The Exhibitor (Jun-Nov 1941)

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Servisection S THE CHECK-UP — August 27, 1941 MAN-MADE MONSTER — MD — Lon Chaney, Jr.. Lionel Atwill, Anne Nagel — Strictly for the duals, except where horror can be sold — 69m. — see Apr. 2 issue — (5012). MAN FROM MONTANA — W — Johnny Mack Brown, Fuzzy Knight, Nell O’Day — First in the series is high rating western — 55m. — see Aug. 20 issue — (0061). MAN WHO LOST HIMSELF, THE — C — Brian Aherne, Kay Francis, Henry Stephenson — Lightweight com¬ edy for the duallers — 72m. — see Apr. 16 issue — (5016). MASKED RIDER, THE — W — Johnny Mack Brown, Nell O’Day, Fuzzy Knight — Standard western should satisfy the open air fans — 58m. — see Aug. 20 issue — (6062). MEN OF THE TIMBERLAND — MD — Richard Arlen. Andy Devine, Linda Hayes— Fair meller for duals and nabes — 62m. — see June 11 issue — (5055). MEET THE CHUMP — C— Hugh Herbert, Lewis Howard. Jeanne Kelly — For the lower half of dualler* family audiences may like it — 60m. — see Feb. 6 issue — (6032). MR. DYNAMITE — MD — Lloyd Nolan, Irene Hervey, J. Carrol Naish — Interest holding meller for the duals — 63m. — see Mar. 19 issue — (5041). MODEL WIFE — CD — Joan Blondell, Dick Powell. Charles Ruggles — Pleasant program; sell the names — 78m. — see Apr. 16 issue — (6014). MOONLIGHT IN HAWAII — CMU — Johnny Downs, Jane ' Frazee, Leon Errol — Pleasant musical is okay for the bottom half — 59m. — see Aug. 20 issue — (’41-’42) . MUTINY IN THE ARCTIC — AD — Richard Arlen, Andy Devine, Anne Nagel — Should satisfy the action fans on the lower half — 61m. — see Apr. 30 issue — (6054). NICE GIRL? — CD MU — Deanna Durbin, Franchot Ton*. Robert Benchley, Walter Brennan, Robert Stack, Helen Broderick — Ninth Durbin holds to average of series, even with slim story — 96m. — eee Mar. 6 issue — (6003). QUIET WEDDING — C — Margaret Lockwood, Derek Farr — Very British show may have chance in class spots; dualler in others — 80m. — see Aug. 6 issue — (English-made) — (6044). RAIDERS OF THE DESERT — MD — Richard Arlen, Andy Devine, Linda Hayes — Good meller for the duals 60m. — see July 23 issue — (5056). RAWHIDE RANGERS — W — Johnny Mack Brown, Fuzzy Knight, Nell O’Day — Routine Brown — 56ga. — see July 9 issue — (6067). SAN ANTONIO ROSE — CMU — Jane Frazee, Robert Paige, Eve Arden — Lightweight lower bracket at¬ traction — 63m. — see July 9 issue — (6031). SING ANOTHER CHORUS — CMU — Johnny Downs, Jane Frazee, Mischa Auer — Program musical will fit nicely into the lower half — 63m. — see Aug. 20 issue — (’41-’42). LESSONS FROM MADAME LA ZONQA — CMU— Lupe Velez, Leon Errol, Helen Parrish — Okay for the duallers — 62m. — see Jan. 22 issue — (6022). (6001). THIS WOMAN IS MINE — MD — Franchot Tone, John Carroll, Walter Brennan, Carol Bruce — Disappointing; but may have more chance for subsequents and neighborhoods — 92m. — see Sept. 3 issue — (5044). TIGHT SHOES — O — John Howard, Binnie Barnes. Brod¬ erick Crawford — Neat programmer that might get somewhere with the right kind of selling — 6.7m. — see June 11 issue — (6012a). TOO MANY BLONDES — CMU — Rudy Vallee, Helen Parrish, Lon Chaney, Jr. — Lightweight program for the duallers — 60m.