Elephant dance (1937)

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Elephant There was dialogue. And for six weeks through the "°Y whole night, in the penetrating cold misty nights on the banks of the Colne, he worked in nothing but his dhoti (loin-cloth), evidently suffering no cold. Not a sniffle has he had all this winter so far in London. The studio went wild about him. His acting amazed them; they called him a genius. They insured his life for .£50,000 and set their best writer to work Writing for him the story for another film. But in the meantime our own picture through months of work in the studio has steadily been mounting and mounting — soaring — into the realm of 'big' productions. And Sabu must carry it all. Either we have been led by our enthusiasm for the boy into a great mistake, or we shall have judged rightly and Sabu will carry the film to success. The first night, the London premiere, will come. (Yes, Sabu will be there.) And then, as the film unfolds, the miracle must happen — Sabu must capture his audience, and the audience must — or will it? — take the little Indian boy to its heart. 136