Exhibitor's Trade Review (Nov 1924 - Feb 1925)

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Page 82 Exhibitors Trade Review 4 TWO-REEL WESTERNS FOR STATES RIGHTS The Hunt A'liller Western Productions, (H. B. Miller president and A. G. Steen, treasurer) will release a series of 26 two reel western productions via the State Right market. Three of the series, "A New Sherift," "The Smoke of a 45" and "A Mad Miner," have already been completed and are on view to buyers at the New York offices of the company, 1650 Broadway. In the cast of the two reel series are such featured playrs as Tom Forman, formerly leading man with Louise Huff : .Clairibel Campbell, leading woman in "Flaming Barriers" and well-known on the legitimate stage through having been with the original "Bluebeard" and "Bab" companies. G. Raymond Nye, long with William Farnum and Theda Bara in Fox Productions, will be the villain of the series. A feature of the entire group will be "Platinum King" an educated high school horse and blue ribbon winner. This horse is owned by a California minister who recently refused $75,000 for the animal. "Judging from many requests and sales for our product," said Mr. Miller in giving this annnouncement to the trade press, "I feel that the two reel westerns will be in great demand in the future. Already we have disposed of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Kentucky. The Pennsylvania and Ohio Film Corp., has secured this territory. State right buyers can be assured of the best in advertising and cooperation with the various trade journals. "MET BY ACCIDENT" The Century Film Corporation reports that Edward I. Luddy, the comedy director, has completed "Her Lucky Leap," a forthcoming Wanda Wiley comedy and is now vv'orking on a new comedy starring the same com.edienne. It is called "Met by Accident," and is liromised as a mirth producer of e.N:ce;jt)onal qualities. Edward Clayton, Joe Bonner and Les Bates are in the cast. It will be one of Aliss Wiley's twelve 1925 releases under fhe Century 4-star Plan. News Reels in Brief Kinograms No. 5051 Jersey City — Twenty -four hurt when trol1 y goes down e 111 Ij .1 11 Ic inent; Philaoeipnia — ■ Penn track team trains outof-doors despite snow; Boston — Steamer Yanitt o n goes aground; Washington — Ambassador J u s serand says farewell to Coolidge; Berlin — Herr von Maltzahn appointed ambassador to America; Chicago — Bring necklace 75,000 years old to Chicago; New York — Silver fox and rabbits at poultry show; Oxford, Eng. — Crews do midwinter rowing; Philadelphia — • Frozen coal melted in monster Turkish bath. Racine, Wis. — ■ New dev i c e prevents crossing accidents; Boston — Winter storm lashes New England. Kinograms No. 5052 New York — Skaters race on Central Park lake; Hollywood — Mary Pickford gets biggest piece of candy; Los Angeles — Bathing beauties appear to open new swimming pool; New York — John _W. Davis and other notables return from Europe; New Haven — Scientists pliotograph total eclipse; New York — Great crowds watch phenomenon; Washington — President and Mrs. Coolidge and W. J. Bryan peep at eclipse; Lakehurst, N. J. — Navy dirigible Los Angeles JUDGE'S CROSSWORD I PUZZLE MOTION PICTURES will bring in all the crossword puzzle fans and will soon have them watching your programs as they watch the newspapers for new brain-teasers. I I Packed with humor and laughs by Judge's great staff of fun-makers. I I ' I To be released one a week. First releases now available at all Educational Exchanges. I Produced by | CROSSWORD FILM COMPANY THE SnCE Of THE PROCKAV Charlie Chase as the millionaire rat trap king condescends to pose for the camera men. A scene from "The Rat's Knuckles," a side-splitting Pathe comedy. sets out to picture drama of the skies; Windsor, Conn. — Smith and Holyoke College girls gather to watch sky; Poughkeepsie — Most remarkable motion pictures ever made of an eclipse showing complete corona with giant telephoto lens. International News No. 11 Above I.iOng Island, N. T. — (By Courtesy Mitchell Field, N. Y.) — Scientists study wondrous sky views of eclipse made aboard airship Los Angeles. 1. By far the most remarkable pictures of eclipse at various stages are obtained by the cameras aboard the giant dirigible. 2. Scientists taking it easy after their epochal voyage. 3. Airplane views obtained by International News. 4. New Haven, Conn. — Observers at Yale obtained exceptionally fine views of the phenomenon by means of specially constructed cameras. 5. Washington, D. C — President and Mrs. Coolidge joined tiie army of eclipse fans. Longmire, Wash. — Rainier's beauties revealed on unique dog-sled ride. Alaska huskies take Tacoma explorers over steep mountain trails. Interesting snapshots from the news of the day — Cliicago, 111. — Night polo proves thrilling sport as Cincinnati beats Chicago in', first inter-city match. 1. New York City — John W. Divis (remember him?) returns with his wife from a vacation abroad entirely recovered from the effects of last November's battle. 2. New York City — M. Emile Daeschner, new Ambassador from •France, arrives to take up his duties in Washington. 3. With his family and G.en. Dumont, military attache, 4. Brooklyn, N. Y. — A Brooklyn papa gets the surprise of his life when the doctor says "Four!" — and here they are. Atlanta, Ga. — Science comes to the aid of injured baboon. Young Mr. Bimbo proves a good patient as doctor sets his broken arm. 1. "Ouch!" 2. A chew of tobacco restores Bimbo's nerve and his pulse goes back to normal. Cairo, Egypt — Egyptian police quell school-boy uprisings. Cairo's natives riot corps answers hurry call and disperses students demonstrating against British rule. 1. Scattering the young "patriots" — the native authorities set firmly to prevent further clashes with the British. Death Valley, Cal. — Death Valley conquered by daring army airmen. International News records first flight over worldfamous desert,