The Exhibitor (1952)

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THE CHECK>UP S^rvlsecrton 5 DISTANT ORUMS-i-AMD— Gary Coopar, Marl Aldon, KIch* ard Webb— Action shew should ndo into tbo bettor money— lOlm.— tee Doe. S issue— (Technicolor)— (111), FORCE OF ARMS— ROMD — Wllliom Holden, Nancy Olson, Frank LovejoyWell-made drama has names to hela — lOOm.— see Aug. 29 issue— (1^). I LI SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS— BIMU— Doris Day, Danny Thomas, Frank Jovejoy— Highly entertaining musical110m,— see Dec. 19 Issue(112). PAINTING THE CLOUDS WITH SUNSHINE-CMU-DennIs Morgan, Virginia Mayo, Gene NelsonNames should moke the diffarence-87m.— tee Sept. 12 issue-(T«chnicolor)— (105). RETREAT, HELD— MD— Frank Loveioy, Richard Carlson, Anita Louise— Action-packed war film has the angles tor the telling-95m.— see Feb. 13 issoe-(115). ROOM FOR ONE MORE— CD— Cary Grant, Betsy Drake, Lurene Tuttle— Good programmer— 95m.— see Jan. 16 issue— Leg.; B-{113). STARLIFT—CMU— Doris Day, Gordon AAacRoe, Virginia Mayo— Star-filled musical should draw the cuetomers103m.— see Nov. 7 issue— (109). STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE, A-MD-Vivien Uigh. Mar¬ lon Brando, Kim Hunter— Vivid picturiiation of stage hit is packed with telling angles— 122m.— see Oct. 24 Issue— Leg.; B— (104). TANKS ARE COMING, THE-ACD-Steve Cochran, PhlNp Carey, Mari Aldon— War film will fit into the duallers— 90m.— see Nov. 7 issue— (KM). THIS yVOMAN IS DANGEROUS — MD— Joan Crawford, Den¬ nis Morgan, David Brian— Name draw will make the difference— 94m.— see Jan. 30 issue-Leg.: B-(114). TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY-MD-Ruth Roman, Steve ^ Cochran, Lurene Tuttle— Fair program melodrama has names to help— 90m.— see Aug. 15 issue— (103). TO BE REVIEWED OR IN PRODUCTION ABOUT FACE— Eddie Bracken, Gordon MacRae, Alieen Stanley— (Technicolor). ALEXANDER, THE BIO LEAGUER Doris Day, Ronald Reagan, Frank Love|oy. CARSON CITY— Randolph Scott, Raymond Massey, Richard Webb— (Warnercolor). CRIMSON PIRATE, THE— Burt . Lancaster, Nick Cravat— (Technicolor)(Made In Italy). JACK AND THE BEANSTALK-Bud Abbott, Lou CostelloDorothy Ford (Super Cinecolor). LION AND THE HORSE, THE-Steve Cochron, Ray Teal, Sherry Jackson. MAN WITH A GUN— Randolph Scott, Patrice Wymore, Philip Carey— (Technicolor). MANILA— Errol Flynn, Paul Picernl. MIRACLE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA, THE-Gilbert Ro¬ land, Susan Whitney, Sherry Jackson. NORTH OF THE RIO GRANDS-Joel MlOm, Virginia Mayo, Dorothy Malone. SAN FRANCISCO STORY-Joel McCreo, Yvonne DeCarlo, Sidney Blackmer. SHE'S WORKING HER WAY THROUGH COLLEGE-VIrginio Mayo, Ronald Reagan, Gene Nelson— (Technicolor). STORY OF WILL ROGERS, THE-Jane Wyman, Will Rogers, Jr.— (Technicolor). WHERE'S CHARLEY?— Ray Bolger, Allyn McLerle, Horace Cooper— (Technicolor)— (AAad* In Englond). Miscellaneous (Distributors' addrettet will be furnished on request) BASKETBALL FIX, THE — D— John Ireland, Marshall Thomp¬ son, Vanessa Brown— Good topical entry for the duallers— 64m.