Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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Electricity in Our Lives 437 electricity — Principles of Sofety 419 Electromagnets 442 Electronic Loboratory 442 Electronics At Work 442 Electronic Vote Tallying System 448 lementary Science Charts 437 •lementary Science Course 437 rtementary Science Tronsporencies 437 :mily Corr 412 Employees Only . 452 nomeling Art 41 2 n Bretogne 424 n Clasce 424 nergy Does Work 437 nergy ond Its Forms 437 ngineer in a Fur Coat 437 tie Englanti of Elizabeth . . . .449 scope From the Cage 429 stablishing Work Standards in Sampling 414 rernoi Children 429 uropean Lands 444 uropean Travel 444 i^erybody's Wedein 431 /eryday Electricity 442 eryday Life and Language in Germany 424 loltotion . 433 (plaining Matter: Chemical Chonge 442 (plorjng Ancient Cities 449 tploring By Satellite 437 tploring Electromagnetic E««'gy 442 :plering the Ocean 437 ploring World Cultures 445 pressionism 412 po«ure 452 tending Our Senses 437 ! Face of Red China 449 e of the South 452 :es and Fortunes 41 3 ry Tales for the Primary ~rodes 431 ! Foith of Yuan Tcri 433 Family Affair 452 nily Circus 418 nily Financial Independence .414 nily of Free China 445 nily of Ghana 445 nily in Tokyo 445 Off Jingle 433 Federal Reserve Bank ond »« 443 » o' Cloy 433 c« Building, The Modern ^^ 411 Planning 454 Research and Learning ...416 Film and You 416 IS for Classroom Use 455 « for Study of Art and ^«»'< 455 IS for Teochers 455 It on Asia Available in moda 454 Fine Arts 412 in Town 420 S«l»nee 433 Adventures in Space 437 *• E«" 426 Experiments With Air . .438 Monned Space Flight From >p« Canoveral 45O lf«or French 424 ond Their CharcKteristics ..441 Films of Worship 433 Little Pups 431 $t»pt to the Jets ...421 For a Closer Walk With God . 433 Folk Music of the Newport Folk Festival 430 Folk Songs of American History .430 Follow Me, Girls 414 Food for Freddy 420 A Foreign Lemguage 424 Foreign Language Newsreels . . .424 The Forest 443 Formulas in Mathematics 428 Forms of Music — Instrumentol ..430 For White Christians Only 452 The 4-H Leader 41 1 Fractions: Finding the Contmon Denominotor 428 French and Spanish Folk Songs .424 French for Beginners 424 French for Children 424 French-produced Geography Films 424 French Songs 424 Friction and Its Effects 438 The Friendly Beasts 433 Frightened Child 429 Frog Heartbeat 441 From Flax to Linen 445 From the Four Corners 412 From Krishna to Christ 433 From Seed to Grain 441 Fundamentals of Badminton ...431 Fundamentals of Science 438 Fundamentals of Volleyball ... .431 .445 Paul Gaugin 412 Ge-Mon — The Birch Canoe . . . .421 The Genuine You 433 Geography Slides 445 Geogrophy of South America: Brazil 445 Geography of South America: Countries of the Andes 445 Geography of South America: Argentina, Paraguoy, Peru . . .445 Geological Work of Ace 438 George Washington: Frontier Colonel 450 Geo-Physical Relief Work Globe 445 German Farm Town 424 Germany: A Family of the Industrial Ruhr 445 Germany Today 450 Germfree Animols in Medical Science 441 Getting Acquainted with the Microscope 455 Getting to Know the Bible Better 433 Getting to Know God 433 The Ghetto Pillow 443 The Gift 433 The Gift 433 The Gifted Ones 416 Girl Scout Filmstrips 418 GlcKiers 445 Globes: Their Function in the Clossroom 41 6 The Glory of the Lord 433 God's Wonders in Growing Things 433 The Golden Froit , .445 Golden Link 414 The Golden Years 452 Good Grooming 420 Good Looks 420 Good News to All People 433 Good