The Exhibitor (Jun-Nov 1944)

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NT-2 THE EXHIBITOR Title titles he NEWS Pasquale De Blasi, Sr., an accountant for 20th Century-Fox, is a Republican candidate for Assembly from the 13th Assembly District, Kings County. . . . Bill Rose has filed a $500,000 suit against MGM and Loew’s Inc. claiming negligence in their operation of the Ziegfeld and stating that it will cost that sum for repairing and restor¬ ing the furniture and furnishings. . . . Charles Winkleman, manager. Playhouse, Princeton, N. J., was convalescing at the Medical Center in the Harkness Pavilion. . . . Mack Herb is now managing director of Dow’s Theatre, Hartford, Conn. . . . Joe Sampliner donated four overcoats to Russian War Relief and is still digging into his wardrobe to find more clothing he can spare. . . . Lou Levy, Jessie Stern and Abe Levy theatres, underwent a tonsil operation. Lula Schwartz, vetei'an movie executive, now owner of the Roadside Rest, Long Beach Road, closed up for the winter sea¬ son and will now take a short vacation. . . . Jerry Herzog, veteran salesman, has joined PRC and is handling the Jersey territory. . . . Seaman First Class David Eimer telephoned his parents recently from San Diego, Calif., telling them he will soon be home on furlough. ... Joe Hornstein is on a business trip to Chicago. He will be away a week or so. . . . Universal Film Exchange employes raised a fund for over¬ seas Xmas packages, which were sent to former employes now in the armed forces. . . . Harold Purse, Jr., recently visited Capitol Motion Picture Supply, with his dad, Benny Purse. Sergeant Herbie Jacobs, U. S. Marine Corps, stationed at Cherry Point, N. C., was assigned to New York to purchase motion picture equipment. As a civilian, he managed the Terrace, Yonkers. . . . Theatre managers are warned that the building department inspectors will place a violation against their houses if the frames in their lobbies are without glass. . . . Rosenzweig and Gulkis Theatres con¬ ducted a 13-week summer business drive under the supervision of Nathan Moll. The following managers earned a substan¬ tial bonus: Morton M. Shankman, Allerton; David H. Kieth, Alpine; A1 Moley, Mew Jersey Jersey City As a result of their good work in the recent paper salvage drive, Boy Scouts of Troop Nine, Central Avenue Reformed Church, were guests at showing of “Wil¬ son” at the State. . . . City showhouses will co-operate with the coming Community Chest drive by arranging lobby displays. . . . Richard Kaye, engineering staff, Loew’s Jersey City, has returned to his Projector Repair and Parts JOE HORNSTEIN has it! Beach; Ralph Doyle, Melba, and Ted Alpert, Park. Irving Wormser was given a farewell party by Nat Cohen, district manager of Columbia, with all employes of the ex¬ change in attendance. Then at the Hotel Astor a testimonial dinner was given in his honor, where his many industry friends wished him great success as eastern di¬ vision manager of Film Classics. . . . That Roosevelt vs. Dewey poll being conducted by Newsreel Theatres Inc. continues with interest mounting weekly. . . . Mort.y Lightstone, supervisor, Suozzo Theatres of the Island Theatre Circuit, is the proud father of a baby girl, Maxine Jean, weigh¬ ing six pounds, 14 ounces. . . . Birthday greetings are in order to Jack Glauber, salesman, National Theatre Supply. . . . James Frank, Jr., manager. National The¬ atre Supply, has moved into the new home he recently purchased in New Rochelle. Industry friends wish Jack Levy, sales¬ man, National Screen, a speedy recovery. . . . Ben Brody has sold his milk bar in the Times Square section. He is owner of the Municipal and Miami theatres. . . . Moe Sanders, Ed Lachman, and S.y Sey¬ mour are conducting a drive for volun¬ teers for the Stage Door Canteen. . . . Stanley Gluckman, former Universal ex¬ change employe, has been renorted missing since Sept. 4. He was on a flying fortress mission. . . . Private Joe Gallagher sent greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Irving Dreeben from overseas. . . . Paramount Pep Club has mailed out their overseas G. I. pack¬ ages to all former employes. Morris Berns, manager, Jewel, Brook¬ lyn, announces he has joined the Motion Picture Asst. . . . Lou Gold, New Jersey movie magnate, got a big “hello” from Re¬ public’s Roy Rogers, while watching the rodeo