The Exhibitor (1953)

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* The Biggest Showmen In America Have Booked The Biggest Money-Maker Of The Tear! * HARRY BRANDT President, Brandt Theatres says: 66 Congratulations! MOULIN ROUGE certainly fulfills the promise made when United Artists said it would release cthe big ones.’ This picture, in my opinion, is one of the biggest for the year 1953 and I am delighted that UA has chosen our Trans-Lux Theatre in Philadelphia as the first run showcase in that area. WATCH THE FEBRUARY 19th OPENING FOR SPECTACULAR RESULTS! AJVD THE CRITICS HAVE BACKED IT! "Dust off the Oscars, Hollywood! Here comes f Moulin Rouge’!” -WORLD-TEL. SUN Highest rating! Will cast a spell over audiences!” -DAILY NEWS "The most vivacious and exciting illustration of bohemian Paris ever splashed on the screen!” -N. Y. TIMES Romulus presents fU*1* A LfA//co\o\‘ ROMULUS presents JOSE FERRER in John Huston's ‘‘MOULIN ROUGE1’Color by Technicolor -with ZSA ZSA GABOR SUZANNE FLON • And Introducing • COLETTE MARCHAND • a romulus production . Directed by john huston Screenplay by Anthony Veiller and John Huston • From the Novel "MOULIN ROUGE" by PIERRE LA MURE ■ IE MOTION PICTURE HONORED WITH 7 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS!