Exhibitor's Trade Review (Nov 1924 - Feb 1925)

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She couldn't explain It seemed incredible — Al — whom she had loved and trusted — that he should have so little faith. She was angry and hurt. What if Mr. Gralt had bought her clothes and given her expensive presents — it was purely a business arrangement that was part of their agreement— but that Al should say such a thing — Here is drama— powerful, gripping. The story of a small-town girl — a moth— who was transformed into a dazzling Broadway butterfly and hovered over the flame of the Bright Lights until her wings were singed. A daring photoplay of life behind the footlights and in New York's night clubs. NOW BOOKING Florence Vidor "THE MIRAGE" Clive Brook Adapted from Edgar Selwyn's celebrated drama by C. Gardner Sullivan Member oi> Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, Inc. Will Hays, Pres. RELEASED BY Producers DIstributinq ^corporation; FOREIGN DISTBIBLTTOR W" VOCEL DISTRIBUTING CORE