The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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11 DEL-MAR-VA Dover GEORGE SCHWARTZ, Capitol, and h is manager, ERWIN SNELLENBURG, staged a Hallowe’en parade. Salisbury District manager J. BRYAN DASHIELL, in company with buyer GEORGE LYNCH, operations manager HAROLD SLATER — Schiners all — visited Washington’s Film Row. BRYAN DASHIELL plans to attend the Variety Club’s annual fiesta November 19. Seaford Official announcement that the DuPONT company would build a $7,000,000 plant brought joy to theatre men of the entire area, including Laurel, Bridgeville, Delmar, Federalsburg, Hurlock, Denton, Ridgely. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA GINO SIMI is editing The Atlas Theater Gossip, a news-program for the latest of the FRED KOGOD-MAX BURKA-CHARLES H. OLIVE houses. CHARLES O. CLARK is the manager of CHARLIE OLIVE’S new Atlas. J. M. LEWIS is the chief of service, C. W. MICHAELS the chief projectionist. Atlas held its first annual Hallowe'en Costume Party October 29 with prizes for the lucky youngsters. Ambassador will open pictures on Friday, playing day, date with the Earle for the week-end. From SAM WHEELER’S office it is reported ace salesman SAM DIAMOND took over the lead in the national K-6 Kent Drive early this month by closing all K-6 possibilities. GLEN NORRIS was listed in the seventh position on the national scale. In the News sales, Wheelerites were in fifth place. In the sales standings for K-6 shorts, the Washington office is in sixth place. LOUISE NOONAN MILLER, ABRAHAM MILTON TOLKINS, who are connected with the destinies of the Little, held a preview screening of "Three on a Week-end.” Preceding the screening, drama critics, others partook of a very swell luncheon. ANNA BROWN, Clark Film, long-distanced that her son had been ordered to the hospital for an appendectomy. LYMAN FITZGERALD has enrolled at night school. CHARLOTTE DUNCAN, Warners, was one of the many fair ones to witness the Irish victory over the Middies in Baltimore. Lovely BUDDY HALL, secretary, Metro’s RUDY BERGER, was also there. As a tie-up for "The Arkansas Traveler,” FRANK LaFALCE arranged for an underline telling the playdate with the Washington Post’s daily feature of BOB BURNS’ column. George Washington University Homecoming Committee has honored this correspondent by placing him on the publicity committee to beat the tom-toms for the big event, which, incidentally, takes place November 23, 24. RAY BELL, Loew’s crack publicist, has agreed to post the pictures of 14 "sweethearts” entered in a popularity contest in connection with the G. W. U. homecoming. Members of Warner’s local theatre corps met with officials to discuss the many problems confronting theatre managers. DAN TERRELL, who was recently presented with a dandy little fellow (DAN, JR.), says if his offspring follows in dad’s footsteps . . . ! To facilitate matters, ROY DIAL has moved his offices to the second floor of his plant. The downstairs has been made into a beautiful show room. You’ve got to give plenty of credit to HARDIE MEAKIN. Here is a gent who can entertain a trade magazine correspondent, answer two telephones, sign for a telegram and listen to a broadcast of the Navy-Notre Dame football game — all at the same time. Quiet BILL EWING, attached to FRANK LaFALCE’S department, is one of filmdom’s efficient workers, take it from us. A little bird has been twirping something about colonel ANGIE RATTO. It doesn't come in so clear. But it sounds an awful lot like bells. Maybe it’s wedding. HARDIE MEAKIN took a chance on exhibiting the combined thrillers of "Dracula,” "Frankenstein, ’ was well rewarded. Hardie counted up well over $2,000 for the first showing of the pictures. Division manager CARTER BARRON launched the eastern premiere of "The Great Waltz” at the Century, Baltimore, last week. Speaking of the Century, it is gratifying to applaud the efforts of president HUNT, musicians union, in placing 40 musicians to work on the Century’s "musical divertisement” program. Mount Vernon Open-Air house has not closed. Belasco recently reopened for movie-goers with "Grand Illusion.” Officers of the Horlacher Social Club recently elected are CHICK SMELL, president; STALEY WILSON, vice-president; EDDIE MAHONEY, secretary-treasurer. In Washington a fortnight ago to visit the local exchanges were GEORGE LYNCH, head buyer; HAROLD SLITER, manager of operations; district