parade last week. . . . Linden, Nos¬ trand Avenue, Brooklyn, has been opened by Century Circuit. . . . Doc Brown’s Strand, Lakewood, was damaged by fire last week. . . . Irving Wemick will open the Lido, Amsterdam Avenue, but will call it the Ramona, which was the original name under a foreign policy. . . . Superior, Third Avenue, is being refurbished and will open soon. . . . Otto Reddick cele¬ brated his second wedding anniversary last week. Corrine Blum, 17, has entered NYU. She is the darling daughter of Charles Blum, Dave Snaper Circuit. . . . Irving Kurland, owner. Palace, Second Avenue, and co¬ partner, Grove, Brooklyn, became an edi¬ tor for his lodge newsette recently. . . . Jack Cohen, State Poster Company, known as “the well dressed man” was seen wear¬ ing a head gear that was hemstitched on the brim. duties after a month at the Medical Cen¬ ter. ... It is reported that local theatres are considering offering group passes to the Jersey City USO for the use of serv¬ icemen. William Basil, owner, American, Lodi, is again operating this house after being honorably discharged from the Army. D. F. Barreca, manager, Orpheum, be¬ came a grandfather when his son, Robert F„ formerly of the Loew Circuit, became the father of a baby girl, Pamela Gene. Newark Sally Schachtman, contact department at Warners, came in this week sporting a beautiful engagement ring. The lucky fellow is from Baltimore, Maryland, and Just Plain Sol the happy event will take place sometime in December. Marge Andrews, formerly with Warner Brothers, Jersey zone, was in to pay a visit, looking very trim in her WAC uniform. She is stationed in Texas. The following managerial changes were made last week in Warner theatres: Lou Stein from the Ritz, Newark, to the Regent, Elizabeth; Dan Cadone from the Embassy, Orange, to the Ritz, Newark; John Hegarty from the Central, Newark, to the Embassy, Orange; David Beehler from the Capitol, Belleville, to the Central, Newark, and Frank Hinchy, who until re¬ cently was in the booking department of the Warner Newark office, takes over as manager at the Capitol, Belleville. North Bergen The old Broadway, closed for the past three years and recently purchased by Dr. D. G. Richardi, dentist of Jersey City, has been renamed the Astor and reopened last fortnight, after extensive alteratoins and improvements. A civic ceremony marked the opening, at which Mayor Paul Cullum, Bergen, and other civic leaders spoke. D. F. Barreca, manager, Orpheum, Jersey City, is managing director and will handle book¬ ings. As the house caters to a neighbor¬ hood clientele, emphasis will be placed on attention to women and children. A new ladies’ lounge, especially for the comfort of women and small children has been constructed in a former retail store space next to the theatre. Miss Ida M. Pieroni, formerly relief manager for the Rosenblatt and Welt Circuit in North Jersey, has been appointed manager. A matron, who is a practical nurse, has been engaged to look after children who attend performances unaccompanied by parents. West New York Jane Withers and Kenny Bowers were the center of attention when they attended the football game between Memorial High School, West New York, and St. Cecilia’s High, Englewood, at Miller Stadium. Peggy Ryan, Universal starlet, joined the group after the game. Mew York State Albany Variety Club members of Tent No. 9 are still talking about the wonderful testi¬ monial dinner held at the Ten Eyck Hotel on Oct. 2. Eighty-five Barkers were in attendance. The master of ceremonies was Arthur Mann, nationally known sports writer and commentator. Among the outof-town guests were Syd Kallet, Kallet Circuit; Manny Brown, Paramount, Buffalo branch manager; Phil Fox, Columbia, Buffalo branch manager, and Elmer Lux, RKO, Buffalo branch manager. . . . Tom Creavy, former PGA golf champ and Para¬ mount booker has resigned. . . . Arnold Cohen, manager of National Screen Acces¬ sories, Albany, has resigned. . . . C. J. Latta, Warner Theatres’ zone manager, has been named New York Upstate chairman for the forthcoming Sixth War Loan Drive, Motion Picture Division, and a meeting with the National Committee will be held at the Staffer Hotel on Nov. 2. It is ex¬ pected that there will be a very large turn¬ out with practically all distributors and exhibitors present. Service for Sound JOE HORNSTEIN has it! October 11, 1944