The Exhibitor (Aug-Nov 1948)

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THE CHECK-UP Servisectlon 5 UP IN CENTRAL PARK — CMU — Deanna Durbin, Dick Haymes, Vincent Price— Will depend on name draw— 87m.— see June 9 issue— (662). TO BE REVIEWED OR IN PRODUCTION AMBOY DUKES, THE— Peter Fernandez, Al Ramsen, Joshua Shelley. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS— Fredric March, Florence Eldridge, Francis L. Suliivan— (English-made)— (Techni¬ color). COUNTESS OF MONTE CRISTO, THE-Sonja Henie, Mi¬ chael Kirby, Olga San Juan. CRISS CROSS— Burt Lancaster, Yvonne DeCarlo, Dan Duryea. • DEVIL IN THE FLESH (Le Diable Au Corpt)-Micheline Presle, Geraj-d Philipe— (French-made). FAMILY HONEYMOON — Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray, Rita Johnson. KISS THE BLOOD OFF MY HANDS— Joan Fontaine, Burt Lancaster, Robert Newton. MEXICAN HAYRIDE— Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Virginia Grey. O'FLYNN, THE— Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Helena Carter, Richard Greene. RED CANYON— Ann Blyth, George Brent, Howard Duff— (Technicolor). THREE KIDS AND A QUEEN Fred Brady, Mary Morris, Beverly Simmons. YOU GOTTA STAY HAPPY— Joan Fontaine, James Stewart, Eddie Albert. Warners (1946-47 releases from 601 up; 194748 releases from 701 up; 194849 releases from 801 op) APRIL SHOWERS— CMU— Jack Carson, Ann Sothern, Robert Alda— Show biz entry will depend on the names— 94m.— see March 31 issue— (719). BIG PUNCH, THE — MD — Wayne Morris, Lois Maxwell, Gordon MacRae— Neat programmer— 80m.— see June 9 issue-(727). EMBRACEABLE YOU— D— Dane Clark, Geraldine Brooks, S. Z. Sakall— Interesting programmer— 80m.— see Aug. 4 issue — (732). FIGHTING 69TH, THE— D— James Cagney, Pat O'Brien, George Brent— Reissue has the names and angles— 79m.— see April 28 issues— (723). FLOWING GOLD— OMD— John Garfield, Frances . Farmer, Pat O'Brien— Names will help fair reissue— 8'2m.— see July 7 issue— (730). GOD'S COUNTRY AND THE WOMAN-OD-George Brent, Beverly Roberts, Barton MacLane— Mild reissue— 71m. —see July 7 issue— (729). JEZEBEL— MD— Bette Davis, Henry Fonda, Margaret Lind¬ say— Reissue has the names to help— 93m.— see Nov. 26 issue— (71 Oh JOHNNY BELINDA— D— Jane Wyman, Lew Ayres, Charles Bickford — High-rating — 102m. — See Sept. 29 issue— (804). KEY LARGO— MD— Humphrey Bogart, Edward G. Robin¬ son, Lauren Bacall— High-rating thriller— 101m.— see July 21 issue— (731). LIFE WITH FATHER-CD-lrene Donne, William Powell, Elizabeth Taylor— Picturization of topnotch play will be among toip grossers— 1 18m.— see Sept. 3 issue— (Technicolor) — (702). ROMANCE ON THE HIGH SEAS-ROMCMU-Jack Carson, Janis Paige, Don DeFore— Pleasing entertainment— 99m.— see June 23 issue— (Technicolor)— (728). ROPE— MD — James Stewart, John Dali, Joan Chandler — Impressive psychological thriller— 80m.— see Sept. 1 issue— (Transatlantic)(Technicolor)— (802). SILVER RIVER— WD— Errol Flynn, Ann Sheridan, Thomas Mitchell— Names should make the difference— 1 10m.— see May 26 issue— (725). SMART GIRLS DON'T TALK — MD — Virginia Mayo, Bruce Bennett, Robert Hutton— Fair program — 81m. — see Sept. 29 issue. TO THE VICTOR— D— Dennis Morgan, Viveca Lindlors, Victor Francen— Interesting dramatic entry has names to help— 101m.