Exhibitor's Trade Review (Nov 1924 - Feb 1925)

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February 21, 1925 Page 7 'It's 100% Bigger than Any Zcine Grey Picture So Far! r THAT was the report from the Coast when Zane Grey's 'The Thundering Herd" was in the making. Now we've seen the finished picture — and it's true! We transported an army of players, Indians, buffalo, horses and wagons to the snowbound wastes of Montana to make this picture. Lucien Hubbard adapted the story under the personal supervision of the author. We set out to make a Zane Grey Super-Special— and we've done it! 'The Thundering Herd" is every bit as big and good as ''North of 36." The wild stampede of 2,000 buffalo, the screaming attack of 1,500 full-blooded Indians, the thrilling escape of Lois Wilson over the frozen prairie behind fear-crazed mustangs, the heroism of Jack Holt, the comedy of Raymond Hatton, the villainy • of Noah Beery — here are features audiences love! , And, to make "The Thundering Herd" even more of a gold mine, it's Zane Grey's very newest novel, a best seller all over the country! Zane Grey's The Thundering Herd is another proof that the Big Ones are all Second Famous 40 Cparamount Qictures