The Exhibitor (1950)

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CAXDYDLY SPEAKING This summer, as never before, it is of the utmost importance for every exhibitor to obtain the maximum extra profits sales. Ice cream and cold soft drinks are impor¬ tant hot weather items, and attention should be given to developing the full potential. Those the¬ atre owners who use trailers to call atten¬ tion to the refresh¬ ment facilities offered in their theatres should be sure that copy with proper ap¬ peal is used for both ice cream and soft drinks. With a little ingenuity and some of the newer plastic display materials, very attractive and sales stimulating displays may be made adver¬ tising ice cream. Some of the three dimensional photographs mounted on glass that are available through the various ice cream suppliers are very helpful in creat¬ ing the urge to buy. Bill England Most ice cream sales in theatres are made through manual equipment rather than automatic. However, in the last two years, several automatic ice cream machines have been developed that are practical. In general, theatre owners have found that the ice cream sandwich, ice cream bar, popsicle, or the eatable cup filled with ice cream are the most satisfac¬ tory forms in which to sell ice cream. Many operators have found it advan¬ tageous to keep certain types of candy bars in their ice cream storage boxes. Some of the bars are delicious when frozen, and are in demand by the public. The sale of soft drinks in theatres is increasing by leaps and bounds. One of the major theatre circuits which up to the present time has frowned on selling soft drinks in its theatres is currently having all of its theatres equipped with auto( Continued on page EP4) Loew's, Rochester, N. Y., is proud of its candy stand, recently completed, and one reason for the healthy sales is the ice cream division. (Candy) is Delicious Food CNJOy soaic eveKY day.' Cooperating with THE COUNCIL ON CANDY OF THE NATIONAL CONFECTIONERS' ASSOCIATION Popcorn Is A Nutritious Food Cooperating with THE NATIONAL ASSO¬ CIATION OF POPCORN MANUFACTURERS yiijg»Si»