Educational Talking UFA Motion Pictures (ca. 1930)

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No. 8 JEWELS OF THE SEA A Study of Coelenterata T he beauty of these underwater scenes will appeal even to those not immediately interested in this branch of the animal kingdom. What seems to be a submarine garden, is disclosed as a group of living animals, seaanemones. We see their leaf-like tentacles catching tiny fish. What seems to be a sea-anemone is shown to be a very peculiar marine worm. A queer object lodged in an aquatic plant moves down the floor of the sea, crosses gracefully before the camera, and reveals itself as a Rosy Feather Starfish. In the last half of the picture there are shown numerous views of jellyfish, including colonial types, and some jellyfish-like Ctenophora. No. 9 PARTNERSHIP UNDER THE SEA A Study of Commensalism T hroughout Nature are numerous examples of animals which find cooperation a wise policy. A homeless Hermit Crab assumes ownership of an empty shell. Dangerous attacks force it to seek additional protection. It searches for a sea-anemone and places it on its shell for camouflage. The next episode is a contrast to this. A tiny crab kills a jellyfish in order to secure a home. Lurking beneath the tentacles of a jellyfish we find a fish seeking protection. Strangest of all is a tiny eel-like fish, shown gliding backwards into a sea-cucumber, from which it will emerge from time to time to search for food. No. 10 THE SILVER SWIMMER A Spider and its Undericater Nest air breathing spider which has learned a secret enabling her to live and raise a family under water ! A bell-like, air-tight nest is built underwater. The spider then projects her abdomen above the surface. A jerk, and she runs down with a bubble of air clinging to her. This she brushes into her nest. When the nest is completely filled with air, she greets her mate — in true spider fashion ! Soon the eggs hatch, but the mother is as ferocious with her young as she has been with her mate. — 5 —