— see April 14 issue— (720). TWO GUYS FROM TEXAS— CMU— Dennis Morgan, Jack Carson, Dorothy Malone— Good comedy has the names and angles— 86m.— see Sept. 1 issue— Techni¬ color— (801 ). VALLEY OF THE GIANTS-OMD-Wayne Morris, Claire Trevor, Frank McHugh— Reissue should draw action fans— 78m.— see April 28 issue— (722). WALLFLOWER — ROMC — Joyce Reynolds, Robert Hutton, Janis Paige— Mild program— 77m.— see May 26 issue Leg.: B-(726). WINTER MEETING— D— Bette Davis, Janis Paige, James Davis— Slow-moving -drama for the femme trade— 104m.— see April 14 issue— (721). WOMAN IN WHITE, THE-MYD-Alexis Smith, Eleanor Parker, Sydney Greenstreet— Interesting entry has names to help— 109m.— see May 12 issue— (724). TO BE REVIEWED OR IN PRODUCTION ADVENTURES OF DON JUAN, THE-Errol Flynn, Viveca Lindfors, Robert Douglas— (Technicolor). CLEOPATRA ARMS— Jane Wyman, David Niven, Wayne Morris. COLORADO TERRITORY — Joel McCrea, Virginia Mayo, Dorothy Malone. DECISION OF CHRISTOPHER BLAKE, THE-Alexis Smith, Robert Douglas, Cecil Kellaway. FIGHTER SQUADRON Edmond O'Brien, Robert Stack, Henry Hull— (Technicolor). FLAMINGO ROAD— Joan Crawford, Zachary Scott, Syd¬ ney Greenstreet. FLAMINGO ROAD-J oan Crawford, Gladys George, Gert¬ rude Micheal. FLAXY MARTIN— Zachary Scott, Virginia Mayo, Dorothy Malone. FOUNTAINHEAD, THE— Gary Cooper, Patricia Neale, Kent Smith. GIRL FROM JONES BEACH — Ronald Reagan, Virginia Mayo, Eddie Bracken. HAPPY TIMES— Danny Kaye, Walter Slezak, Lee J. Cobb —(Technicolor). HOMICIDE— Robert Douglas, Helen Westcott, Robert Alda. HOUSE ACROSS THE STREET, THE-Wayne Morris, Janis Paige, Bruce Bennett. JOHN LOVES MARY— Ronald Reagan, Jack Carson, Patricia Neal. JUNE BRIDE— Bette Davis, Robert Montgomery, Betty Lynn— 97m. LOOK FOR THE SILVER LINING-June Haver, Ray Bolger, Gordon MacRae— (Technicolor). MONTANA— Alexis Smith, Errol Flynn— (Technicolor). MY DREAM IS YOURS— Jack Carson, Doris Day, Lee Bow¬ man— (Technicolor). NIGHT UNTO NIGHT-Viveca Lindfors, Ronald Reagan, Osa Massen— (84m.). ONE LAST FLING— Alexis Smith, Zachary Scott, Douglas Kennedy. ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON— Dennis Morgan, Janis Paige, Dorothy Malone— (Technicolor). SERENADE— Ann Sheridan, Dennis Morgan. SOMEWHERE IN THE CITY-Edmond O'Brien, Viveca Lindfors, Virginia Mayo. SOUTH OF ST. LOUIS— Joel McCrea, Zachary Scott, Alexis Smith— (Technicolor). TWO GUYS AND A GAL— Dennis Morgan, Jack Carson, Lorraine Day— (Technicolor). UNDER CAPRICORN — Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotton, Michael Wilding— (Transatlantic)— (Eng lish-made). UP UNTIL NOW— Ronald Reagan, Viveca Lindfors, Claude Rains. WHIPLASH— Dane Clark, Alexis Smith, Zachary Scott. YOUNGER BROTHERS, THE-Janis Paige, Wayne Morris, Bruce Bennett— (Technicolor) Miscellaneous (Address of producers and distributers will be furn¬ ished on request). BOB AND SALLY— ED— Gloria Marlen, Ralph Hodges, Rick Vallin— Exploitation show— 71m.