Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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The Quality of a Notion 495 A Question of Choirs 462 Radiation 466 Radiation in Biology: Introduction 486 Roised Reli«f Maps 498 Ratio and Proportion In Mathematics 474 The REA Story 493 Reaching for the Stors 488 Reaching Into Space 488 Reading Improvement 462 Ready . . . Wrestle! 477 The Real West 495 The Rebel 487 The Rebel 481 Rebellion In Upper Canada . .495 Refinery ot Work 469 Religions in India 462 Rendezvous 90° South 498 The Republic of Indonesia ....499 The Restless Plains 501 Return to the River 499 Reverence 482 The Rock of Gibraltar 499 Rocky Mountains: A Geographic Region 499 Rome Eternal 482 The Roots 463 A Rose for You 468 Roughnecks 469 Roumanian Cartoons 459 Roundup 486 Runways in the Wild 493 Russia in Europe 499 Russian Phonetic Tables 470 SAC Combot Competition 457 The Sacrc»nents 482 Safety in the Chemical Loborcrtory 466 Sago of Safety Semi 466 Saludos Amigos 470 A Salute to the American Theotre 459 Solvage Job 482 Carl Sandburg at Gettysburg . .495 Carl Sandburg Discusses His Work 473 Carl Sondburg Discusses Lincoln 495 Saw Thu Finds the Lost Book . .482 Scanning the Universe 488 School Language Programs . . . .471 Science Demonstration Kits . . . .492 Science Demonstration Kits . . . .488 Science for Elementory Grades -488 Science for the Space Age 488 Science of Light 489 The Science of the Universe . . .489 Science on Records 486 The Scouler Ccue 475 Scouting Report 477 The Scribbling Kitten 478 The Sea 489 Seoport 469 The Second Clossroom 462 See It and Believe It 478 Segmentation — The Annelid Worms 486 Selecting on Achievement Test 462 Self-Study Courses — Russian ..471 Semi -Conductors I A II 492 Sentences That Ask and Tell ..472 Serenol 459 Set of 100 United Notions Flogs 499 The Seven Arts 458 Seven Fables of Lo Fontaine . .471 Seven Roman Artists ot Work 458 Sewing 468 Shadows of Doubt 482 Complete Ploys of Shokespeare 473 Shakespeare's Theotre 459 Shop Town 501 A Short History 489 Short Term Visuol Memory ..462 Shotgun Shooting cmd How . . . .477 Should I Marry Outside My Faith? 482 Show and Tell World Travel . .499 Sierra Leone Story .495 The Silent Witness 466 Silicon ond its Compounds . . .489 Silk Makers of Jopon 499 Simple Demonstrations With Air 489 Simple Demonstrations with Magnetism 489 Simple Demonstrotions with Static Electricity 489 Simple Demonstrotions With Water 489 The Sinew-Backed Bow and its Arrows 495 Sing a Song With Guin and All America 476 Sing ond Learn 474 The Single-Celled Animals — Protoioo 486 Six Brave Men 463 The 16mm Projector 462 The Sixth Wheel 466 Ski School 477 The Sky 489 Slow OS in Sloth 486 Smoke In the Hollow 466 Sociol Insects — The Honeybee 486 The Soil and Life 490 Son of a Stronger 482 Songs of the Auvergne 476 Songs of the North and South 476 Sound 492 Sounds Fomilior 492 Source of the Light 482 South Americon Missions 482 The Soviet Union Todoy 499 Space and Space Travel ..... .490 Space and Space Travel 490 Spoce Orbits 490 Space Scientist 492 Space Spraying of Insecticides 456 Space Vehicles — Today and Tomorrow 490 Spain in the New World: Colonial Life in Mexico ....496 Sponish Enriches the Elementary Curriculum 462 Spanish Language Editions . . . .471 Spanner in the Works 466 Spelling 472 Spelling for Beginners ....... .472 Sports 477 Spring Brings Changes 490 A Stained Gloss Repository ....458 Star Charts 490 Stors 490 State Opening of Parliament . . .493 The Steam Engine: How It Works 469 The Stecvn Engine: How it Works 490 Steno Speed 459 Stenospeed 459 Stewart the Steword 482 Stinging-Celled Animals— Coelenterotes .486 Stories from the Old Testoment 482 Stories of Yesterdoy's World — America 499 Stories of Yesterday's World — Europe 499 Story in Sand 499 Story of o Book 459 The Story of Christian Science 482 The Story of Handel's Messiah ,482 The Story of Maloya ond Notural Rubber 499 The Story of Moses 482 The Strange Case of the Cosmic Roys 490 Richard Strauss: Ein Helden leben 476 Student Companion Records . . . .476 Suburbon Living: Six Solutions 501 Succession— From Sand Dune to Forest 486 The Sun's Energy 490 The Supply Manager's Dilemma 457 Surrealism 458 Survival Stresses 466 Swedish Feature Films 464 Symphonic Suites 476 Tochist-O-Filmstrips 474 Take Time for Your Teeth . . . .466 Jecm Talon 496 The Tope Recorder: An effective TecKhing Instrument 463 Target Jindivik 457 Taste ond Genius in the Arts .458 Teaching