The Exhibitor (1950)

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EXHIBITOR NT3 Morrill B. Parmenter, manager, Capitol, Hillsboro, N. H., recently arranged a holiday for these pupils of Hillsboro public schools so that they might attend a regular matinee showing of RKO’s “Cinderella.” It made a big hit with the children. manager. . . . Vincent O’Brien, former manager, Hartford Drive-In, is now manager, E. M. Loew’s Olympia, Olneyville, R. I. James McCarthy, Strand, Andy Sette, Capitol, Springfield, Mass.; Edgar Lynch, Sherman, New Haven; Jim Tobin, War¬ ner, Bridgeport, and Murray Howai'd, Warner, Worcester, Mass., were in at¬ tendance at a promotion meeting with Harry Goldberg on “The Great Jewel Robber.” Paul W. Amadeo, assistant manager, Pike Drive-In, Newington, has been named general manager, succeeding Jo¬ seph Dolgin. Amadeo had been assistant at the drive-in for two years. Mrs. Helen Keppner, mother of Morris Keppner, partner, Burnside, East Hart¬ ford, and Mrs. Frances Keppner Lampert, owner, Glastonbury, Glastonbury, died. Henry L. Needles, district manager, Warner Theatres ; Jim McCarthy, Strand; Fred R. Greenway, Loew-Poli Palace, and Lou Cohen, Loew-Poli, were among those in attendance at a birthday party honoring Retired State Police Captain Walter F. Stiles. . . . Maurice Shulman, Shulman Theatres, and Mrs. Shulman are observing their 10th wed¬ ding anniversary. . . . John Calvocoressci, partner, Community Amusement Corporation, will move his family to West Hartford from New Canaan. . . . Albert M. Pickus, regional vice-presi¬ dent, Theatre Owners of America, and owner, Stratford, Stratford, has been appointed a director, Stratford Chamber of Commerce. . . . The brother of John Patno, assistant manager, Allyn, died. . . . Beatrice Sacco is new at the E. M. Loew’s. . . . The Loew-Poli team de¬ feated the Strand softball team in a Sunday morning game at Colt’s Park. Norman Levinson captained the winning crew, while Charlie Atamian was cap¬ tain, Strand team. . . . Stage manager Charlie Obert, Allyn, will vacation at Niantic. The Colonial, which is part of Hart¬ ford Theatre Circuit, has a new candy stand, installed in the community room. Lou Tamiso, Crown projectionist, had his hands full at his East Hartford home when an automobile, out of control, dashed 100 feet from a highway, across Tamiso’s lawn, and into Tamiso’s ga¬ rage, where he had been mixing paint. . . . Manager Lou Cohen, Loew-Poli, and Norman Levinson, assistant manager, offered guest tickets to area fathers whose daughters were married in June, for “Father of the Bride.” The New Center dropped matinee per¬ formances, and is now running continu¬ ous shows nightly from 6 p.m. Two Lockwood-Gordon-Rosen houses, Webb, Wethersfield, and Plaza, Windsor, added matinee performances. Manchester An application for a change of zone on Hillstown Road to permit erection of a drive-in has been filed with the Town Planning Commission by William E. Hill, Hartford Road, representing Dr. Bradford Spencer. Meriden Leo Ricci closed his Capitol for three days for reseating. . . . Mollie Katz, Pal¬ ace, went all out with her campaign for “A Ticket to Tomahawk.” . . . Meriden managers ax-e hoping for an increase in business now that the unemployment list has decreased. Le Ricci, Capitol, expects completion of his air-conditioning plant by midJuly. . . . The entire marquee and front of the Loew Poli Palace is sporting new coat of paint. . . . New at the Palace is Mahon Robertson. . . . Mollie Katz, Pal¬ ace, landed her “Miss Meriden of 1950” bathing beauty story on page one. New Britain Manager Joe Borenstein, Sti'and, re¬ ports the addition of Dominick Foligno, Ronald Schmidt, and Richard Sheldon. . . . A “Miss New Britain of 1950” beauty contest was presented on the Palace stage by manager Johnnie D’Amato. . . . Joe Borenstein and his aide, Ralph Carenza, promoted down¬ town store window displays for “Caged.” . . . Fred Pinto was relieving at the Strand for Dom Perigini, ailing stage¬ hand. New London George E. Sawyer, manager, Victory, held a beauty contest, with the winner named “Miss New London of 1950.” New Milford Announcement was made of the pur¬ chase of the 20th Century by James Behan and Arthur J. Smith, Jr., from the estate of John Panoras. The new owners named Thomas Ramsdell, New¬ town, as manager. Newington The Hartfoi-d Drive-In has completed construction of a playground, including see-saws, merry-go-round, and other items. Horseshoe pitching courts will be installed at the drive-in and also at E. M. Loew’s Norwich-New London DriveIn, Montville, and Milford Drive-In, Milford. North Haven The first of 12 outdoor church services was held at the New Haven Drive-In. The services are being held on Sunday mornings, working with Charlie Lane. Wallingford The Wilkinson closed its doors all day on “Circus Day.” Waterbury The Pine Drive-In is advertising free pony rides to kiddies attending with parents. . . . Lou Jaffe, formerly with the Palace, Meriden, and now of Loew’s Midland, Kansas City, will be in Meriden on July 7 to visit with his former associates. Massachusetts Fall River Motion picture advertising was as¬ sailed by Rev. James F. Kenney, curate at St. Mary’s Cathedral. . . . Tickets for the New Yorkers’ Summer Theatre, Som¬ erset, Mass., are being sold at the Durfee. . . . The interior of the office of John McAvoy at the Empire was decorated. . . . On their way home from a California vacation, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rocklin were injured in an auto accident in Rapid City, S. D. They were hospitalized. Rocklin is identified with theatres in this area. . . . Nathan Yamins’ Center closed for the remainder of the summer. The employes were retained for service in other theatres. A clever gag for 20th-Fox’s “The Big Lift” was recently promoted by assistant manager Norman Levinson, Loew-Poli, Hartford, Conn., who arranged with a modeling agency to have this model posted on highways leading into town. July 5, 1950