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New York — The death of Wendell 1 fillkie, 52, at Lenox Hill Hospital of coi lary thrombosis, Oct. 8, threw the natio ^d industry into mourning last week en< Her the body lay in state in Fifth Avenu esbyterian Church the following da; that his many friends might pay la; jpects, funeral services were held Oq idth Rev. J. S. Bfljjj^h^officiating. Buri; at Rushvill^^^^^^^^^
^entury-Fo _th° v'
THE HOTEL ASTOR put on th( its best stableware, when Trigger, < Movies,” played host at a cocktail Roy Rogers’, latest visit to the Big/^fgpg^ distinction, was held in the Gram , colored host cavorted and neighed tq*-:®* group from the Republic home of aboard Trigger and to the flashes placing his horse, in a specially builj through his paces for the camera who immediately wished to be else, drinks with them. According „
International P
costumed riders we saw outside four-legged chair. Featured wa guests behind a frame on which < Present at the shindig were Withers, two-thirds of the Andi Storey, Walter L. Titus, Jr., Stevl Seifert, E. L. Becker, Seymour B| well Gillis, Grover C. Schaefer,! Clancy, Lillian Jenkins, Mr. aa Tom Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. ErrJ Archer Winsten, Helen MeyeJ Reid, Ed Mahar, Arthur DillenM Starr, Hortense Schorr, etc., etfl If Rogers kept a diary, hisfl greeting accorded him on his H fact that he played host to tlfl Macy's in the interests of the at Sheepshead Bay with Trig® Mavor pfl
youth organizatTohsT^ercg^w radio appearances, etc. Mea on all this publicity by play through the 29th, the length!
IDEA FOR POST-WA customers might be intere: mothers and infants in a I enclosed room, equipped w cry their heads off withou
TWO-IN-ONE DEPT praises, for the local Riv collaboration with Monty Managers Aren’t Nuts!” I and annoying things thatj being devoted to the marJ
Directed b
The super-mystery-drama of a man of substance and a lily of the field tied by terror to a murder secret too hot for their guilty hearts!
Released by RKO RADIO PICTURES, Inc.