— see May 28 issue — (5034). :*( WHERE DID YOU GET THAT GIRL? — C — Leon Errol. Helen Parrish, Charles Lang — Okay program mei for th# duals — 65m. — see Jan. 8 issue — (6080). SIX TO BE REVIEWED OR IN PRODUCTION AMERICANOS, THE — Dick Foran, Leo Carrillo, Marcia Ralston. APPOINTMENT FOR LOVE — Margaret Snllavan, Charles Boyer. ARIZONA CYCLONE — Johnny Mack Brown, Fuzzy Knight. BADLANDS OF DAKOTA — Richard Dix, Robert Stack, Frances Farmer, BOMBAY CLIPPER — William Gargan, Irene Hervey, Charles Lang. BURMA CONVOY — Charles Bickford, Evelyn Ankers, Frank Albertson. GHOST TOWN BUCKAROO — Johnny Mack Brown, Fuzzy Knight, Nell O’Day. GREAT MAN, THE — W. C. Fields, Gloria Jean. HALF WAY TO SHANGHAI — Charles Bickford, Eveljm Ankers, Frank Albertson. HELLZAPOPPIN' — Olsen and Johnson, Martha Raye. Mischa Auer. IT STARTED WITH ADAM — Deanna Durbin, Charles Laughton, Robert Cummings, Guy Kibbee. JAIL HOUSE BLUES — Robert Paige, Anne Gwynne. KEEP 'EM FLYING — Abbott and Costello, Carol Bruce. MELODY LANE — Merry-Macs, Baby Sandy. MOB TOWN — Billy Halop. Huntz Hall. Dick Foran. NOBODY'S FOOL — Hugh Herbert, Anne Gwynne, Mischa Auer. PARIS CALLING — Elizabeth Bergner, Randolph Scott. RIDE 'EM COWBOY — Abbott and Costello, Dick Foran. Leo Carrillo. SEALED LIPS — William Gavgan, John Litel, June Clyde — 62m. SONORA KID — Dick Foran, Leo Carrillo, Andy Devine. SWING IT, SOLDIER — Frances Langford, Ken Murray, Don Wilson. TERROR OF THE ISLANDS — Una Merkel, Nat Pendle¬ ton, Claire Dodd. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — Irene Dunne, Robert Mont¬ gomery, Preston Foster, Eugene Pallette. WARNERS-F3RST NATIONAL (1939-1940 releases from 401 up; 1940-1941 releases from 500 up.) (FN) — First National; (W) — Warners AFFECTIONATELY YOURS — C — Merle Oberon, Dennis Morgan, Rita Hayworth — Comedy of wacky school should do pleasant business — 88m. — 6ee May 14 issue— (FN )— (566). BAD MEN OF MISSOURI — MD — Dennis Morgan, Jane Wyman, Wayne Morris, Arthur Kennedy — Rip-roar¬ ing western is good bet for small towns and action houses — 74m. — see July 23 issue — (FN) — (557). BRIDE CAME C.O.D., THE — C — James Cagney, Bette Davis, Jack Carson — Top-notch light comedy — 92m. — see July 9 issue — (W) — (507). BULLETS FOR O'HARA — MD — Joan Perry, Roger Pryor, Anthony Quinn — Fast-moving abridged bot¬ tom dualler — 50m. — see July 23 issue — Leg. : B — (W) — (518). CASE OF THE BLACK PARROT, THE — MY — William Lundigan, Maris Wrixon, Luli Deste — Just filler — 69m. — see Jan. 8 iBsue — (FN) — (672). DEVIL DOGS OF THE AIR — MD — James Cagnev, Pat U’Brien, Margaret Lindsay, Frank McHugh— Re¬ issue; sell Cagney, O'Brien, and service angles— 86m. — see May 14 issue — (W)— (550). DIVE BOMBER — MD — Errol Flynn, Fred MacMurray, Ralph Bellamy— Topical exploitation show has names and Technicolor to send it to better grosses — 132m. — -see Sept. 3 issue — (FN) — (553). FATHER’S SON — D — John Litel, Billy Dawson, Frieda lnescort — Pleasant entertainment for the family trade — 68m.— see Jan. 22 issue — (W) — (520). FLIGHT FROM DESTINY — D — Geraldine Fitzgerald, Thomas Mitchell, Jeffrey Lynn, James Stephepaqu — Theme oalls for intensive selling — 72m. — see Jan. 8 issue — (W) — -(614) — (A). FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK — MD — Errol Flynn, Bren¬ da Marshall, Ralph Bellamy — Well-made mellermystery has plenty of selling angles — 96m. — see Mar. 6 issue — (W) — (509). GREAT LIE, THE — D — Bette Davis, George Brent, Mary Astor, Hattie McDaniel — Strong women's pic¬ ture should be one of the better grossers of the season — 107m. — see Apr. 16 issue — (WJ — (504) —(A). GREAT NiK. NOBODY, THE — C — Eddie Albert, Joan Leslie, Alan Hale, William Lundigan — For the lower half of the duallers — 71m. — see Feb. 19 is¬ sue — (W) — (515). HERE COMES HAPPINESS — O — Mildred Coles. Edward Norris, Richard Ainley — Low-bracket filler — 68m. — see Mar. 19 issue — (W) — (621). HIGH SIERRA — D — Humphrey Bogart, Ida Lupins, Joan Leslie, Henry Hull — Exciting new gangster angle; should do okay — 100m. — see Jan. 22 issue — (666)— (FN). HIGHWAY WEST — MD — Brenda Marshall, Arthur