The Exhibitor (1950)

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"T-' EXHIBITOR NT-3 ; Mike Piccirillo, Rialto, and Joe Rug- gerio, Lyric, Hartford. . . , Henry L. Needles, district manager, Warner Cir¬ cuit, announced the resignation of Stan¬ ley L. Redmond as assistant manager, .4rt, Springfield, Mass. Paul Amadeo, Pike Drive-In general manager, has a new car. . . . Wedding bells rang out for Betty Mather, Star, >■ and Jim Kearns, son of Jack Kearns, . chief projectionist. Star. . . . Loew-Poli ^ aides back from vacations are James Twaddle, William Gilwech, and Ernest Richardson. . . . Henry Stagg, Loewi. ■ Poli projectionist, went into the hospital '' for a checkup. . . . Mrs. Henry Boehm, wife of the State’s advertising director, went into Hartford Hospital for an operation. . . . Ray MacNamara, man¬ ager, Allyn, went to town on tieups with Jewish social agencies on “The New Pioneers. . . . Joseph Perkins replaced Ray Snyder at the Allyn. New Crown aides are Vera Kaserski and Joyce Christiansen. . . . Royal Dadgett, formerly at the State, Manches¬ ter, is the new projectionist, Rialto, re¬ placing Peter Gillespie. New there is Paul Gilberto, replacing Thomas Wheelock, resigned. Floyd Fitzsimmons, MGM exploiteer, was in on “To Please A Lady,” LoewPoli. . . . Evelyn Payette, Eastwood, East Hartford, resigned. Replacement is Gloria Doughty. George E. Landers, district manager, E. M. Loew Circuit, and George Hudak, house manager, E. M. Loew’s, had num¬ erous merchant tieups on “Saddle Tramp.’’ . . . Sol Karp, assistant house manager. State, has been promoted to assistant house treasurer. Unusual use of a title for exploitation purposes was made of 20th CenturyFox’s^ “Mister 880” by Lou Cohen, Loew’s Poli. Cohen held a contest offerguest tickets to those people who could name most past films with num¬ bers in the title such as “Call Northside 777” or “Miracle On 34th Street.” Governor Chester Bowles appointed Herman M. Levy, general counsel. Thea¬ tre Owners of America, and executive secretary. Motion Picture Theatre Own¬ ers of Connecticut, to serve on a 16-mari committee to handle statewide arrange¬ ments for observance of United Nations Day. Lou Cohen, manager, and Norm Lev¬ inson, assistant manager, Loew-Poli, planted a newspaper contest on “My most embarrassing moment” as part of the campaign for “A Life Of Her Own.” New at E. M. Loew’s are: Mary Ann Young, Patricia Barrett, and 'David Young. ... The Pine Drive-In is now changing on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. Doug Amos, district manager, Lockwood-Gordon-Rosen Circuit, went over to the Torrington Drive-In to serve as temporary manager. . . . Joseph Morreone and Philip Tournaud joined the Loew-Poli Palace. W. Somerset Maugham, famed British writer, is shown on his recent arrival in New York to attend the American pre¬ miere of Paramount’s “Trio” at the Sut¬ ton, New York City. The opening benefitted the Damon Runyon Cancer Fund. Jewett City Lou Franciose, State manager, went after the kiddie attendance for “Rocket ship XM.” Middletown Some 200 persons attended a testi¬ monial dinner honoring State Treasurer Joseph A. Adorno, son of Sal Adorno, Sr., owner-operator. Palace. Adorno is a candidate for reelection on the Repub¬ lican ticket. Announcement was made by the Mid¬ dletown Chamber of Commerce of ap¬ pointment of Harry Smith, Jr., Ivoryton, as executive vice-president. Smith was formerly in the industry. Announcement was made of the en¬ gagement of Wilbur Clark, assistant manager, Capitol, and Miss Dolores Maher. New Britain Arthur Gaudette, formerly assistant to manager Joe Borenstein, Strand, has been appointed to the New Britain Po¬ lice Department. . . . New Strand aides include Monica Zysk and Phyllis Malchowski. . . . Manager Joseph Miklos, Embassy, added Donald Russell, Frank Lux, and Thomas Vangalisco. Actress Doris Day and property man Bud Friend were among those who re¬ cently signed the “Crusade for Freedom” scroll on the Warners’ coast set of “Lullaby of Broadway,” a new musical. Marie Laskarzewski is new at the Strand. ... Joe Borenstein, Strand man¬ ager, reports his 16-year-old son, Don¬ ald, is getting to be quite a maestro. . . . The Perakos Circuit resumed Friday and Saturday vaudeville at the Palace for the winter. Newington Alice Stepaniak, Newington, resigned. Replacing is Joan Cancellini. New London Garde manager Nick E. Brickates has a new car. . . . Joyce Cody, Garde, suc¬ ceeds Constance Spelmann, promoted to succeed Eleanor Smirowski, resigned. Norwich The Warner Palace and Loew-Poli Broadway tied up with fire prevention campaign by offering guest theatre tick¬ ets to top winners in a fire prevention competition held by campaign officials. . . . John E. Petroski, assistant manager, Garde, New London, has been trans¬ ferred to the Palace to handle the house during the illness of manager Robert E. Hamilton. Plainville Stanley Sinski, Strand manager, got a new car. Torrington New projectionists at Lockwood-Gordon-Rosen’s Torrington Drive-In are Emile Nalette, former projectionist. Strand, Winsted, and his brother, Ray¬ mond, at one time assistant manager, Strand, Winsted. . . . Evelyn Lagole has joined the drive-in staff. West Hartford Vincent Capuano, jnanager. Elm, Per¬ akos Circuit, has been appointed to the executive committee of the newly-created Elmwood Business Associates. Winsted Bill Daugherty, manager. Plaza, re¬ ported completion of extensive lobby re¬ modeling. Maine Portland Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne will be brought to Portland by the State on Nov. 2-3-4 to present their latest suc¬ cess, “I Know My Love,” at three eve¬ ning performances and a Saturday mat¬ inee. Massachusetts Fall River Carl Zeitz, district manager, Zeitz Theatres, reports that the goal of $2,500 set for the “Jimmy Fund” drive will be attained soon. . . . Miss Maureen Sulli¬ van is enjoying her annual vacation, and will resume her duties at the Em¬ pire. . . . Miss Mary Fletcher is new at the Academy. . . . Miss Mary Loyola Rogan left the Academy to begin nurse’s training. . . . Miss Barbara Ann Pannoni and Gifford Askew, are new at the Academy. October 25, 1950 M -I