The Exhibitor (Jun-Nov 1944)

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AT THE HEAD or THE PROCESSION! w E didn't get into first position by step¬ ping in there self-invited V We got g there because we were put there ^ and g by the best brains of this business By Exhibitors who want action, lots of it, and g fast ^ Exhibitors who haven't time to mon ! (£ key with media that isn't fool-proof Exhibitors who want the straightest line be¬ tween the ad and the box office ^ and want that line full of feet all going the same direc¬ tion ^ Quite naturally, a quicker, surer, g cheaper way to sell shows has put us at the head of the procession. nATIOMA 1 Ci&ieetl SERVICE PRIZE BRBY OF THE MDUSTRY ^JLAJNLP AJLP — AC CESSOR If 5 • TRAILERS • SPECIAL ACCESSORIES!