The Exhibitor (1950)

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10 MISCELLANEOUS NEWSREELS In All Five: Korea: Reds invade Southern Korea. In Addition to the Above: Movietone News (Vol. 33, No. 52) Bal¬ timore, Md.: President Truman opens new airport (Washington, D. C. only). Mary¬ land: Dick Attlesey breaks hurdles record. Seattle: Speedboat hits 163 miles per hour. California: Noor wins Golden Gate Handi¬ cap (except Washington, D. C.). News of the Day (Vol. XXI, No. 286) Indiana: Jugglers’ convention. Seattle: New speedboat record set. New Jersey: Marbles champ crowned (except Balti¬ more, Md.). Maryland: Attlesey breaks hurdles record (except Baltimore). Cali¬ fornia: Noor wins Golden Gate Handicap. Baltimore, Md.: President Truman opens new airport (Baltimore only). Paramount News (No. 89) Noor wins Golden Gate Handicap. Holland: Mrs. Roosevelt visits Queen Juliana. Canada: New US ambassador arrives in Ottawa. Universal-International Newsreel (Vol. 23, No. 364) Canada: New US ambassador arrives in Ottawa. Holland: Dutch wel¬ come Mrs. FDR. Maryland: Truman dedi¬ cates airport (Washington, D. C., only). New Jersey: Marbles king crowned. Seattle: New speedboat record set. Mary¬ land: AAU track meet. Warner Pathe News (Vol. 21, No. 91) New York: Gambling czar gets two years. Holland: Dutch welcome Mrs. FDR. In¬ diana: Jugglers’ convention. California: Noor wins Golden Gate Handicap. Mary¬ land: AAU track meet. New York: Air clown stunts old plane. Movietone News (Vol. 33, No. 51) Japan: Defense chiefs see MacArthur. Rome: King Leopold makes Holy Year pilgrimage. California: Shriners parade. Hawaii: Snorkel submarine in record trip. France: French railway electrified. Can¬ ada: New pipeline carries oil from Alberta ATLANTIC CITY'S IDEAL CONVENTION HOTEL Exceptional Convention Facilities adaptable to small, medium or large groups. Ample Meeting, Ban¬ quet and Exhibition Rooms. Wonderful location on Boardwalk opposite Steel Pier, the center of Atlantic City. Write Convention Manager TODAY. The Strand features Spacious Colorful Lounges — Open and Inclosed Solaria — Salt Water Baths in Rooms — Carage on premises. Courteous Personnel. When in Atlantic City visit FAMOUS FIESTA LOUNGE "Food for Epicures” Exclusive Penna. Avenue and Boardwalk EXHIBITOR to Great Lakes. England: New giant air transport. News of the Day (Vol. XXVI, No. 285) New York: US expels refugees. Canada: New oil pipeline. New York: Gorilla gets bath at Bronx Zoo. Maine: Fawn makes friends with dog. Japan: MacArthur meets defense chiefs. California: Shriners march. Hawaii: Snorkel sub makes record trip. England: US women keep Wightman Ten¬ nis Cup. New Hampshire: Motorcycle championship races. Paramount News (No. 88) England: US retains Wightman Cup. West Virginia: Governors air problems at parley. New York: US expels refugees. New York: New penguin house at Bronx Zoo. Spe¬ cial: Independence Day observance. Universal-International Newsreel (Vol. 23, No. 263) California: Shriners march. Hawaii: New sub sets record. Japan: Mac¬ Arthur meets defense chiefs. Denmark: Marshall plan aids bike factory. New York: Gorilla gets bubble bath. Spain: Midget car races. France: Meli Melo wins Grand Steeplechase of Paris. Warner Pathe News (Vol. 21, No. 90) France: Delegates of six nations meet to study Schuman plan. Japan: MacArthur meets defense chiefs. England: New giant air transport. France: World’s largest press. Denmark: Danes get “Marshall Plan” bikes. France: US aids France’s reconstruction. California: Shriners march. New York: New automatic lunch box for dogs. Maine: Fawn makes friends with dog. France: Alpine rescue practice. Chi¬ cago: Jack Dempsey marks 55th birthday. France: Steeplechase classic in Paris. All American News (Vol. 8, No. 401) Missouri: Life guards taught at new pool. Chicago: Scholar receives highest honor. Kansas: Parade marks Flag Day. New York: Jackie Robinson