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Down to Earth, mp, 13 min, color. Explains how the re-entiy problem of space vehicles was solved to prevent them from burning up upon return to the earth's atmosphere. (Modern Talking Pictures) gr. 10-12, col.
Exploring the Edge of Space, mp, 19 min, color. Presents the work being done in space exploration by manned and unmanned balloons. (Educ. Testing Service) gr. 7-12.
Galileo, mp, 14 min, color and b&w. Presents Galileo as the father of modern observational astronomy; portrays his break with Aristotelian tradition; and indicates the resulting conflicts with authority. (Coronet) gr. 7-12.
How We Explore Space, mp, 17 min, color. Shows how the reflecting telescope and its camera, spectrascope, and photocell attachments are used to explore the land forms, temperature, and atmosphere of space bodies. ( Film Assoc, of Calif. ) gr. 7-12, col.
Inquisitive Giant, mp, 28 min, b&w. Describes the operation of the radio telescope at Jodrell Bank, England, designed to reveal new information about the heavens and clarify existing concepts of space. (Contemporary Films) gr. 10-12, col.
Measuring Large Distances, mp, 30 min, b&w. Portrays methods of determining the distance across a river, of a satellite above the earth, between points on the earth, from earth to the moon, from earth to the sun, and from the earth to a star. (PSSC and Modern Learning Aids ) gr. 10-12, col.
Outer Space— The Newest Frontier, is, 46 fr, color. Shows the activity currently underway to explore man's latest frontier and projects possibilities for future exploration. (Eye Gate) gr. 4-9.
Planet Earth: Research by Rockets, mp, 29 min, color. Employs animation and live-action photography to describe ways rockets are used in geophysical research in the upper atmosphere and indicates some of the recent findings from rocket research. (McGraw-Hill) gr. 7-12, col.
Planet Earth: Science in Space, mp, 28 min, color. Indicates through animation and live-action photography the techniques employing satellites in research, the types of data collected, and potential future uses of the satellite as a research tool. (McGraw-Hill) gr. 7-12, col.
Radio Astronomy in Australia, mp, 18 min, color. Illustrates the radio telescopy experiments in Australia in locating radio wave generating regions of the sun, predicting magnetic storms, charting of radio stars by the Mills Cross technique, and in identifying and completing the pattern of the Milky Way spiral nebula. (Australian Net Film Bd. ) gr. col.
Reaching into Space, mp, 14 min, color. Surveys, using animation and live-action photography, the history of man's attempts at flight with emphasis on rockets; and discusses some of the uses of rockets in modem space research. (IFB) gr. 7-12.
Reahn of the Galaxies, mp, 18 min, color. Presents the work of Dr. Allan Sandage, Professor of Astronomy at California Institute of Technology, in his efforts to determine the distance to the galaxy M33 in the constellation of Triangulum; and briefy discusses the nature of the stars, sun, nebulae, and galaxies. (Educ. Testing Service) gr. 7-12.
Space Scientist, mp, 11 min, color. Presents a demonstration of the uses of an inhabited space research laboratory chamber and the research carried on in the chamber. (Neubacher Films) gr. 4-9.
Stars and Star Systems, mp, 15 min, b&w. Describes the universe and locates the Solar System in the Milky Way Galaxy; other galaxies are briefly described and located; several variable stars are shown; and the theory of the expanding universe is highlighted. (EBF) gr. 7-12, col.
Story of Palomar. mp, 39 min, color. Records the building and operation of the 200-inch Hale telescope at the Palomar Observatorv in California. (EBF) gr. 10-12, col.
Tommy Looks at Space, mp, 19 min, b&w. Sui-veys the development of space suits from Wiley Post's suit to that of the U. S. Astronauts in 1960. (Sterling Movies) gr. 10-12.
Wliat Are Stars Made Of? mp, 15 min, color. Explores, using live-action photography, the kind of questions astronomers seek to solve, their methods and tools for finding solutions, and the new questions each investigation raises. (IFB) gr. 7-12.
Edlcational Screen and Audiovisual Guide — September, 1962