— see Sept. 26 issue— (Realart). BIRTHRIGHT— D— Boyce Brown, Marjorie Morris, Paula Haygood— Well mode film dealing with syphilis can draw depending on individual situation— 43m.— see Feb. 27 Issue— (Classic). BORDER FENCE— W— Walt Wayne, Lee AAergan, Mary Nord— Average western— 57m.— see Nov. 7 Issue— (Astor). BRIDE OF THE GORILLA — MO — Barbara Payton, Lon Chaney, Roymond Burr— Okoh exploitation BIm has the angles— 65m.— see Nov. 7 issue— (Realart). BUSHWHACKERS, THE-OMD-John Ireland, Wayne Mor¬ ris, Lawrence Tierney, Dorothy Malone— Okeh offer¬ ing for the duallers72m.— see Jan. 2 issue— (Realart). DARING MISS JONES, THE-OMD-Sally Forrest, Ted Jor¬ dan, Betty White— Inadequate outdoor meller— 52m.— see Jan. 30 issue— (Made in' Alaska)— (Trucolor)— (Gerald). FRONTIER PHANTOM, THE-W-lash laRue, Al St. John, Archie Twitchell— Okeh series effort— 55m.— see Mar. 12 issue— (Realart). HURLY BURLY— BUR— Georgia Sothern, Joey Faye, Crystal Ames— Exploitable burloque entry for spots that can play it— 82m.— see Oct. 24 Issue— (Clnete^.) LATUKO — DOC— Documentary of native African life pro¬ duced by Edgar M. Queeny under the sponsorship of the American Museum of Natural History— Jungle, nature film has the angles for the selling— 50m.— see Jan. 30 issue-Leg.: C — (AAade In Africa)— (Tech¬ nicolor)— (Lesser). PICTURA-ADVENTURE IN ART-ED-Vincent Price, narrotion by Gregory Peek, Lilli Palmer, Martin Gabel, and Henry Fonda— Unusual fare for the art houses— 82m.— see Jan. 2 issue— (Pictura). SKI CHAMPS— DOC— Zeno Colo, Dagmar Rom, Steve Knolton— Ski shew has limited appeal76m.— see Jan. 2 Issue— (Technicolor)— (Lewis). THUNDERING TRAIL, THE-W-Lash LaRue, Al St. John, Sally Anglim— Mediocre western55ra.— see Dec. 19 issue— (Realart). ' TWO DOLLAR BEHOR-MD-John Lltel, Marie Windsor, Steve Broidy— Okeh entry for the lewor half— 75m.— see Oct. 10 issue— (Realart). VANISHING OUTPOST, THE-W-Lash LaRue, Al St. John. Riley Hill— Okeh outdoor show— 57m.— see Jan. 16 luue— (Western Adventure). Foreign-Made (Distributers' addresses will be furnished en request) ANGEL WITH A TRUMPET-D-Eileen Herlie, Basil Sydney Norman Wooland— Routine art house offering— 98m. , —see Jan. 2 issue— (English-made)— (Snadar). ^^SASSIN FOR ^HIRE—MYD— Sidney Tafler, Ronald How¬ ard, Katherine Blake— Fair import for the lower half “ i»»w*-Leg.: B-(English-made) — (Horne-Dieti). BAD LORD BYRON, THE-D-DennIs Price, Joan Green¬ wood, Mai Zetterling— Interesting British entry for the ®'^Q*P®^-®5m.-seo Mar. 12 Issue-(Engllsh-made) BLACKMAILED— MD— Mai Zetterling, Dirk Bogarde, Fay Compton— Okeh art house attraction— 73m.— see Sept. 26 issue— (English-made)— (Bell). BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE-HISD-David Niven, Margaret Leighton, Morland Graham— Import has the angles for the ort spots-llSVam.-see Feb. 13 issue-(English-made)— (Technicolor)— (Snader). BOUNTIFUL SUMMER-CD-N. Kryuchkov, N. Arkhipova, N. Kusnetsov— Better than average Soviet import— . iss‘*«-(Rwssian-mode)-(English titles)— (A4agnicolor)—(Artkino). CAGE OF GOLD— D— Jean Simmons, David Farrar, James Donald-lmport will fit into the lower half-B2m.-see Dec. 5 I**®®— ••eg.: B-(English-made)— (Ealing). CALL OF THE BLOOD— MD— Lea Podovanl, Koy HamClements— Routine on house offering. uishedT*** ^ •““•“CEnglish-mode)— (Disting CRY THE BELOVED COUNTRY-D-Canada Lee, Charles Carson, Joyce Carey— Absorbing drama for the art, class spots-105m.-see Feb. 13 iscoe-(Sooth Africonmade)— (Lopert). DAUGHTER OF THE SANDS-DFAN-Denise Card!, larbl Tounsi, Itto Bent Lahsen— Unusual import will have to sold— 75m.— see Feb. 13 issue— (French-made)— (English narration)— (Discina). DAVID— DOC D. R. Griffiths, Mrs. D. R. Griffiths, lenan Davies— Good lower half offering for the art and class spots-40m.-see Feb. 27 issue-(English-made) — (Mayer-KIngsley). DAYS OF OUR YEARS— COMP — Catherine Erard, Serge Lafaurle, Florence Verdier— Good offering for the art and class houses— 82m.-see Jan. 2 is$ue-( Frenchmade)— (English commentary and titles)— (Souvaine). DEAD WOMAN'S KISS, A— MD-Virginia Belmont, Oianna Mario Canale — Routine offering for the art oiid Italian heuses-94m.— see Oct. 10 Issue-(ltalianmade)— (English titles)— (Casolaro). DIAMOND CITY — AD — David Farrar, Honor Blackman, Diana Dors — Okeh for the lower half — 74m.— see Jan. 2 issue — (English-made)— (Favorite). DOUBLE CONFESSION— MD— Derek Farr, Joan Hopkins, Peter Lorre— Okeh import for the art spots— 86m.— see Jan. 30 issue — (English-made)— (Stratford). EROICA (The Beethoven Stery)-BIODMU-Ewald Balser, AAorianne Schoanauer, Judith Hoizmeister— Better than overage art and class house offering— 89m.— see Nov. 7 issue— (Austrian-made)— (English titles)— (Academy). FRANCHISE AFFAIR, THE— CD — Michael Denison, Dulcie Gray, Marjorie Fielding— Import may appeal in art and British spots— 86m.— see Jan. 30 issue— (Englishmade)— (Stratford). GALLOPING MAJOR, THE— C— Basil Radford, Jimmy Han¬ ley, Janetta Scott— Highly amusing impert— 81Vbm. tee Oct. 24 issue— (Englith-mcide)—(Souva!ne). GOOSE BOY, THE— D— Imre Soos, Terl Horvath, Eva TurrkovInteresting offering for the Russian housee— 101m.— tee Nov. 7 itsuo—(Hungarian-mada)— (English titles)(Geva color)(Artkine). HER PANELLED DOOR-MD-Phyllis CaKrort, Edward Un¬ derdown, Helen Cherry— Entertaining art, doss house attraction— 84m.— see ^pt. 26 issue— (Englith-mcide}— (Souvaine). HIDEOUT, THE— MD— Howard Keel, Valerie Hobson, James Donald— Keel name may help import— 67m.— tee Jan. 16 issue— (English-made)— (Snader). HISTORY OF MR. POLLY, THE-CD-John Mills, Sally Howes, Megs Jenkins— British comedy hat limited art house appeal— 77m.— see Nov. 21 issue— (Englishmade)-(IRO). HOUSE OF 1000 WOMEN-MD-Phyllis Calvert, Flora Robson, Patricia Roc— Exploitable British meller-81m. —see Oct. 10 issue— (Englith-made)—(Elllt). IT'S FOREVER SPRINGTIME-CD-Maria AngeloHl, Elena Varzi, Donate Donati— Routine entry for the art and Italian houses— 89m.— see Jan. 16 issue-Leg.: C— (Italian-made)— (English titles)— (AFE). JOUR DE FETE— F — Jacques Tati, Guy Decomble, Paul Frankeur— Delightful French comedy— 71m.