The Exhibitor (1951)

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NT-4 family several months passed since his last visit. Florida Miami Bill Goller, manager, Tower, was scanning the skies for the appearance of the sUrk. . . . Craig Collins, relief man¬ ager, Wometco, was pinch-hitting for Bob Chait, student assistant, Essex, on the sicklist. ... An interesting customer bonus at the Olympia recently was the fashion show. . . . Florida State Thea¬ tres planned Easter Saturday matinees with live chicks and bunnies for the lucky youngsters. . . . Minor alterations and improvements are again in progress at the Wometco home offices. Robert Perry is acting as temporary manager, Royal, where he has Lloyd Kortum as his assistant. . . . Harmon Ellison is now assistant, Capitol. . . . Ralph Wilson has been appointed man¬ ager, Baltimore. . . . The Carib, Miami, and Miracle were joint hosts to a triple thearte world premiere of “I Can Get it for You Wholesale.” . . . The No. 1 Drive-In, Daytona Beach, Fla., a Bern¬ stein theatre, is scheduled for a Shriner benefit opening, according to Bob Clyman, general manager. The Daily News recently praised Mitchell Wolf son, Wometco Theatres, for providing a few answers from Hollywood on some questions pertinent to the inves¬ tigation of Communism in Hollywood. Wolfson tcld the newspaper that at least 16 anti-Communistic pictures had come from Hollywood. Want a "foolproof" system to control PETTY CASH? Vouchers are padded 100 to a pad and are 3x5 inches. Each voucher slip is numbered as a safeguard against theft. A large envelope dc signed for the filing of voucher slips each week, and the recording of each transaction for ready reference, in the future, is available. Sold only for the tervice of tubscribing theatres. In ordering enclose the proper remittance in cash , stamps , or check . All forms are sold under a 5day money-back guarantee. THE EXHIBITOR BOOK % SHOP Cond ui ted as a Ser i i< e C.oji rt es f to Snf>st » ibet t l>y JAY EMANUEL PUBLICATIONS, INC. 1225 Vine Street • ^Philadelphia, Pa. EXHIBITOR Georgia St. Marys Sunday movies were shown for the first time at the Century, operated by L. O. West. After considerable debate and consideration of petitions, City Council decided to permit the showings at h urs that will not conflict with church services. Waycross This city outdistanced every city in the country, and wen for itself the “Queen City For a Day,” world prem¬ iere celebration for the new Robert Still¬ man film, “Queen for a Day,’’ on April 14, it was announced by Max E. Youngstein, vice-president, United Aitists, and national director of advertising, public¬ ity, and exploitation. The contest for the “Queen City” is the opening gun in a gigantic promotion on behalf of “Queen For A Day.’’ On April 9, the national radio show will begin a 10-city tour under the auspices of Old Gold Cigar¬ ettes, sponsor of the program, and the Mutual Broadcasting System. The radio show will be utilized to the fullest to prepare for key city openings and gen¬ eral regional saturation booking of the film, scheduled to follow immediately. After the appearance of the radio show, local “Queen For A Day” contests will be held with thousands of dollars worth of prizes available to local winners. These contests will also be held in 40 other cities not visited by the radio troupe. Waycross, with a population of 18,842, was one of 540 cities which par¬ ticipated in a race to choose the worldpremiere site of the film. The election was conducted by MBS for a three-week period, the Raymond Morgan Agency, producers of the radio show, Stillman, and United Artists. With Jack Bailey and Jim Morgan of the radio show on hand, in person, to headline a contin¬ gent of film and radio stars, the world premiere celebration will take place on April 14 at the Lyric, Lucas and Jenkins circuit. The entire city, county, and state officialdom is expected. State Senator Jack Williams, owner of the station and publisher, The Waycross Journal-Herald, will be prominent in the local festivities. Louisiana Shreveport W. A. Wingo, manager, Don, and Mrs. Hazel Sapp, manager, Davis, Bos¬ sier City, La., across the Red river from Shreveport, were united in mar¬ riage in a quiet ceremony by the Rev. W. R. Wendt, pastor, Bossier City Meth¬ odist Church. Both the Don and Davis belong to Don Theatres, owned by Don George. James Arthur Wren, 22-year-old Buf¬ falo man, who held up the Majestic, and secured $71, and a few minutes later shot a police officer who tried to arrest him, was sentenced to 18 years in the State penitentiary cn charges of armed robbery and aggravated assault. Harry Carver Fletcher, 26, and his wife, Mrs. Louise Fletcher, 19, were sentenced in Caddo District Court on charges of theft and simple burglary. Mrs. Fletcher was sentenced to two years on the parish farm but the term was suspended, and she was placed und r active probation. She pleaded guilty last month to a charge of theft of $170 from the Venus. Fletcher was sentenced to six years in the State penitential in two cases of burglary cf the Venus. North Carolina Greensboro The Noi’th Drive-In was broken into, the safe was forced open, and a small amount of cash and a portable radio stolen. Raleigh Representative John Umstead, Chapel Hill, who had introduced an amendment to the State Revenue Bill which would restore a three per cent gross revenue tax on motion picture theatres which was removed during World War II, told the Joint Finance Committee of the North Carolina Legislature that he is withdrawing the amendment because facts and figures gathered by the State Tax Research Department show that many small theatres would be hurt by the amendment, while the larger the¬ atres would be able to pay the tax easily. He said this would be an “inequity” which ultimately might drive the small theatre owners out of business. The tax would have netted the state about $350,000 annually, which Umstead termed “chick¬ en feed.” W. Sanford Jordan has been named manager, State, succeeding W. S. Max¬ well, recalled to active duty with the army. Winston-Salem Rural residents of Forsyth County, N. C., have complained that drive-ins should not begin operation until 9 p.m. on Sun¬ days, and the County Commissioners held a meeting at which legislation prohibit¬ ing the operation of drive-ins during Sunday evening church hours was dis¬ cussed. Attending were Forsyth County legislators, drive-in operators, and in¬ terested citizens. Drive-ins outside the city have been beginning their showings at sundown on Sunday evenings. The city’s theatres are required by law not to show films between 6 and 9 p.m., on Sundays, although they may open their doors at 8:45 p.m. The Park-Vue Drive-In with a capac¬ ity of 350 cars formally opened. Seats for 150 persons without cars also are pro¬ vided. J. H. Hayes, for several years manager of the colored section, State, Winston-Salem, is manager. Jasper J. Jones is projectionist and assistant man¬ ager. The latter has held a similar posi¬ tion at the Lafayette, Winston-Salem, for several years. Tennessee Nashville A bill to remove the Tennessee sales tax from film rentals was given final passage in the legislature, and sent to Governor Browning for signature. March 28, 1951