The Exhibitor (Jun-Nov 1944)

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JOSEPH BERNHARD Warner Bros. ‘‘It is constructive and informative entertainment in the best sense.” HARRY BRANDT Brandt Theatres ‘‘Every exhibitor in America should make it his business to give ‘Americans AH' the longest playing time possible.” ARTHUR MAYER Rialto Theatre “ ‘Americans All’ is a picture for all Americans ... I trust all American Theatres will show it!” MARTIN QUIGLEY Quigley Publications “ 'Americans AH' is an interesting outline of the problem and should receive a wide showing to exert a helpful influence.” BEN SHLYEN Boxoffice ” ‘Americans AH' is enlightening while serving as entertainment . . . Every sound-thinking American showman should proudly exhibit this film on his screen.” ABEL GREEN Variety ‘‘A must for every exhibitor . . . it's as topical as the weather!" EVERETT R. CLINCHY National Conference of Christians and Jews ‘‘Will exert a constructive influence wherever it is shown, in producing it The March of Time has rendered a patriotic service." re/ecrse of * The March of Time RICHARD E. GUTSTADT ^ Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith ‘‘You are to be congratulated upon , 'Americans AH’. A courageous and ** forthright film.” 2d* CENTURY-FOX RELEASE