Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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filmstrips, which needed to be photographed overseas, be sold for $15.00? No, if you don't have volume sales; Yes, if you do. But which comes first: Low price or volume? Now this is not that chicken-and-egg deal. Here faith, courage, and know-how came first because the price for this package from the A-V Services of the Methodist Board of Missions (475 Riverside Dr., N.Y. 27) was kept low from the start. Thus, thousands of sets went out instead of hundreds. Of course, the quality had to be in the package, and it was. It tells of the outreach of the Methodist church in Southeast Asia. The individual titles are: Adventure In Hong Kong, Taiwan Mission, The Church At Work In Okinawa, and Time For School. In some quarters of the church A-V field wishful thinking and economic illusion have persisted and it is encouraging to see realism and common sense receive their rewards. Outreach To First American Frank Baer (script) and Edmund C. Shaw (photos) teamed up to produce Trails for Tomorrow, a filmstrip designed to interest readers and study groups in the American Indian as he is today. In 86 frames and 20 minutes time we learn a lot, what hzzzz When a very small boy has his hair cut, the clippers make a harsh buzz— a nervous, exciting sound. Yet the same machine gives off only a dull hum when it's used on a man. The unfortunate part is that once you've heard the dull hum, you never get to hear that exciting buzz again. No matter what. Even Audiotape can't record it. Audiotape can (and does) take care of everything else that adds to listening enjoyment. You'll discover this for yourself when you try Audiotape in your music classes. It gives you clarity and range, freedom from noise and distortion and unequaled uniformity, reel after reel. And only Audiotape comes on the easythreading C-slot reel. There are eight types . . . one exactly suited to the next recording you make. For language classes and wherever the spoken word must be reproduced clearly and realistically, try economical Language Arts Recording Tape . . . developed to meet the special needs of today's educators. AUDIO DEVICES INC.. 4<4 Msdison Ave., N. V. 22, N. Y Offices in Los Angeles • Cfiicago • Washington, D. C. it speaks for itself 668 Bacone College is and does, for instance. Here we see Richard West (Indian artist) at work telling the story of his people. Good and useful job. From Baptist Film Library, 152 Madison Ave., New York 16. Write for price. Bible Tape Recordings The Bible is in the public domain. No one can be kept from doing things with, and to, this great literature. Now and then someone sees various Idnds of possibilities in this well-known (?) hterature. Now comes EMC Recordings Corp., 806 East 7th Street, St. Paul 6, Minn., with a library of dramatic tape recordings based on the great stories of the Old Testament." Eleven tapes are announced, covering 22 stories. We can only speak for the one we heard— Rebecca at The Well (Track I) and Jacob Sells Esau's Birthright (Track II). A narrator carries the continuity and the dialogue of the text is spoken as such and with fair dramatic effect. Set out in this manner, these stories tend to reveal their true nature as Semitic religious stories geared to a philosophy and explication of Hebrew history. Available in two speeds— 3% and IV2 ips; information and prices from the producer. U.N. Filmstrips Stanbow Productions, Valhalla, N.Y., will send a list of good and useful filmstrips. I liked Structure for Peace. In good pictures and with captions, it tells of the U.N. at work. The price is $3.00 to religious and educational institutions. Write to Stanbow for fuller descriptions. Martin Luther Filmstrip The 15-minute color filmstrip with recorder commentary, Martin Luther: Great Reformer, can do a fine job helping Juniors, young j)eople and adults better understand the life he led as a boy, the courage with which he faced danger as a man, and the effects on the church of his life and teachings. The art is by Janet SmaUey —and good; the commentary by Paul Kidd— and satisfactory; and the narration by William Woodson— it is clipped and clear. Good and useful filmstrip; recommended. Available from your AV dealer and priced at $10.00 complete. They Said . . . "I learned more from that tenminute filmstrip (he had just seen Educational Screen and Audiovisual Guide — ^November, 1962