— tee Mar. 12 issue — (French-made)— (English titles and commentary)— (Mayer-Kingsley). LANDFALL— MD— Michael Denison, Patricia Plunkett, Edith Sharpe— Well-made import— 87V3m.— see Jan. 16 issue — (English-made)(Stratford). LAUGHTER IN PARADISE— C—Alostair Sim, Fay Compton, Guy Middleton— Highly humorous import— 96V^.— see Nov. 21 issue— (English-made)— (Stratford). LISBON STORY-MUMD-Patricio Burke, David Farrar, Walter Rello— Fairly interesting art house Import— 85m.— see Sept. 26 issue— (Engnsh-mode)— (Four Con¬ tinents). LIHLE MISS EGYPT-FANMU-Samla Gamal, Farid El Attache, Lola Sedky— Import is loaded with exploita¬ tion angles — 95m. — see Dee. 19 Issue — (Egyptianmade)— (English titles)— (Oriental). LOS OLVIDADOS— MD— Estala Indo, Alfonso Malta, Mig¬ uel InclonThrilling meller for Spanish speking auA> ences— 80m.— see Dec. 19 issue— {Mexlcan-mada}—(No English titles)— (Aztec). MA POMME— CD— Maurice Chevalier, Sophie Desmarots, Jeon Wall— Routine import has Chevalier name to help draw-90m.— see Nov. 7 Issue— (French-mode)— (English titlaa)--KDiacina). MAGIC GARDEN, THE— CD— Tommy Ramokgopa, Dolly •'Othebe, Harriet Qubeka— Entertaining art house offering— 63m.— see Feb. 27 issue — (South Afrlcan(English dialogue)(Mayer-Kingsley). MALIA— MD— Rossono Brazzi, Maria Dennis, Anna Proclamer-Routine Italian meller-79m.— see Feb. 27 issue— (Italian-made)— (English titles)— (Lupa). MAN IN THE DINGHY— F— Michael Wilding, Odile Versois. Jack Hulbert, Constance Cummings— Laugh filled import for the art spots-83m.-see Nov. 7 issue— (English-mode)— (Snoder). MEASURE— COSMD— Alfredo Varelll, Aide SHvani, Nelly Corradi— Okeh for the art houses— ?. I •'T*?,*. issue-(ltalian-made)— (English titles)-(Hoffberg). MEDIUM, THE— OPD— AAorle Powers, Leo Coleman, Anno Marie Alberghetti— Powerful, unusual offering for the art houses— 84m.— see Sept. 26 issue— (Italian-made)(sung in English)— (Lopert). MILL ON THE PO—A6D— Carla del Poggio, Jaiques Sernos, Giacomo Giuradei— Strong Italian meller for the art and class houses-96m.-see Nov. 21 Issue— (Italianmade)(English titles)— (Lux). MINERS OF THE DON— D— V. Doronin, A. Ignatiev, A. Zuyeva— Slew moving Russian import-93m.— see Dec. 5 issue (Rossian-mode)-(Englith tltles)-(Artklno)(AAogicolor). w. .-Ill— 1 ijoiisano, raolo Stoppa, Emma Gramatica— Good art house entry— 94V‘im.— see Jan. 16 issue— (Italian-made)-(Enalish titles)— (Burstyn). MURDER WITHOUT CRIME-D-DennIs Price, Derek Forr, Patricia Plunkett— Fair import for the lower half— issue-(English-made)-(Stratford). ^ SINNER— D— Pat Kirkwood, Jack Watling, Joy Shelton— Pleasing British drama— 78m.— tee FeL 27 issue— (English-made) (Hoffberg). FASSION for LIFE— D— Bernard Blier, Juliette Faber, Delmont — Absorbing art house offering has plenty of telling angles-85m.-see Jan. 16 issue-(Frenchmade)— (English titles)— (Brandon). FEACE will WIN— DOC— Delegates to the Second World Peace Conference at Warsaw— Okeh for the Russian spots-56m.-see Feb. 13 issue-(Polish-made)-(English commentary)— (Artkino). ramble in ERIN— TRAV— Sean O'Kelly, Eamon DeValera, Frank Aiken— Mediocre travel film for the Irish spots —80m.