The Exhibitor (1952)

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VUUAT TU/~ ANC/£N7S THOmC.. ipLATO (347 3.C.) BaueVBD THAT TH& EYE PROJECTED ITS OWN light;; which METANP elended WITH THE'VpRM'^ that WAS THPU6HT TO FLOW CONTINUOUSLY FROM EACH 0EJECT0FSI6HT TmAyne^/im'... that; in SEEINSy THE EYE IS STIMULATED BY INNUMERABLE POINTS OF LIGHT REFLECTED BY THE OBJECT . .THAT the BRAIN INTERPRETS THESE POINTS AS A TOTAL IMAGE OF THE OBJECT. //e^£'s PROGRess/ SINCE NICKELODEON DAYS, 7. nationalcakeon company HAS IMPROVED THE DRIOHTNESS OF PROJECTOR CARBON ARCS ByU©00/^/ Si ATEST SURVEYS INDICATE THAT IN ONB OUT OF EVER/ FOUR as. THEATERS/ SCREEN SRISHTNESS IS BELOW THE MINIMUM RECCMMENDED BY THE AMERICAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION/* //OfV ABOUT YOURS? GET IN THE SCRAP FOR DEFENSE -SAVE YOUR COPPER DRIPPINGS! ^Report on Screen Brightness Committee Theatre Survey, Journal SMPTE, September, 1951. THE ‘^NATIONAL" CARBON ARC ... NOTHING BRIGHTER UNDER THE SUN The term National" is a registered trade-mark of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY A Division of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation 30 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. District Sales Offices: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, New York, Pittsburgh, San Francisco IN CANADA; National Carbon Limited, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg