The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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i WALLACE BEERY MICKEY ROONEY iTABUMATH Thun The CITADEL ' Loew’s STATE LOEWS CLARK GABLE MYRNA LOY in TOO HOT TO HANDLE 175lh ST. RUDY VALUE (aCATIONJWLOVE AS LE?0 TAKES OVER BRO/ RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL YOUNG DR. KILDARE wM LEW AYRES LIONEL BARRYMORE First In snslhsr hsorl-wormlng M-G-M Mrinl (Above: Advertisement from N.Y newspapers) "IT’S fun to be on a winner!” M-G-M 0 SWEEPING AMERICA! THIS! (from Hollywood Reporter) RADEYIEW /Oyw.R.WIlKERSON THAT’S what thousands of M-G-M showmen are gleefully shouting! A FEW late-comers are losing no more time. They’re climbing on the band-wagon because this M-G-M Parade of Hits is something never before witnessed in film history! M-G-M set its ambitious and expensive production plans months ago. AND now, week after week, your play-date is an “A”-date. $' IN THE recent production history of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, they never have been in such an advantageous spot as they are at present MGM actually has 12 pictures finished and awaiting release — a schedule that takes them through every week, with a release, until the last day of this year A condition new to MGM and one that certainly will place them in a position of doing even greater pictures than they have in the past, because of a breathing space, in their rush to meet release dates. • Metro has waiting "Young Dr Kildare," "Listen Darling," "Citadel," "The Hardys Out West," "The Shining Hour," "Flirtation with Fate," "Dramatic School," "Katharine the Last," "Christmas Carol" and "Sweethearts." And it has, in various forms of shooting, "New York Cinderella" with Tracy and Lamarr; "Honolulu" with Eleanor Powell, Bob Young and Burns and Allen; "Stand Up and Fight" with Bob Taylor and Wallie Beery; "Idiot’s Delight," with Shearer and Gable; and "Ice Follies" with Crawford and jimmie Stewart WHEN you examine that piece from Hollywood Reporter, remember that all those BIG pictures are coming to you WHILE AMERICA IS EXPERIENCING GROWING BOOM TIMES WITH A MONEY-SPENDING PUBLIC HUNGRY FOR ENTERTAINMENT! (As we leap to press: Just previewed another honey of a hit “SPRING MADNESS”. It’s the “Flaming Youth” of 1938. Sure-fire box-office!) KEEP stepping with Leo, gents! H E has earned your enthusiastic co-operation in getting the maximum results with his great entertainments: proper booking, high-powered showmanship, extra playing time. AND “The Friendly Company” thanks you for your co-operation. Consequently, with the releases far ahead, with opportunities to see pictures much in advance of release to scheme better advertising, publicity and exploitation, AND MOST IMPORTANT. to give the producers a breather," Metro should lump far ahead of itself in making the entertainment that won for it the reputation of "the Tiffany of production." • Metro's big effort comes at a time when the industry needs it most, because nothing means anything other 1 than good pictures, and good pictures will kill off all the obstacles MGM, f and every other production organizatio.n and the entire picture industry, has been burdened with for months.^ M-G-M LANDSLIDE!