The Exhibitor (1953)

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NT-2 EXHIBITOR Piper Laurie, starred in U-Ps “The Mississippi Gambler,” recently made a tour of Loew’s New York neighborhood houses for autographing parties to aid in advance promotion of the film. Part of the crowd at Loew’s Boulevard, New York, is seen above as Loew’s managers and U-I representatives look on. Noted, left to right are, Jack Harris, back to¬ ward camera, Loew’s division manager; Jack Blum, manager, Loew’s Boulevard; A1 Mendelsohn, U-I, and Bob Zanger, Loew’s promotion staff. Miss Helen Agnes Connolly, formerly with 20th Century-Fox, joined Allied Artists’ eastern publicity office as assist¬ ant to Harry Goldstein, eastern publicity representative. . . . Hideo Shiotsugu, president, Eiga Haikyu Company, Limited, distributor of Allied Artists’ product in Japan, was in to confer with Norton V. Ritchey, president, Monogram International Corporation, accompanied by Masatoyo Takano, Tokyo branch manager and publicity manager for his company. E. S. Gregg, vice-president and general manager, Westrex Corporation, returned following discussions in Holly¬ wood concerning equipment required to record and reproduce 3-D and stereo¬ phonic pictures here and abroad. . . . Stephen Bosustow, president, United Productions of America and executive producer, Columbia UPA cartoon shorts, arrived accompanied by Charles Dag¬ gett, vice-president in charge of public relations. New Jersey Jersey City The Bergen, now the Pix, opened. The new operator is the Steinbar Theatre Company. Newark Frank Damis, zone manager, Warner Theatres, is vacationing in Florida with Mrs. Damis. . . . The Branford was busy installing equipment for “Bwana Devil.” . . . John J. Stanek, manager, Warner, Harrison, N. J., was the winner for December in Warners’ showmanship drive. He also came in first in November. Frank Costa, manager, Warner, Ridgewod, N. J., was second winner in December, and Bernard Silverman, Branford, was third. Robert Kurkewick became the new assistant manager, Warner, Harrison, N. J., replacing Peter Werner. . . . Edward Kane, manager, Regent, Elizabeth, N. J., who underwent surgery, is on the road to recovery. . . . Mary Stasiak, who was in Warner Theatres’ booking depart¬ ment, and advertising, and then resigned, gave birth to a seven pound, eight ounce boy, Robert Edward. Jack Barrett, manager, Wellmont, Montclair, N. J., absent from his thea¬ tre for about two months, returned. . . . Alfred Barrilla, manager, Union, Union, N. J., gave away carnations to the first 50 women attending “Because Of You.” . . . Bernard Silverman, manager, Bran¬ ford, used a display for civil defense, as well as a jet motor supplied by the air force in Philadelphia, to call atten¬ tion to “Breaking the Sound Barrier.” Piper Laurie, U-I star, in “The Mississippi Gambler,” visited New Jersey, attending a luncheon in her honor, and appearing on radio and tele¬ vision as a boost to her new picture. Frank Costa, manager, Warner, Ridgewood, N. J., was absent due to illness. . . . Flo Molson, with Warner Brothers Jersey Circuit for many years, connected with the sound department, re¬ signed. . . . George Morgenroth, with Warner Brothers Jersey Circuit for the past 30 years, resigned to go into busi¬ ness. He will operate a stationery and confectionery store in Cranford, N. J. Princeton The annual presidents’ forum of the Women’s State Republican Club at a meeting at the Princeton Inn voted to recommend that the next regular meet¬ ing of the organization take action in support of the Duffy Bill to broaden municipal police powers to regulate showings of “undesirable” motion pic¬ tures. New York State Albany Howard W. Maschmeier was appointed WPTR manager by J. Meyer Schine, Board of Education Again Makes Trade Tieup NEW YORK — The Board of Superintendents of the New York City Board of Education, in coopera¬ tion with the Organization of the Motion Picture Industry of the City of New York, is continuing for the second consecutive year the in-ser¬ vice course on motion pictures for teachers. Dr. Jacob Greenberg, associate superintendent, is directing the program, and Miss Rita Hochheimer, assistant director of visual education, is serving as coordinator, in cooperation with Fred J. Sch¬ wartz, president, Century Theatres, and chairman, Organization of the Motion Picture Industry of the City of New York. The course deals with the pro¬ duction, distribution, and exhibition of theatrical motion pictures and its educational and social implications for teachers. Lectures will be given by script writers, producers, and others professionally active in the field. Several sessions will be de¬ voted to actual film showings. Schwartz conducted the first lec¬ ture, covering the theatre owners’ role in the industry. Professor Robert Gessner, chairman, motion picture department, Washington Square College of Arts and Science, New York LBiiversity, spoke at the second session, and “Peter Pan” will be shown at the third session on Feb. 24. president, Patroon Broadcasting Com¬ pany, Inc. He succeeded Orrin R. Bel¬ lamy. Charles A. Smakwitz, Warner Thea¬ tres zone manager; A. O. LaFlamme, manager, Strand, here; Sid Summers, manager, Troy, Troy, and Andrew Roy, manager, Stanley, Utica, attended a zone meeting in New Haven, where Harry Goldberg, director of advertising, Warner Theatres, discussed coming product. Several pictures were screened. Managers of key New England houses also were on hand. Jack Beresin, Chief Barker, Variety Clubs International, is seen with Marian Gueth, secretary, MPTO of New York State, Inc., and Dewey Michaels, presi¬ dent. Mayfair Theatre Corporation and newly elected Chief Barker, Variety Club, Tent 7, at the installation dinner held recently in the Hotel Statler, Buffalo. INVESTIGATE THEATRE FOR LEASE Located in good American neighborhood in large Rhode Island City. Completely renovated and equipped with the latest, two years ago. Operating on seven (7) day schedule with low overhead. Ideal for individual or circuit operation. Exhibitor Owner Retiring BOX 123 References Required EXHIBITOR, 246-48 North Clarion Street, Philadelphia 7, Pa. February 18, 1953