— see June 23 issue — (Social Guidance). CHRIST THE KING— BID— Jose Cibrian, Jose Baviera, Au¬ rora Walker— Good religious offering for non-com¬ mercial outlets75m.— see March 31 issue— (Mexicanmade)— (Barry-Simpex). CITIZEN SAINT — DOC — Jed Prouty, Loraine MacMartin, Walter Butterworth— Religious offering has restricted appeal— 68m.— see June 23 issue— (Elliott). DREAMS THAT MONEY CAN BUY-FAN-John Bittner, John Latouche, Valerie Tie— Unique art house offering —84m.— see May 26 issue— (Films Int. of America)— Leg.; B. (16mm. Kodachrome). FIGHT NEVER ENDS, THE-MD-Joe Louis, Ruby Dee, The Mills Brothers— All-Negro entry with Joe Louis should draw well— 64m.— see March 17 issue— (Alexander). GREAT BETRAYAL, THE-DOC-Narration by W. S. Gailmor— Good documentary for the specialty houses— 72m.— see June 25 issue— (Screencraft). IRELAND TODAY— DOC— Michael Shannon, Julie ConwaySatisfactory entry for the Irish neighborhoods— 80m. —see July 7 issue— (Irish-American)— (Kodachrome). KILLER DILLER—MUC— Dusty Fletcher, George Wiltshire, Butterfly McQueen— Okeh for the Negro spots— 73m. —see July 7 issue(All-American). LOUISIANA STORY— Joseph Boudreaux, Lionel LeBlanc, Frank Hardy— High rating drama for the art houses —77m.— See Sept. 29 issue (Lopert). NIGHT AT THE FOLLIES, A-MU-Evelyn West, Rene Andre, Pat O'Shea— Novelty picturization of bur¬ lesque show for censorless spots— 48m.— see Aug. 18 issue— (Excelsior). STORY OF LIFE, THE— ED— Joseph Crehan, Wanda Mc¬ Kay, John Parker — Educational sex film requires special selling— 62m.— see Aug. 4 issue— (Crusade). STRANGE VICTORY DOC Virgil Richardson, Cathy McGregor, Sophie Maslow — High-rating documen¬ tary will ne^ selling— 73m.— see Aug. 4 issue— (Target). WE LIVE AGAIN— DOCD— Produced by M. Bahelfer, O. Fessler, A. Hamza— Good Yiddish documentary-type drama— 54m.— see Sept. 29 issue — (Yiddish-made)— (English titles)— (Jewish Films). Foreign (Address of producers and distributors will bo furn¬ ished on request). ANGELINA— D— Anna Magnani, Nando Bruno, Ave Ninchi -High-rating Italian entry— 90m.— see May 12 issue — (Italian-made)— (English titles)— (President). ANTOINE AND ANTOINETTE-D-Roger Pigaut, Claire Maffei, Noel Roquevert— High rating— 88m.— see May 12 issue— (French-made) — (English titles) — (SiritzkyInt.)— Leg.: B. AUGUST 14 (ONE DAY IN THE USSR)-DOC-SuitabIe entry for Russian patronage— 68m.— see Sept. 1 issue -(Russian-made)— (English Titles)— (Artkino)— (Color). BLIND DESIRE— DMU—Jean-Louis Barrault, Edwige Feuillere, Jean Wall— Mediocre French import— 88m.— see June 23 issue — (French-made) — (English titles) — (Discina Int.). CHAMPAGNE CHARLIE — MUC — Tommy Trinder, Stanley Holloway, Betty Warren— Entertaining British Import for the duallers— 71m.— see Sept. 1 issue— (Englishmade) — (Bell). CONFESSIONS OF A ROGUE-CD-Louis Jouvet, Suzy De¬ lair, Annette Poivre— Good French entry— 91m.— see April 28 issue— (French-made)— (English titles)— (Dis¬ tinguished). CRIME AND PUNISHMENT— D—Hampe Faustman, Gunn Wallgren, Sigurd Wallen— High-rating Swedish im¬ port— 105m.— see March 31 issue— (Swedish-made)— (English titles)— (Film Rights Int.). DAMNED, THE— D— Henri Vidal, Florence Marly, Kurt Kronefeld— High-rating French import— 104m.— see May 26 issue — (French-made) — (English titles) — (Discena Int.)— Leg.: B. DAY OF WRATH— D—Thlrkild Roose, Lisbeth Movin, Sigrid Neiiendam— Slow-moving Danish drama for the art houses— 97m.— see May 12 issue— (Danish-made)— (English titles)— (Schaefer). DIE FLEDERMAUS— MUC— Marte Harell, Johannes Heesters, Willi Dohm— Good German entry for the art houses— 96m.— see May 12 issue— (German-made)— (English titles)— (Artkino)— (Agfa color). ETERNAL MELODIES BIDMU Gino Cervi, Conchita Montenegro, Luisella Beghi— Fair Italian import— 95m.— see March 3 issue — (Italian-made)— (English titles)— (Grandi). FARREBIQUE— DOCD— Conceived and produced by Georges Rouquier. with a French farm family as performers— Unusual French import for the art houses— 90m.— see March 3 issue— (French-made)— (English titles)— (Siritzky-Int). FIRST OPERA FILM FESTIVAL-MU-Tito Gobbi, Pina Malcarini, Vittoria Diofredi— Unique offering for the specialty spots— 95m.— see June 23 issue— (Italianmade)— (Classic). FRIC-FRAC— CD— Fernandel, Arletty, Michael Simon— En¬ tertaining adult fare— 90m.— see June 23 issue— (French-made)— English titles)— (Oxford)— Leg.: C. FRIEND WILL COME TONIGHT, A-D-Michel Simon, Madeleine Sologne, Louis Salou— Better-than-average French offering — 90m. — see Aug. 4 issue— (Frenchmade)— (English titles)— (Lopert). GELOSIA—D— Luisa Ferida, Roldano Lupi, Elena Zareschi —Average Italian import— 87m.— see May 12 issue — ( I talian-made)— (English titles)— (World-Wide). HENRY IV— D— Osvaldo Valienti, Clara Calamai, Luigi Pavese — Entertaining — 92m. — see March 17 issue — (Italian-made)— (English titles)— (Superfilm)— Leg.: B. HONORABLE CATHERINE, THE C Edwiege Feuillere, Andre Luguet, Denise Grey— Weak French import— 85m.— see Sept. 1 issue — (French-Made) — (English titles)— (LeLarge). ILLEGALS, THE— DOC— Tereska Torres, Yankel Mikalowitch— Documentary-type drama has limited appeal — 77V2m. — see July 7 issue — (Palestinian-made) — (Mayer-Burstyn). LOVES OF CASANOVA ROMCMU Georges Guetary, Aime Clariond, Jean Tissier— Entertaining— 101m.— see Oct. 13 issue— (French-made)— (English titles)— (Vog. Films). LOVES OF DON JUAN, THE-ROMD-Adriano Rlmoldl, Dina Sassoli, Paolo Stoppa— Fair Italian entry— 92m. —see Sept. 15 issue— (Italian-made)— (English titles)— (Superfilm). LYSISTRATA— CD— Judith Helzmeister, Paul Kemp, O. W. Fischer— Mediocre German offering85m.— see July 7 issue — (German-made) — (English titles) — (Distin¬ guished). MARIUS— CD— Ralmu, Pierre Fresnay, Charpin— Excellent French import— 125m.— see May 26 issue — (Frenchmade)— (English titles)— (Siritzky Int.). MARRIAGE IN THE SHADOWS D Paul Klinger, Use Steppat, Alfred Balthoff— Impressive German entry— 90m.— see Oct. 13 issue — (German-made )— (English titles)— (Gramercy). MERRY CHASE, THE-ROMC-Clara Calamini, Nino Besotti, Rossano Brazzi— Amusing Italian entry— 75m.— See Oct. 13 issue— (Italian-made)— (English titles)— (Superfilm) MR. ORCHID— MD-Noel-Noel, Nadine Alari, Jose Arthur —Good import — 93m. — see May 12 issue — (Frenchmade)— (English titles)— (Lopert). MURDERERS AMONG US— D— Hildegard Knef, Ernst Borchers, Arno Paulsen — Suspenseful tale of postwar Berlin — 84m. — see Sept. 1 issue — (German-made)— (English titles)— (Artkino). NOT GUILTY— MD— Michel Simon, Jany Holt, Jean Debucourt— High-rating French import— 94m.— see May 26 issue — (French-made) — (English titles) — (Lelarge-Ariane) — Leg.: B. PORTRAIT OF INNOCENCE-CD-Louise Carletti, Gilbert Gil, Pierre LarqueyGood French offering— 86m.— see June 23 issue — (French-made) — (English titles) — (Siritzky-Int.) PRIVATE LIFT OF AN ACTOR-CD-Sacha Guitry, lana Marconi, Marguerite Pierry— Stimulating French entry has the names to help— 96m.— see Oct. 13 issue— (French-made)— (English titles)— (International). QUIET WEEK END— C— Derek Farr, Frank Collier, Marjorie Fielding— Moderate English import— 83m.— see Sept. 15 issue— ( Engl ish-made)— (Distinguished). RAVEN, THE— MYD— Pierre Fresnay, Pierre Larquay, Noel Roquevert— French import rates high— 90m.— see March 17 issue — (French-made) — (English titles) — (Westport Int.). RAZZIA— MD— Paul Bildt, Elli Burgmer, Walter GrossGood German-made offering for the art houses94m. —see July 7 issue— (German-made)— (English titles)— (Artkino). REVENGE— D— Anna Magnani, Gino Cervi, Luisa Poselli— Good Italian import— 66m.— see Dec. 10 issue— (I talian-made) — (English titles)— (Distinguished). ROOM UPSTAIRS, THE — ROMD — Marlene Dietrich, Jean Gabin, Jean d'yd— Above average import— 86m.— see June 9 issue— (French-made)— (English titles)— (Lopert). SHOWTIME — DMU — Richard Greene, Ann Todd, Peter Graves— Minor English entry— 90m.— see June 23 issue — (English-made) — (English Films). SON OF THE REGIMENT-D-Yura Yankin, Alexander Morosov, Gregory Pluzhnik— High-rating Russian im¬ port — 75m. — see May 12 issue — (Russian-made) — English titles)— (Artkino). SPRING— CMU— Lubov Orlova, Nikola) Cherkassov, Nikalai Konovalov— Good Russian comedy— 104m.— see April 28 issue— (Russian-made)— (English titles)— (Artkino). SYMPHONIE PASTORAL-D-Michele Morgan, Pierre Blanchar. Line Noro— High rating French film— 105m.— see Sept. 29 issue— (French-made)— (English titles)— (Films International). THEY ARE NOT ANGELS-DOCD-Pierre Blanchair, Ray¬ mond Bussieres, Jean Wall— Excellent French entry— 123m. — see July 7 issue — (French-made) — (English titles)— (SiritfikyInt.)— Leg.: B. TRIUMPH OF YOUTH-DOC-The Athletic and Youth Clubs of Soviet Russia— Good filler for the art houses— 44m. —see June 23 issue — (Russian-made)— (Artkino)— (Color). VILLAGE TEACHER— D— Vera Maretskaya, Dmitri Sagal, Vassili Maruta— Fair Russian entry— 97m.— see July 21 issue— (Russian-made)— (English titles)— (Artkino). WELL DIGGER'S DAUGHTER, THE — D — Raimu, Fernandel, Josette Day— Excellent French entry— 120m.— see Oct. 16 issue— (French-made)— (English titles)— (Siritzky-lnternational) — Leg.: B. WHERE WORDS FAIL-ROMDMU Enrique Muino, Italo Bertini, Linda Lorepa— Fair Spanish entry— 63V2m.— see Sept. 15 issue— (Spanish-made)— (English titles)— (Lopert). WHO KILLED SANTA CLAUS— CMD— Harry Baur, Raymond Rouleau, Renee Faure— Mediocre French Import— 95m. —see May 26 issue— (French-made)— (English title*)— (Film Rights Int.), OCTOBER 6, 1948 THE EXHIBITOR