in the Nursery 482 Teaching time Relationships in the Elementary Schools . . .462 Teahouse by on Indian Rood . .482 Teenage Christmas 482 Teen-Age Cruscrde of Films ...482 Teenage Marrioge 482 Television Comet lo the Land .462 The Temperote Deciduous Forest 486 10 Steps To Increosed Reading Copocity 460 Tennis by Controst 477 Texas in New York 462 Thanksgiving for King 478 Therapeutic Comping 475 The Thin Mem 486 The Thinking Machine 462 30,000 Color Slides 457 This Is Coffee 468 This is my Heritage 482 This is Louisiono 499 This is Tanganyika 499 This Town Sure Has Changed 501 Three of Our Childrsn 466 Three R's in the Sand 462 Through the Looking Gloss . . .468 Tide Pool Life 486 Paul J. Tillich 482 A Time for Talent 462 To Be As One 501 To Keep Them Well 467 To the Ends of the Earth 499 Toccota for Top Trains 464 Leo Tolstoy 473 Tom, Dick, ond Horriet 464 A Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy ..496 Tournament of Roses 1961 ...476 Toword a Cleor Complexion . .468 Town ond Country Cousins ....482 Arnold Toynbee 496 Trails for Tomorrow 482 Transonic Flight 469 Transparent Celestial Globe . .499 Transparent Geometric Solids . .474 frovel 499 Treasures in Snow 490 Trees — Our Plant Giants 486 Trigonometry 474 Trigonometry ot Work 474 Trip Through the Black Forest .499 Trip to Brasilio 482 A Trip to the Moon 459 A Trip With UNICEF 493 The Tropicol Roin Forest ....499 The Tropical Rain Forest 486 The True Story of Robinson Crusoe 473 The Truman Years 493 Tugboats ond Horfoors 469 Tumonu's People 500 Tunnels to Tomorrow 45/ Turkey Builds for the Future ..500 Turkey: Istonbul and Vicinity ..500 Turkish Cities: Istanbul and Izmir 500 Turn the Wheel West 500 Mark Twoin's America 473 Visitemos a Puerto Rico 471 Vivo! The Gollont Fort 49< Vocational Guidance 483 The Voice Beneath the Sun . . . .469 Voice of the Deep 482 The Voice of Your Business . . . .46C U Ukiyo-E (Prints of Japan) ...459 Ulcer ot Work 467 The Ultimate Weapon — The Minds of Free Men 457 The Umbrella 475 Un Pueblo De Espanc 471 Uno Estoncio en los Pompos Argentinos 471 The Unchained Goddess 490 Under the Block Mask 496 Understanding Fractions 474 Understanding Growth cmd Change 462 Understanding the Sentence . . .472 UNESCO and Education 462 United Nations — 1961 493 Universe 490 University 462 University Glee Clubs 476 Unseen Enemies 501 Jronium 469 Use of Anticoagulants in Rodent Control 475 Use of Fire in Slosh Disposol . .467 Vocont Lot 466 Vondenberg-AerosptK* Air Force Bose 457 Variations on on Itolion Theme 500 Velocity ond Acceleration ....490 Veseloyo Azbuko 471 Village of Spoln 500 A Visit with Doirus Milhaud . .476 V/ Wally Wins His Wings 477 Wanted: Ptont Pest Detectives 49(] War for Independence 496 The Water Fomine 493 Water in the Weather 49C Wottsie 462 Ways to Leorn 464 We Leorn to Speak French and Sponish in Elementary School 471 We Use Power 478 We've o Story to Tell 482 Weolher: Understanding Precipitation 490 Weother: Understonding Storms 490 Weather: Why It Chonges .. .490 West Germony Moves Forward 500 Western Europe 500 Westward Migration 496 The Westwcrrd Movement fl .496 Whot Are the Stors Mode Of? . . 490 What Direction? 482 What First? 482 What Is o Bird? 486 What Is a Pointing? 459 Whot Is a Reptile? 486 What's Alive? 486 What Is on Amphibion? 486 What is Ecology? 486 Whert's Important? 482 What's In Food 468 Whot's Left? 482 Whot Mokes o Woman 460 Whot Mokes It Go? 490 What You Ought To Wont ... 483 Whot You Should Know Before You Buy o Home 468 When the Mountains Move ... 462 When the Wise Man Appeored 483 Which Way Is North? 5OO Why Do People Drink (or Abstain)? ^.483 Why Eat Our Vegetables? 467 Why the Sky Is Blue 490 Wilderness Encampment 477 Wildflowers of California . . . 486 Wiley Works 459 The Will of Augusta Nosh . ...483 The Wind ond the River 500 Windows of the Soul 483 Wings to the Word 483 Winter Olympics 477 Wisdom Series II 496 The Woman Who Played God 483 Woody Woodchuck's Future . . 478 Work, Time ond Power 490 The World of Micro-Life 486 A World on Fire 483 World Travel Slides 500 "Worms" to Wings 486 Wrestling 464 Writing a Report 472 X-15 Xmas Journey .490 Yole Series of Recorded Poets .473 You ond Mochines 490 You and Your LIbrory ........ 472 You Are Not Alone 475 You Are Whot You Eot 467 You Con Go o Long WoyI ... 465 You Con Moke Music 476 Your Coreer In 465 Yugoslavia 500 Zoo Adventure 478 Zoo Animals Study Prints . . . .486< 506 Educational Screen and Audiovisual Guide — August, 1962