Ken¬ nedy, Olympe Bradna — Fast moving meller for the lower half — 63m. — see Aug. 20 issue — (FN) — (565). HONEYMOON FOR THREE — CD — Ann Sheridan, George Brent, Charlie Ruggles — Programmer will have to depend on the names — 77m. — see Jan. 8 issue (610) — (W). INTERNATIONAL SQUADRON — MD — Ronald Reagan, James Stephenson, Olympe Bradna — Will need strong selling for best results — 87m. — see Aug. 20 issue — (1st Block). KISSES FOR BREAKFAST — C — Dennis Morgan, Jane Wyatt, Shirley Ross — Fair comedy for the duallers — 82m. — see July 9 issue — (W) — (617). KNOCKOUT — MD — Arthur Kennedy, Olympe Bradna, Virginia Field — Actionful entry for the bottom dual spot — 73m. — see Mar. 19 issue — (FN) — (568). MANPOWER — MD — Edward G. Robinson. Marlene Die¬ trich, George Raft — Names should help carry this to better grossfes — 105m. — see July 23 issue — ( Vv , — (605). MEET JOHN DOE — D — Gary Cooper, Barbara Stan¬ wyck, Edward Arnold, Walter Brennan — Packed with entertainment, this is equal to Capra’s best — 123m. — see Mar. 19 issue — (500). MILLION DOLLAR BABY — C — Priscilla Lane, Jeffrey Lynn, Ronald Reagan, May Robson — High-rating program comedy; needs selling — 100m. — see May 28 issue — (W) — (608). NAVY BLUES — CMU — Ann Sheridan, Jack (Jakie, Martha Raye — Laugh show, with the Navy back¬ ground, should get into the better grosses — 108m. — see Aug. 20 issue — (1st Block). NURSE’S SECRET, THE — MY — Lee Patricia Regis Toomey, Julie Bishop — Minor league rriystery — 63m. — see May 14 issue — (W) — (523). OUT OF THE FOG — MD — Ida Lupino, John Garfield, Thomas Mitchell, Eddie Albert — Suspenseful pro¬ grammer on the heavy side will need plenty of push — 86m. — see June 25 issue — (FN) — (.555). PASSAGE FROM HONGKONG — MD — Lucille Fairbanks, Keith Douglas, Paul Cavanagh — For the bottom half of the duallers — 61m. — see June 11 issue — (W) — (524). issue— (FN) — (661). SEA WOLF, THE — MD — Edward G. Robinson, Ida Lu¬ pino, John Garfield — Well-made version of the Jack London story, but don’t forget to make a special bid for the femme trade — 100m. — see Apr. 2 issue — (W)— (501). SERGEANT YORK— MD — Gary Cooper, Walter Bren¬ nan, Joan Leslie — Big money show; go the limit in selling it — 134m. — see July 9 issue — (Spe¬ cial). SHADOWS ON THE STAIRS — MY — Frieda IneBcort. Bruce Lester, Heather Angel — Satisfactory mystery filler — 03m. — see Mar. 19 issue — (FN) — (673). SHINING VICTORY — D — .James Stephenson, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Donald Crisp — Strong drama yyj 1 1 re¬ quire extra selling — 80m. — see May 28 issue — (FN) — (564) — (A). SHOT IN THE DARK, A — MD — William Lundigan. Nan Wynn, Ricardo Cortez — Will fit nicely into the lower dualler spot — 67m. — see Apr. 2 issue— (W) — (622). SINGAPORE WOMAN — MD — Brenda Marshall, David Bruce, Virginia Field — Dual support; cat) fee sold — 04m. — see Mav 14 issue — (FN) — (66.3). SMILING GHOST, THE — MYD — Wayne Morris, Brenda Marshall, Alexis Smith — Familiar type mystery will serve on the twin bills — 71m. — see Aug. 20 issue — (1st Block). STRANGE ALIBI — MD — Arthur Kennedy, Joan Perry, Jonathan Hale — Action meller for the duallers will help Arthur Kennedy’s buildup — 63m. — see Apr. 30 issue — (FN) — (567). STRAWBERRY BLONDE, THE — CD — James Qagney, Rita Hayworth, Olivia de Havilland — Plenty of entertainment for all; with the Gay Nineties angle for the older patrons — 97m. — see Feb. 19 issue — (FN) — (659). THIEVES FALL OUT — C— Eddie Albert. Joan Leslie, Alan Hale, Jane Darwell— Acceptable neighborhood entertainment for the dual bills — 72m. — see Apr. 30 issue — (W) — (516). THREE SONS O’ GUNS — C— Wayne