Exhibitors Daily Review (Jul-Dec 1928)

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Harry Marx, Ex-Publix Official Slated for Allied V, P* DAIt^MVIEW it.-n V. S. Pat (HI. — Formerly Exhibitor* Trade Mi-hpb Devoted to the fostering and developing of the Motion Picture Industry. VOL. 24 n<». !•'«« \|'H * ->!-'• I'hursdiiy. Iteci-inher I".. 102K FIVK CENTS The Ole Run 'around. By ARTHUR JAMES The American vernacular is frequently enriched by the picturesque addition of phrases that describe conditions and situations better than the more classic forms of English speech. For instance, the phrase "run around" or rather ''the run around". This is descriptive of a dodging maneouver. a system ol avoidance that keeps the benighted individual, who is the victim, in the air. • • • In operation the "run arounder" resorts to subterfuge in the matter of the telephone. A promise is made, the one to whom it is made calls on the telephone to bring about a realization of the promise. He is advised in various ways by the "run arounder" or usually by the secretary, that there has been a delay in the proceedings but not to worry. Or the secretary says: "Mr. Katzenjammer is looking at a picture", or "Mr. Spoopendike is in conference", or "Mr. Fitznoodle is out of town". « » • The believing one bides his time and again seeks information or confirmation. The same program with slight variations is repeated and in the end the promise is broken and disappointment and despair fill the soul of the victim of the broken promise. The folly of the "run around" lies in its noii necessity. It was born undoubtedly in the reluctance to hurt people's feelings. On the other hand it is in essence a rather cowardly course. It is a waster of time, it is a destroyer of confidence, it is . a nuisance, it is an inspirer of revenge, of dislikes and of even hatreds. It incites to profanity and in less civilized conditions would inspire to murder. * • * In the next Federal Trade Practice Conference for the motion picture industry the ''run around" should be brought up as one of the live issues. Then all the advertising men in the picture business could be called upon to give their testimony and possibly the commission would sanction the printing ol i series of portraits of continuous offenders and then perhaps also, life sentences could be meted out to the end that the "run around" should disappear if not from the face of the earth, at least from the picture business. Frankness, even though it may hurt, is far better than the promise with a "run around" in its wake. LOEW CIRCUIT IN DEAL FOR JENKINS TELEVISION MOVIES GILBERT RE-SIGNS M-G-M CONTRACT Renews for Long-Term And Sets Rumors At Rest Various rumors as to the future affiliation of John Gilbert were dissipated yesterday with the announcement that the star of ''The Big Parade" has signed a new longterm contract with Metro-GoldwynMayer. Thus it is definitely assured ..hat Gilbert will remain with the company under whose supervision lis outstanding successes were produced. A joint statement regarding the signing of the new contract was nade by Nicholas M. Schenck. pre (. Continued on page (!) SIGNOR BISI IN UFA CONFERENCES By Dr. R. OTTO (Special Cable to Exhibitors Daily Rcvitu) BERLIN — His Excellency, Signor Bisi, former Italian Under-Secretary of State and now President of the newly formed ''Ente Xazionale'' (National Corporation) for the production and distribution of pictures is here in Berlin to start cooperation with UFA. The funds tor this organization (Continued on Page 2) Here's a Tip As a favor to every exhibitor in the Tinted States who has sound equipment we direct attention to the Mack Seiuiett Educational comedy in sound - "The Lion's Roar" as one of the absolute knock 'em over, rock the house, make 'em all laugh type of attractions. It is slapstick comedy but in this one you can hear the slaps. It uses every variety of sound successfully and is contrived in so showmanlike a manner that it is one of the funniest pictures, sound or silent, we ever saw since we were born. "We saw this under the most difficult conditions with only eighteen persons present in a projection loom (an almost deadly test for a comedy) and yet they all went away laughing. We congratulate all concerned and especially the exhibitors who have a chance to clean up on this untrsual piece of show property. LESSER-WARNER TO FINANCE OWN PROD. There is no hitch in the deal be een the Sonora-Bristolphone inividual producers and the Sonora roup wWo have taken over the ;lits to Bristolphone. The question of who was to put > the advance money for produc (Continued on Page !) Allied Gets New and Stirring Slogan at Very Secret Pow Wow 'RIO RITA' FIRST OF FBO ADVANCE SERIES Xo sooner had Joseph I. Schnitzel-, newly elected President of FBO Productions, Inc. taken control of the destiniesof the film company. than he purchased the screen rights (i^onttnuprl on pan" 1) "Make All Checks Payable To A. S. Myers" "Make all checks payable i" A S. Myers!'' That's the slogan, the rallying cry anil the short battle hymn for the Allied as announced, at a secret meeting oh! too secrel for any (Continued on page R) Pictures to Be Sent Over Radio Direct to Theatres HOME OPPOSITION Negotiations were yesterday started by the Jenkins Television Corporation to broadcast movies by radio television directly to the screens of motion picture houses, and it is definitely understood that this deal is being made with the Loew Circuit of Houses. While the primary intention of the Jenkins Television is to manufacture television receivers and transmitters which will broadcast motion pictures direct into the home within the next three months, this move to get Television into the theatres will partially forstall the natural animosity of theatre owners to home competition. As a distinct novelty, the broadcasting of short Television subjects (Continued on Page 2) HERRON SUCCEEDS PLATTEN AT HAYS At yesterday's regular quarterly neeting of the Board of Directors if the Motion Picture Producers ami Distributors of America. Inc., an'ouncement was made that Mr. J. Homer Platten, who has been Ttf urer of the Association, had ■siKiied to accept the position of Kx■cutive Vice President of the White Hock Mineral Springs Company Mr. Platten will assume his duties vith that company on December 15. F. L. Herron, Foreign Manager of he Association, was elected Tr<aurer to succeed Mr. Platlbll, and Qeorge Borthwlck, Assistant Treasurer. Off for U. A. Convention Cnited Artists' first national sales convention will be held in Chicago in the Stevens Hotel on Friday and Saturday with 126 members of th< ales force present from all parts of the country. Al Lichtman, general sale* manager, and Victor M. Shapiro, director of publicity and trade relations. left yesterday tor Chicago to enmplete the arrangements.