named “Father Of Year.” Michigan: Tilton Holt wins marble title. Telenews Digest (Vol. IV, No. 253) Malaya: Britain acts in jungle war. Ger¬ many: John Peet denounces west. Wash¬ ington: Albert Maltz comments on his con¬ tempt of Congress trial. Washington: Paul Hoffman praises European comeback. Washington: Senator Bridges charges Trygve Lie with scheme to seat Commun¬ ist China in UN. Washington: Senator Millikin discusses new scope of Social Security. New York: Murder suspect Macri arrested. Finland: Mrs. FDR on Scandinavian tour. Florida: Youngsters angle for game fish in Gulf Stream. Mex¬ ico: Bullfight in Mexico City. Telenews Digest (Vol. IV, No. 26A) Korea: Background of Korean war. Telenews Digest (Vol. IV, No. 26B) Korea: Mass meetings call for military aid. Korea: South Korea clamps down on Reds behind its lines. Michigan: Plane dis¬ aster. New York: Liner beached in col¬ lision. Rome: Pope beatifies child. Hol¬ land: Incubators arrive through EC A aid. NATIONAL LEGION OF DECENCY June 22, 1950 Unobjectionable for General Patron¬ age: “Bomba And The Lost Volcano” (Mono.); “Captive Girl” (Col.); “Duchess Of Idaho” (MGM) ; “Joe Palooka In Humphrey Takes A Chance” (Mono.); “Louisa” (U-I); “Rocketship XM” (Lippert) ; “Rogues Of Sherwood Forest” (Col.); “Sideshow” (Mono.). Unobjec PEOPLE New York — Grover Livingston, War¬ ners’ branch manager in Oklahoma City, was last week promoted to the branch managership of the company’s office in Charlotte, succeeding Frank Neel, re¬ signed. Livingston joined Warners as a salesman in Oklahoma City in 1946, and was promoted to branch manager of that exchange in 1948. New York — Floyd Fitzsimmons has been named MGM field press representative in the Boston and New Haven territories, it was announced last week by Dan S. Terrell, exploitation manager. Fitzsim¬ mons has been press representative in the Albany and Buffalo areas. He moves to New England to replace Ken Prickett, resigned. New York — Saul E. Rogers last week succeeded Arthur Dunn as general counsel for Junior Americans of the United States. Rogers was vice-president and general counsel, 20th-Fox Film Corporation, and was instrumental in organizing the MPPDA. New York — James M. King, Jr., last week was elected treasurer, Pathe Indus¬ tries and its subsidiaries, replacing Warren C. Sharp, resigned. NM Exhibs Pledge Aid Silver City, N. M. — At its closing session last week, the New Mexico Theatre Asso¬ ciation unanimously adopted a resolution pledging its support of the government “in this as in any other emergency,” and offered “the full facilities and resources of our enterprise for any purpose which our government may now or in the future require.” California Ceiling Falls Redwood City, Cal. — Thirty persons were injured last fortnight when the ceil¬ ing over the balcony of the Sequoia col¬ lapsed, and showered 10 tons of orna¬ mental plaster on patrons. Fifteen were hurt enough to require hospitalization, but only one was injured seriously. The accident occurred about 15 minutes before midnight. WB Loses Oklahoma Case Oklahoma City, Okla. — Warners last fortnight lost a suit to continue the lease of the Liberty, when U. S. District Court Judge Vaught upheld the 1945 lease nego¬ tiated by J. N. Harber and Mary Harber, owners of the property, with the Cooper Foundation, which takes over the house on July 1 for 10 years. tionable for Adults: “Ellen” (UA) ; “Federal Man” (EL); “Frightened City” (Col.) ; “Street Of Shadows” (Distin¬ guished); “Winchester ’73” (U-I). Objec¬ tionable In Part For All: “Bond Street” (Mono.); “Congolaise” (Film Classics); “Destination Murder” (RKO) ; “The Great Jewel Robber” (WB); “My Friend Irma Goes West” (Para.) ; “September Affair” (Para.) . NATIONAL BOARD OF REVIEW June 23, 1950 Selected Features: “Armored Car Rob¬ bery” (RKO); “The Asphalt Jungle” (MGM) ; “If This Be Sin” UA; “711 Ocean Drive” (Columbia). July 5, 1950