Morris, Marjorie Rambeau, Tom Brown, William T. Orr — Okay for the duallers — 65m. — see Aug. 6 issue — (FN) — (574). UNDERGROUND — MD — Jeffrey Lynn, Philip Dorn, Mona Maris — Gripping meller of Nazi conditions will need the most intensive selling — 95m. — eee June 25 issue — (FN) — (558). WAGONS ROLL AT NIGHT, THE — MD — Humphrey Bo¬ gart, Joan Leslie, Eddie Albert, Sylvia Sidney — Meller offers plenty of selling angles — 84m. — see Apr. 16 issue — (FN) — (560). TO BE REVIEWED OR IN PRODUCTION ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT — Humphrey Bogart, Kaaren Verne, Conrad Veidt. BLACK WIDOW, THE — Jeffrey Lynn, Jane Wyman. BRIDGES BUILT AT NIGHT — Lloyd Nolan, Alexis Smith. CAPTAINS OF THE CLOUDS — James Cagney, Dennis Morgan, Alan Hale, Brenda Marshall — (Technicolor). KING'S ROW — Ronald Reagan, Ann Sheridan, Robert Cummings, Claude Rains, Maria Ouspenskaya. LAW OF THE TROPICS — -Jeffrey Lynn, Constance Bennett, Alan Hale. MALE ANIMAL, THE — Henry Fonda, Priscilla Lane, Joan Leslie. MALTESE FALCON, THE — Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Peter Lorre, Gladys George. MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER, THE— Bette Davis, Monte Woolley, Ann Sheridan. NEW ORLEANS BLUES — Priscilla Lane, Betty Field. Jack Carson, Lloyd Nolan. NINE LIVES ARE NOT ENOUGH— Ronald Reagan. Joan Perry, James Gleason. ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN — Fredric March, Martha Scott. PRIME MINISTER, THE — John Gielgud, Diana Wynj'ard. Will Fyffe — (English-made). THEY DIED WITH THEIR BOOTS ON— Errol Flynn. Olivia de Havilland, Alan Hale. FOREIGN Listed here are imported productions and all foreignlanguage pictures of whatever origin, when such pic¬ tures are not a part of the regular release schedule of an independently listed producer-distributor. BREAK THE NEWS — see Monogram listing. CASTLES IN THE AIR (Castelli in Aria) — C — Vit¬ torio de Sica, Lilliajj Harvey, Otto Tressler — Mediocre foreign effort for Italian nabes only — 96m. — see May 28 issue — (Italian, no titles) — (Esperia). CASTELLI IN ARIA — see Castles in the Air. CAVALCADE OF IRELAND — Doc — Irish scenes — Pass¬ able attraction for the Irish — 85m. — see May 28 issue — ( Crommev ) . COMPLIMENTS OF MR. FLOW — CD — Fernand Qrgyet, Edwige Feuillers, Louis Jouvet — Standard Franoh offering for art houses and sophisticated nabes — 77m. — see Mar. 6 issue — (Hoffberg). DANGEROUS CARGO — see Hell's Cargo. 40,000 HORSES — AD — Grant Taylor, Betty Bryant — interesting novelty; has timely angles — 87m. — see Aug. 6 issue — (Goodwill) — (Australian-made). GREECE ON THE MARCH — Doc — A combination of three short subjects — '“Greece on the March,” 40m.; “Grecian Provincial Life,” 40ra.; and "Greece In¬ dependence Day Parade,” 25m. — Okay for Greek nabes — -105m. — see Apr. 16 issue — (Parthenon). HEROES OF THE SEA— MD — V. I. Osvetimsky. S. D. Timokhin, A. M. Maximova — Okay Russian: sell “inside story of Red navy”; plenty of propaganda — 88m. — see May 14 issue — (Russian with Eng¬ lish titles) — (Artkino). HORROR, THE — MY — Wilfrid Lawson, Bernard Lee — Okay for the horror duallers— 63m. — eee “Mystery of Room 13” — see July 9 issue — (English-made) • — (Alliance). KING OF THE WHITE ELEPHANT, THE— MD— Renu Kritayakorn, Suvat Nilsen, Pairin Nilsen — Ngvelty, not an animal pic, might be played as freak In some spots — 66m. — eee Apr. Id issue — (Siamese, Spoken in English) — (Ralph E. Peckham). LAST WILL OF DR. MABUSE, THE — MD — Oscar Beregi, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Otto Wernicke — Heavy rneller fur art stands and German houies — 98oi. see Mar? 6 issue — (Gallic Films).