The Exhibitor (1950)

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THE MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY’S MOST COMPREHENSIVE SOURCE OF INFORMATION TUESDAY. SDICTION Univers Earns $12,924 as Ag< $717,535 Loss; Fran Coin lo Help in Seco n lo Sign wniratu, LU Shows on Screens L n Biirea. ol THh M.M DAlL* l, wood — Prompted by '^creaf‘ lot George Marshall “Jg Itv' field' .CKrecwr. Guild hsr.r^ ■ and would seek action to for tnem by invoking section ■ (Continued on Pag* 2' Universal in the jan 2b returned to ing a net profit of 3 reported yeswrgy with a loss of $"> -responding period fiscal year Profit bears oUl Leon Goldberg. •Continued mm me predil Universal on Pag* 6I] ier TV Standard ided tor Theaters Salesmen Mark T j During Fox Meeti I — Highet television iibly an increase to LOW 1™». a. compared roadcast standard ot 526 ) bt required tot the*i*' ; Charles f SKoaras, NaCoatinued oa r *Ke * 1 in Code Committee [Stage ior Draiting •««* EHr «? «SS35 hi Kew YA Citr Lg regulations as the commit I iContmued on P»8* $1,650,000 Hospital Sh< Sauter in Drive tor A campaign to for Veterans Hosj will be one of tne undertaken by J* Iasi week was el. I Continued K>-« »'» ..»»>■ ,h. Kenluck) taoc»"°» gule> Committee brou $1500.000 m »*>« '»*' ‘‘*C A until*. measure **> dete< A bill to le*> -•> f* cent* on each p.'ktng »P*« « theaterc -»> f«‘ed ,nd , Govcrno. Clements to. *« Measure corresponds to tn« 7ft cent ta. on theate. se* economy jgoH^dav by David ■PfSTlnternationars ad t press conterenca al tn (Continued BING CROSBY IN BIGGEST ★ ★ ★ ★ 1950 YEAR BOOK of MOTION PICTURES ow Being Distributed to all Subscribers of THE FILM DAILY ★ ★ ★ ★ The YEAR BOOK Contains: A complete list of ALL theatres in the United States arranged by states. Theatres in circuits, to¬ gether with home office addresses and executive personnel . . . An up-to-date list of DRIVE-INS with locations . . . Negro theatres . . . Personnel of companies . . . Per¬ sonnel of Motion Picture Studios . . . Associations and their person¬ nel . . . Important company finan¬ cial statements . . . Labor organiza¬ tions — Covers Over 12 00 Pages _ _ . . Exhibitor groups . . . Developments in Television and ts relationship to motion pictures . . . Non-theatrical producers ind distributors . . . Eguipment manufacturers, products they nanufacture, together with executive personnel . . . Complete ist of film exchanges, managers' names . . . Film carriers . . . laboratories ... A list of more than 22,000 motion pictures eleased since 1915, together with release date and review iates . . . CREDITS ot players, producers, directors, photogra¬ phers, film editors, writers, and art directors . . . Features re¬ eased in 1949, together with credits, running time ot the picture vith Film Daily review date . . . Serials released since 1920 . . . Vorld-wide statistics of importance to the entire industry. Everything Beautifully Bound ★ ★ ★ ★ Film Daily Year Books Are Given to Subscribers of THE FILM DAILY, the Industry's Oldest and most Widely Read Daily Paper. ★ ★ ★ ★ For 32 Years THE FILM DAILY Has been the most compre¬ hensive Source of informa¬ tion in the Motion Picture Industry. Complete news coverage daily . . . THE FILM DAILY The Industry's oldest daily trade paper, published five days each week. Vital news of -the industry that is essential to everyone in this industry today. Pro¬ duction, Distribution, Exhi¬ bition, Equipment and Television news. Con¬ structive editorials. Ana¬ lytical, showmanship fea¬ ture and short subject reviews that will help any exhibitor in the selection of his programs. News of arbitration, complaints, hearings and decisions of exceptional spot value to exhibitors and distributors. News presented in the same brief, readable, interpretive, interesting style which THE FILM DAILY has main¬ tained uncompromisingly during these past thirty-two years of serving the industry. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ A WEALTH OF INFORMATION IS vours when you become a subscriber to AND 1,001 OTHER IMPORTANT FEATURES THE FILM DAILY Send For Your Copy NOW — Mail This Coupon Today ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Film Daily Year Book covers — in One Volume — all statistical and informative data on the motion picture industry and places at the finger tips of executives, producers, distribu¬ tors, exhibitors and all those in any way interested in the film industry a wealth of valuable information. A subscription to THE FILM DAILY will not only keep you informed on up-to-the-minute news and reviews but tvill answer your every question on motion pictures throughout the year. 1 THE FILM DAILY | 1501 B oadway | New York 18, N. Y. I Gentlemen: Hollywood Office 6425 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood 18, Calif. | Please enter my subscription to THE FILM DAILY, and send me my copy of THE FILM I DAILY Year Book. I enclose $10.00 (Foreign $15.00). California Special Service Sub| scription . . . $15.00. I Name: I I Street: I I City: State