— see Dec. 5 issue— (Irish-made)— (Color)— (Irish Productions). ECARRED— MD— Anna MagnonI, Eduardo do Filippo, An¬ tonie CentoRoutine Italian import— 63m.— see Nov. 21 issue— Leg.i C-litalian-macle)— (English titles)— (Casolaro). SCHOOL FOR BRIDES— F — Herbert Lorn, Hugh McDermott, Brenda Bruce— Routine import has tome exploitation angles72m. — see Feb. 27 issue — (English-made) — (Hoffberg). SECRET FLJGHT-MD— Ralph Richardson, Raymond Huntley, Pamela Matthews— Fair British, import— 71m.— see Jan. 16 issue— (English-made)— (Two Cities). SIMPLE CASE OF MONEY, A-CD-Gaby Morlay, Jean Brochard, Jacques Baumer— Amusing art house impert— 82m.— see Fob. 13 Issue — (French-made)— (Eng¬ lish titles)(Discina). SING WITH ME — CMU — Giuseppe Lugo, Ruby D'Alma, Laura Nucci— Okeh entry for the Italian spots— 84m. —see Feb. 27 issue— (Italian-mode)— (English titles)— (Crown). StN^G ANGELS DMU Gustav Waldau, Wilhelm Heim, Hans Holt— Uneven art house offering— 98m.— see Feb. 13 issue— (Austrian-made)— (English titles)— (Casino). SKY IS RED, THE— D— Marina BertI, Jacques Sernas, Mischa Auer, Jr.— Slow moving import— 99m.— see Feb. 27 issue — (Italian-mode)(English titles)(Realart). SMALL BACK ROOM, THE-D-David Farrar, Kathleen Byron, Jack Hawkins— Interesting British drama— 85m.— see Feb. 27 issue— (English-made)— (Snader). ST. MATTHEW PASSION-DOC-Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Karl Schmitt Walter, Walter Ludwig— Beautifully made entry has limited art house appeal— 76m.— see Feb. 27 issoo-(Aostrian-made)— (English titles)— (Academy). TEARS OF BLOOD— MD— Andrea Checchi, Neda Naldl, Carlo Nichi— Routine Italian meller— 75m.— see Feb. 13 issue— (Italian-made)— (English titles)— (Ellis). THRILL THAT KILLS, THE— MD— Uncredited Italian players —Weak Italian import— 78m.— see Dec. 19 issue— (Italian-made)— (English dialogue)— (Distinguished). TOAST TO LOVE— DMU— Irina Baronova, David Silva, Miguel Arenas— Mediocre art house offering82m.— see Dec. 19 issue— (MexIcan-made)—(Engllsh titles and commentary)— (Astor). UNDER THE PARIS SKY-D-Brlgitte Auber, Jean Bro-, chard, Rene Blancard— Absoraing import— 103m.— see Feb. 13 issue— (French-made)— (English titles ond commentary)— (Discina). VOICE IN YOUR HEART-A-DMU-Vittorlo Gassmann, Constance Dowling, Gino Bechi— Okeh Italian import —98m.— see Mar. 12 issue— (Italian-made)— (English titles)— (Lupa). WATERFRONT WOMEN-D-Robert Newton, Kathleen Har¬ rison, Avis Scott— Okeh British drama— 74m.— see Feb. 27 issue-Leg.: B— (English-made)— (Bell). WHITE HELL OF PITZ-PALU, THE-D-Hans Albers, Ellen Widmann, Lisolotte Pulver— Routine art house presentotion98m.— see Jan. 2 issue— (Swiss-made)— (English dialogue and titles)— (Lux). WONDER BOY — D — Bobby Henrey, Robert Shackleton, Christa Winter — Good art house entry — 86m. — see Jan. 2 Issue— (English-made)— (Snader). YOUNG SCARFACE MD Richard Attenborough, Her* mione Baddeley, William Hartnell— Minor English Import— 80m.— see Nov. 21 issue— (English-made)— (MKD). MARCH 5, 1952 EXHIBITOR