Exhibitor's Trade Review (Mar-May 1924)

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Pase 78 Exhibitors Trade Review NATIONAL SECTION MELTO REDUCING CREAM AIDS SHOWMEN Nationally Advertised Product Is Available for Tie-up jyjELTO REDUCING CREAM ! Remember that name. Can you picture the eyepulling power of such a name in a merchants' store windows? Can you picture the unusual interest it hold.) for women of more than ordinary avoirdupois and plumpness? These are just a few of the amazing selling points of a Melto Reducing Cream window display, which is available to any exhibitor playing the First National Colleen Moore attraction, "The Perfect Flapper." 'Melto Reducing Cream, nationally advertised in publications of various sorts, broadcasted in thousands of booklets and circulars, offers a promise to women who are concerned with the dimensions of their hgures which is irresistible in its appeal. How many such are there is incalculable, but assuredly the number runs mto many numerals. Melto is regarded among members of the fair sex like the rain and the sunshine and the other good things of hfe. Its benefits are bestowed alike on the just and unjust, the deserving and undeservmg. It makes rigorous diet and exercising unnecessary. It makes possible for each girl and woman, young or old, to achieve her ideal of the perfect flapper in her own figure. This reducing cream is a light, rose-colored, rose-scented cream, with very much the appearance and consistency of a good cold cream. It is applied mt*ch the same way as cold cream and is quite as harmless. And, oh, how the women are going to march up to the window displaying Melto, and admire the picture of Colleen Moore, and want to see just how she does her stuff at the local theatre in "The Perfect Flapper." Showmen booking the First National attraction will do well to heed the call_of this tremendous opportunity for free high-power publicity. Aside from the significance of the local display, the exhibitor benefits by having his show linked up v/ith a product that carries the prestige and prominence ^hieved by thousands and thousands of dollars of national advertising. The beauty of the whole stunt to the exhibitor is that it costs him not a cent to participate in the benefits. The coupon in the Melto ad does the trick for him. ^ ^ ^ WONDERSTOEN A DRAWING CARD FOR FLAPPER PATRONS A window display that is bound to be of important interest to hundreds of women in every local community is that offered showmen playing First National's "The Perfect Flapper" by BelHn's Wonderstoen Company of New York. The product the concern handles, and which is merchandized on a national scale; is a magic little impact that removes superflous hair. Thousands of women have used it for the past fifteen years and continue to indorse it. There is no question but that a window display of this commodity tie-up with an exploitation blurb on "The Perfect Flapper," will turn many, many window shoppers into movie patrons. And thnre's no question but that a display of this kind will attract the kind of interest that actually holds the onlooker until she — and perhaps, once in a while, he — has fathomed every Still from "The Perfect Flapper" appropriate for Regent Pearls display. Accompanying card might read "Regent Pearls — 'The Perfect Gift* for 'The Perfect Flapper." bit of information the display has to offer. Showmen playing the Colleen Moore film should not let another moment go by without giving their immediate attention to the specifications in the Wonderstoen ad. What Picture Do You Want Linked With National Tie-Ups? With the hundreds of coupons floating in through the mails, with phone calls, personal letters and even telegrams asking for tie-ups as described weekly in the National Tie-Up Section, the Review feels it has concrete testimony of the enthusiasm that showmen have for this great project. The Review wants these tieups to reach and help ALL exhibitors. With that thought in mind we invite showmen to send in their requests for tie-ups on any picture they've booked or intend booking. The Review promises to take it up with the producer or distributor. Write in now for a national tie-up on any picture in the market. LURE OF PEARLS WILL HELP SELL FILM Nationally Advertised Regent Pearls Displays for 'Perfect Flapper' 'U' \'ERY girl in the land has a longing in •L' her heart for pearls. And a vast majority of those hearts have been attracted to the pictures in newspapers, national publicatioriS, and booklets of the warm-toned, moderate-priced Regent Pearls. This oft'ers the showman playing First National's "The Perfect Flapper,", featuring the exquisite flapper of all Flapperdom, Colleen Moore, a unique chance to profit by the tremendous feminine urge for the gems of romance. There seems to be nothing so alluring to the feminine desire as pearls. Pearls have served as the basis of romance, fiction, adventures into unknown lands and uncharted seas since mankind first learned to value pearls for their beauty and indestructibility. The house of Albert Lorsch and Company of 37-39 Maiden Lane, New York, will cooperate with exhibitors showing the Colleen Moore attraction by sending the local jeweler, novelty dealer, gift shop, or general store, a window display which shows the Regent Pearls to appealing advantage and also exploits "The Perfect Flapper" by catchlines and pictures of scenes and the principal of the screen story. This is really an opportunity which no showman should overlook. There is no expense or trouble on the exhibitor's part. He need only clip the coupon in the Regent Jearls' ad, sign it and send it to the Review. This office will do the rest for inflating his box-ofiice receipts. * * * CIGAR DISPLAYS HELP SELL 'THE PERFECT FLAPPER' It is commonly known that everywhere in this broad land the flapper basks in the warm spotlight of public interest. It is more commqnly known that while the flapper flaps the men smoke — El Producto Cigars. This is no haphazard statement. The fact that El Producto Cigars are advertised on a principle of merchandising which gives copious space to its merits in newspapers all over the country, in national publications, and through dealer helps of various so'/i, infers that the grown-up male portion of our population supports the El Producto smoke in no unmistakable manner. Therein lies the cue for the showman playing "The Perfect Flapper," the entertaining First National attraction featuring the queen of flappers — Colleen Moore. El Producto will furnish window displays free to dealers in your local community and these displays will be so constructed as to act as a tremendous exploitation device for the film. The exhibitor playing this film should need little urging to step aboard the project and profit by the opportunity offered him. Many, many smokers, those who buy El Producto cigars as well as those who step into ^he tobacco shop for any purpose at all will see the window display, and if human nature •counts for anything, will want to get more than an eyeful M the Queen of A11 Flappers "doing her stuff" at your picture house. So play up the El Producto tie-up. It will get the men. And don't forget that every flapper has a daddy and a sweetheart too.