Riddance 429 Gravity: How It Affects Us ....438 The Great Challenge 433 The Greater Guilt 433 The Great Holiday Massacre . .420 Great Lakes — St. Lawrence Lowlands 445 Great Stories From the Book of Acts 433 Growth of a Language 425 The Guardians 419 Guatemala, Land of Looms .445 Guatemala, Nation of Central America 445 Guide to Canberra 445 Gypsy Moth 441 H Harvest of Shame 450 Hawoiian Islands 445 Hawaii — 50th State 445 Hawaii's History 450 Heolth is Their Business 428 Heart of a City 443 Heart of the Union 416 The Heart That Sings 433 Heat 442 Heat and Its Behavior 438 Hebrew Melodies in Popular Dance Time 430 Heidelberg 425 Helen Tamaris — Negro Spirituals 412 Herd Recording and Improvement 41 1 Heredity 44J High Country Holiday 431 High School Guidance 416 The Highlands of Scotlcmd ....445 History of Audiovisual Instruction 41^ Hold High the Torch 431 Holidays in Israel 445 The Holly ond (he Boy 430 Holy God We Praise Thy Name 433 The Hook 433 Hopi Kachinos 450 Horticulture 41 1 The House of Rothchild 450 Household of Faith 434 Howard 413 How Can We Find Out? 416 How Do You Drive? 42O How Good Is a Good Guy? . . .414 How Our Bible Came to Us . . .434 How Sunshine Helps Us 438 How To Buy Fish 421 How To Conduct a Meeting ...426 How To Enlist Sunday School Workers 434 How To Have an Accident at Work 420 How To Keep What We Have . .443 How To Lose Whert We Have . . .443 How To Play Hockey 431 How To Remember Names and Faces 414 How To Stay Alive on the Highway 420 How To Visit 434 How We Elect Our Presidents ..448 How We Got Whot We Have . . .443 How We Know the Earth's Shape 438 Human Body: The Respiratory System 441 Humonism — Victory of the Spirit 412 Hungarian National Ballet Company 430 Hymns of the Christian Fiath ..430 lei On Parle Francais 425 < Do 434 I live in Hawaii 445 Imperialism and European Expansion 450 Improve Your Study Hobits . . .418 Inougurotion of John F. Kennedy 44s The Incas 445 Incineration 428 Indian Hunters 443 Indian Rock Paintings 412 Indian Summer 452 Industries 421 Infectious Diseases and Manmode Defenses 420 Infectious Diseases and Natural Body Defenses 420 The Influential Americans 416 In Search of Lincoln 450 In Such a Time 434 Insect Mounting and Preserving 441 Instructional Study Prints 431 Instructions or Obstructions 414 Instructional Materiols for Agricultural Education 411 Insurance Agent Training 414 The Integration Issue 452 Intermediate Algebra 428 Introduction to Animal Dissection 441 An Introduction to Rubber . . . .421 An Introduction to Reaction Kinetrics 442 Introduction to the Stanford Binet Test of Intelligence ...416 Introduction to Tissue Culture Techniques 428 Introductory Calculus 428 Invisible Guardian 420 I'on 445 Israel 445 Israel My Country 445 In Israel Todoy 430 Is God Responsible for Accidents? 434 It's Your Decision 443 It's Your Move 421 It's Wonderful Being a Girl . . . .420 Jerusalem, The Sacred City .434 Jesus Begins His Work 434 Joe and Roxy 418 Johannon Ben Zakkal 434 Journey into Time 441 Journey to Nazoreth 434 Journeys in Health Joy To the World 434 Juan y Maria 425 Jupiter Saturn and Mars in Motion 438 The King's Hunchback 434 The Kitchen Keyboard 42I The Konrads 431 Korochan, The Little Bear ....431 Kryffo 450 tcATioNAL Screen and Audiovisual Guide— August, 1961 The Laboratory Animal Technician 428 Lobor-Monagement Relations ...452 Labor's Witness 448 La Famille Francaise Brunei ...425 La Famille Travaille Ensemble. .425 La Ferme — les Petlts des Animoux 425 Land, and a Space To Grow . . .443 457