Exhibitor's Trade Review (May-Aug 1924)

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Page 38 Exhibitors Trade Review In Pathe's "His New Mamma" Harry Langdon is a poor pathetic farm boy but he learns much from the new mamma brought home by the doting father. Harry is shown out in the cold while his haughty mamma descends from her limousine. WANDA WILEY IN SIX FOR CENTURY Wanda VVILEY, new star of ' Century Comedies will be seen in six productions under the Century banner this Fall. The first of the series, "Her Fortunate Face," was formerly called "Her Face Value." The other five are, "Sweet Dreams," "Snappy Eyes," "The Trouble Fixer," "The Cute Little Devil" and "Some Tomboy." The last named v/as formerly called "The Tomboy." Less than two years ago Miss Wiley had no intention of even thinking of a moving" picture career. She was studying at a dental college in Texas when a movie company came to the city for some scenes. The director was visiting the college and meeting the young student, saw in her just the iype he needed and had been unable to find. He engaged her for the part and her work was so successful she was advised to go to California and enter the work seriously. This she did and played in several large productions. Julius Stern, president of Century Comedies noted her unusual ability as a comedienne and signed her up for a long term. She has made a decided hit in her first pictures which fact decided Mr. Stern to make a series of comedies starring her. * * * NEWCOMBE MARRIED Warren A. Newcombe, artist-producer of the two Educational Pictures Specials, "Sea of Dreams" and "The Enchanted City" was married June 14 to Miss Hazel Lindsley of Whitehouse, N. J. The wedding is the outcome of a romance which had its beginning during the production of "Sea of Dreams." Mr. Newcombe was searching New York for a girl of a romantic type to portray the leading role in his picture, but could not find a suitable type and had almost given up in despair when he saw Miss Lindsley's photograph on the wall of a fellow artist's studio. * >K * 'OUR CONGRESSMAN' Patlie 2 Reels ■ This is the second of a series of Will Rogers satires on politics, produced by Hal Roach. The two reels are filled with the inimitable Rogers wit at the expense of the Washington poUticians. The first of the series found Rogers arriving in Washington and this one finds him in the midst of his official duties. He feels the weight of his own importance and admits that he conducts the destinies of the country. He accepts an invitation to a weekend party and his antics to keep up with the "400" are very funny. His golf game is terrible and when a party of his constituents find him in knickers they disown him. 'MAUD MULLER' Pathe 2 Reels This unusual short subject is taken from Whittier's famous poem and brings in a modern angle to the story. The picture is well done and worthy of a place on any program. Marjory Daw is cast in the title role and her work is excellent. As the poor farm girl, who yearns for a lost love she excites pity and wins her audience. Bruce Gordon, Lewis Dayton, Elinor Field and Truman Van Dyke complete the cast and each is well chosen for his work. The story is well known to most readers and although there is no fast action, the quiet sweetness of the picture is its attraction. It is away from the usual run of short subjects. You can safely book this picture and play up the star and the poem in advertising. 'A WOMAN'S HONOR' Pathe 1 Reel Paul Teriy puts his characters through a strenuous session. Two mice lovers stage a rendezvous but the villain cat appears on the scene and abducts the fair lady. The mouse follows and finally arrives at the shack where the lady is held prisoner. He gains entrance and a battle starts. In the meantime a reinforcement of 'mounted mice appear and the villain is put out of the way in true melodramatic fashion. 'TEN MINUTE EGG' Pathe 1 Reel Charles Chase appears as Jauggernaut Jimmy Jump, bouncer of "The Barrel of Blood Cafe." His business cards bear his title and he gets by on his reputation. He finally runs out of cards and his bluff is called and the world takes on a different aspect. This picture is amusing and contains some good situations. You can book it safely and your audience will enjoy it. Ei^ht well known play <f*! ers and a real star in />( one two reel picture; Direction and production ecjual to the finest ^rade features Maud Muller. WITH ^AAjoRiE Daw A Madeline Brandeis Production Direction by Renaud Hoffman and a stellar cast Pafhepicture — -ngr—