book manager J. BRYAN DASHIELL, Schine circuit. They have signified their intentions to attend the Variety dinner-dance November 19. BEN PITTS has reported he will have a party of ten at the Variety event. VAN KELSEY, Blacksburg, was a visitor at the exchanges a fortnight ago. TOM CONNORS, JR., son, Metro eastern sales manager, is now a student at the Washington office. MRS. CATHERINE MURPHY, secretary, Metro’s booking department, left her post recently to await Sir Stork. She was tendered a party by her co-workers. Moving up to fill the vacancy is ESTHER BLENDMAN, contract department. FRANCES PARK was promoted from the mailing department to the post in the contract department. IRENE ZWEIGENHAFT is the new employee with Metro. The mother of Metro’s MRS. JACK GOLDBERG will arrive in Washington shortly for the Thanksgiving holidays. Question the exchange managers are asking now (of exhibitors), "Have you done your holiday bookings yet?” Metro’s FRED RIPPINGALE, office manager, returned recently from New York. MR., MRS. ’DOLPH BERGER wouldn’t have missed the Irish-Navy game for two tickets to a Major BOWES show. It will be a wedding anniversary for the Metro ’DOLPH BERGERS November 27. Boys of the local Tent are complaining about Baltimore’s Variety Club ringing the curfew at such an hour. "Boys Town” is still playing to capacity houses in the Virginia territory, we are told. The consensus at the Metro exchange is that JACK GOLDBERG is the world’s worst golfer. The wits claim he is even worse than HARRY KAHN! Birthday greetings to ANNA RIDGELY, assistant cashier; LOU MARKS, Metro. MRS. PHIL BOBYS, MRS. JOE KRONMAN (both hubbies work for RUDY BERGER) have been named as captains of Community Chest teams for the current drive in Washington. Last year, Mrs. Bobys, Mrs. Kronman went over their quotas. The New Jersey, New York offices of Metro recently celebrated their victory dinner on the outcome of the TOM CONNORS drive. They beat out Washington by a couple of noses. MARGARET LANDGRAF, UA inspectress, is recuperating very nicely from a recent operation. She is expected to return to work this week. Also on the sick list at UA for several days were salesmen FRED SANDY, DICK HARRITY. To Chicago to attend a regional sales meeting a fortnight ago went Columbia’s branch manager SAM GALANTY, his salesmen— BEN CAPLON, NICK WEEMS, CHICK WINFIELD, JOE WALSH. ART JACOBSON, NSS, announces he sold, for another year, his products to the entire Neighborhood circuit, comprising 22 theatres. He dealt with SAM BENDHEIM, JR., general manager. Preferred’s CURTIS HILDEBRAND reports the new TIM McCOY pictures are all that anyone could hope for. RUSS HILDEBRAND, who holds down the reigns at RKO, has been out sick for a while, is getting on pretty fine. NSS’s ART JACOBSON, who recently announced special Christmas, New Year’s trailers, posters are now available, has received more than 60 orders for this material. PAUL BARON, Philadelphia’s Universal office, is in Washington now, substituting for the absent, sick NATE SAUBER. RAY TURNER, RKO poster clerk, pulled a fast one when he eloped before the date set for the wedding. The date of elopement, just for the record, was October 2 9. Date of wedding was November 12. RKO’s PETE WHITTINGTON was away from the office because of illness. The gals sure missed him. They told us so. Metro’s PHIL BOBYS attended, with other localites, the opening of BENJAMIN T. PITTS’ new East End, Richmond, November 14. BILL BYERS, Norton, Virginia, operator, was a Film Row visitor. Ere the month is gone he will open the State, Appalachia. That’s the remodeled Cumberland. Film salesmen report W. FI. HADEN will shortly open his Crozet house. Metro’s JACK GOLDBERG, PHIL BOBYS attended the opening of ED CUMBERLAND’S Wardley, Callao, Virginia. Manager WILLIAM CLEVELAND, Takoma, onetime operator of the house, points with pride to the gleaming remodeling, refurbishing — the whole accomplished without the loss of a single minute of screen time. Besides a free parking lot. Bill points to the bicycle rack installed for the younger generation. CHICK SMELL, Horlacher, recently bought himself a new car. It comes to us, too, that EARL HARLER is also going to purchase one. The Horlacher bowling team comprises CHICK SMELL, DONALD BURLING, JIM OLIVER (captain), PAUL KEYSER, RALPH BINNS, EARL HARLER. STANLEY WILSON, Horlacher, announced his marriage recently. November 15, 19)8 ON YOUR DESK EVERY WEDNESDAY