; Oregon Trail and Oregon Country; Santa Fe Trail; Texas; Mexican War, California; Gold RushCalifornia. California Stepping Stones 3rec IiEVENE LP set $17.50. Guide. Ten spisodes in the history of California, adapted from the Robert Kingery Buell book. JH SH TT Charlemagne and His Empire mp CORONET 13Vimin col $137.50 b&w $75. Taken on sites associated with the great Frankish king. His conquests, ties with the Roman Church, system of government, role as preserver of civilization. SH China: Comunism in Asia fs NYTIMES 59fr b&w $2.50. Relations with the Soviet Union, expansion targets, review from birth of Republic to Mao. SH C A The Civil War Sfs EBF avSOfr col set $48 ea $6. Titles: Causes of the Civil War; From Bull Run to Antietam; From Shilo to Vicksburg; The Civil War at Sea; Gettysburg; Sherman's March to the Sea; The Road to Appomatox; The Reconstruction Period. JH SH C A The Dead Sea Scrolls mp FAMILY 16min col r$7.50 b&w r$5. Actual discovery sites, and insights into the lives of the Essenes who lived in the Qumran and Ain Feshka area. Closeup photography of the actual scrolls. Writing materials used by the scribes, site of parchment mcmulacture, continuing work on the discoveries. 1960. JH SH A Distant Journey (Ghetto Tereiln) mp ARTKINO 95min r$45. Terror-stricken life of the Jews in Czechoslovakia under the Hitler regime. Czech dialog, English superimposed titles. SH C A Early Americans 3fs DOWLING b&w set $8 ea $3. Indian Tools (33fr); Indian Com (28fr); The Pioneer Fire Room (30fr). El Early Explorers of North America fltpix AVENT 11x14" study prints set (8 col 8 b&w) $15. All original paintings and drawings by Robt. C. Clark, staff artist, L.A. County Museum. Elem JH Early West 3fs DOWLING b&w set $8 ea $3. Gold Prospecting (33fr); Gold Mining (44fr); Hide Curing (19fr). El The England of Elizabeth mp IFB 26min col $225. English countryside little changed since 16th century, art treasures, early maps, books, and archtecture. SH C A Exploring Ancient Cities mp FAMILY 14min col r$7.50 b&w r$5. Findings of modern Biblical archeology related to places and events told of in the Bible. Locations include Dothan, Jericho (O.T.), Byblos (Gebal), Baalbeck, Petra (Sela), Tyre, Jerash (Gerassa), Gibeon, Qumran, Ain Feshka, Dead Sea Caves. 1960. Reviewed ESAVG 1/61 p38. JH SH A The Face of Red China mp MH 54min b&w $225. Communes, military training, primitive and modem production methods contrasted, urban and village life. CBS television photography, late 1958. Other titles in this "Project 20" series include "Three, Two, One — Zero (Atom bomb) ; Nightmare in Red (Russian Revolution); The Twisted Cross (Hitler) ea 54min b&w $195. SH C A A UNITED NATIONS FILM POWER AMONG MEN "Men build. Men destroy. Survfvfng men build again. Sometimes ffiere fs no survival." Power AMONG MEN is a film that deals with the ideas and purposes of the more than 90 countries that comprise the United Nations. It is a vivid portrayal of man's awesome powers: the power to build; the power to destroy. How has he used these forces in the past? How will he choose to use them in the future? Available in 70 minutes and 4i minutes discussion version, color or block ond whit*. Write for brochure. LOUIS de ROCHEMONT ASSOCIATES FILM LIBRARY 267 West 25lh Street, Dept. ES. New York 1, New York ORegon S-S330 Iducational Screen and Audiovisual Guide — August, 1961 449