The Exhibitor (1953)

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EXHIBITOR NT-3 yune, Miss. . . . Warners’ W. 0. Wil¬ liamson, Jr., southern district manager, was here. . . . Regulars in were: F. G. Prat, Jr., Vacherie, La., and Harold Dacey, Lockport-Raceland, La. Newly elected officers of Film Ex¬ change employees, Local F-57, are Louis Dwyer, Paramount, president; Ann Sinopoli, U-I, vice-president; Maxien Ruggiero, 20th-Fox, business agent; Clyde Daigle, Paramount, chairman of the board; Joe Springer, Warners and Armand Portier, MGM, sergeant-atarms. Reelected were RKO’s Rosalie Lutenbacher, recording secretary, and U-Ps Dianne Chatelain, financial secretary. Pat Downs, formerly with Joy Thea¬ tres, Inc., is now secretary to Larry and Barney Woolner in their Liberty office. . . . Exhibitors calling were: William Butterfield, Lake Drive-In, Pascagoula, Miss.; Milton Guidry; Frank DeGraauw, F and R Enterprises, Abbeville, La.; Jack O’Quinn, Kaplan, La.; Warren and Phillips Salles, Coving-ton, La.; B. V. Sheffield, Poplarville, Miss.; M. A. Berrenson, Bogalusa, La.; Fred T. Mc¬ Lendon, Union Springs, Ala.; Ann Molzon, Labadieville, La., and “Pops” Robert, Norco, La. Ann Molzon stopped to renew her sub¬ scription to Exhibitor and to introduce her uncle, Michael Molzon, visiting from Waterbury, Conn. Henrietta Coig, head inspectress, Re¬ public, has been a shut-in for a month. Everyone wishes her a speedy recovery. . . . C. J. Tringas, Pensacola, Fla.; William Sendy, Patio; Frank Smith, Grand Isle, La.; Benton Roy, Mansura, La.; Billy Fox Johnson, Alexandria, La., and Mickey Versen, C-Wall, Morgan City, La., were making the rounds. A1 Redell, Republic salesman, has plenty reasons for that inflated chest. The stork left a boy on Feb. 7. ... J. Omer Hebert, who reopened the Bayou Sorrelle, La., house, has a drive-in under construction near Plaquemine, La., which should be ready for opening about March 15. That distinguished big smile spread out by F. F. “Freddie” Goodrow is that he is three times a grandpappy. “The Mighty-Like-A-Rose” lassie was added to the Freddy, Jr., household in Thibodaux, La. . . . Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Royal and sons were among those at Gentilich. William Hodges, Hodges Theatre Supply, recently presented a check in the amount of $186 in behalf of many exhibitors to the Variety Club, Memphis, sponsoring construction of a Crippled Children’s Hospital. The money was derived from the sale of copper drip¬ pings from carbons which the projec¬ tionists gather from the lamps, and which Transway, Inc., picks up, and delivers for marketing. All exhibitors are invited to join in. Seen about were: Mrs. 0. Barre, Luling, La.; I. Oberlin, Natchez, Miss.; S. E. Jack ReVille, branch manager, recently awarded a 30-year service pin to Barney Ross, second from left, oldest employee at MGM’s Charlotte exchange, as the exchange’s newest employees, Imogene White, center, and Betty Gosey, left, looked on. Mortimore and Lyle Shiell, Skyvus; Bill Shiell, Marrero Drive-In; Paul Brunet, Dixie; S. J. Gulino, Kenner, Kenner, La.; E. Jenner, Ellisville, iss.; Karl Williams, manager, Tiger, and Teddy Solomon, McComb, Miss. John Dumestre, president, South¬ eastern, returned to Atlanta after several days visit with William Murphy, man¬ ager, and staff. . . . Jack Auslet will handle the bookings in this area for George Marquis, world famous added stage attraction, in his “Midnight Mad¬ ness.” Marquis will start his trek in Louisiana after Easter. Herb Paul, formerly of Dixie and now with “Bring On The Girls,” will assist Auslet. Drive-In reopenings scheduled were Mrs. E. A. Robinson’s Ren, McComb, Miss., and Neil Mixons, Amite, La. The Twin Drive-In, Lafayette, La., opened. Sammy Wright is handling the buying and booking. . . . Felix Herbert, Grand Hayes, La., is closed during Lent. He will reopen on Easter Sunday. . . . H. E. “Hal” Paisley, special represent¬ ative, Bon Bon Corporation, Beverly Hills, Cal., was a caller. “Limelight” was withdrawn at the Orpheum after a four-day showing. Manager McCausland said the New York office gave no reason for ordering the withdrawal. However, a group of American Legion post commanders in the first district, Louisiana department, met in executive session at the Legion Home to draw up a resolution which pretty well followed that passed by the national executive committee of the Legion. The local resolution requested the film be withdrawn. L. E. “Jack” Downing, Brookhaven, Miss., avows that community service plays an important role in keeping the theatre in the public spotlight. Downing said it is the best tonic to create good will in a community, thereby reflecting an ever progressive increase in attend¬ ance. One of the many causes he spon¬ sors at the Haven is the collection for “The March Of Dimes,” supervised by the Business and Professional Women’s Club, which this year garnered $453.95 in a brief period. Thieves broke into the snack bar at the Lafayette Drive-In, Lafayette, Ala., and made off with a trifling amount of money. J. C. Broggi, buyer-booker for Alex Gournares Theatres, Mobile, Ala., said that the Roosevelt will be closed for re¬ pairs until March 1. E. V. Richards, Jr., chairman, Louisiana Purchase Anniversary Com¬ mission, along with Mayor de Lesseps Morrison and members were in Washing¬ ton to extend President Eisenhower a formal invitation to come to New Orleans to reenact with the president of France the transfer of the Louisiana territory from France to the United States. This is one of the highlights of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the historical event. Charles Boasberg, general sales man¬ ager, RKO, held a sales meeting at RKO in preparation for the company’s 25th anniversary drive, March 6June 25. He was accompanied by Sidney Kramer, short subjects sales manager. Among those present were David Prince, southern division manager; Frank Mooney, his assistant; Ben Cammack, southwestern district manager, and branch managers Rogers Lamantia, New Orleans; Sol Sachs, Dallas; Ralph Williams, Oklahoma City; Reg Reagin, Memphis; Ira Stone, Atlanta, and Rovy Brannon, Charlotte. Alabama Birmingham Norge Refrigeration Company execu¬ tives inked contracts for exclusive com J. J. Musselman, manager, Rialto, Louisville, Ivy., recently had a man costumed as a gorilla drive around town to advertise Paramount’s “Road To Bali.” February 25, 1953