Elephant dance (1937)

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carried away by it. Probably the greatest excitement We celebrate was at the machine shop where a brand new, shining ' liJa circular saw made a particularly splendid thing to bow to. But the happiest man of them all was the dhobi. I had told him he must boil our washing. I upset the whole tradition of washing which had come down in his family and caste for generations. It needed a very extra 'puja'. The new wash boiler was quite hidden under a mass of flowers and heaped with fruit and corn and live chickens and other things to eat. Himself, cross-legged, sat earnestly in the midst of it. It is my sincere sentiment that this custom is a very fine one. I wish we had it ourselves. The Maharajah performs it, too. He performs it in public with great ceremony, worshipping his elephants and horses and carriages and everything that is his. We've got a little elephant boy David picked up Candidates somewhere over in Malabar. He is the most endearing Jor Toomat kid you ever saw. He is supposed to play around the yard, but no, he much prefers hanging around where Daddy is and David, whom he adores, and with me. He is as bright as a dollar: learning something every minute; learning to repeat his part. Yesterday morning he came trotting in, eyes sparkling, with a letter he had written to 'his manager'. This morning it was pictures he had drawn with some crayons David had bought him. And all morning 45