The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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NEWS OF THE TERRITORY 16a heralds, paper napkins in nearby stores, imprinted bags. AL NOWITSKY’S campaign on "Brother Rat" was so successful picture was held over. A. FRANK O’BRIEN, city manager, Wilmer and Vincent, says that the Park will be opened around Thanksgiving. ROBERT EGAN will be manager. FRANK DEMENTI, EDITH LINDEMAN, Times Dispatch critic; ELIZABETH COPELAND, News Leader movie editor, and AL NOWITSKY drove up to Lexington recently for the world's premiere of "Brother Rat.’ Members of Neighborhood Theatres home office are very much pingpong-minded these days. It is reported that A. O. BUDINA is the champ. HENRY DUSMAN sent down several of those handy telephone lists. HARRY NORDIN, assistant to HAROLD WOOD, Neighborhood theatres, saw the DukeCarolina football game and has already gotten tickets for the Duke-Pitt game. CLARENCE RIDDICK, assistant to CHARLIE SOMMA, has been elected national secretary of the Saints and Sinners. HARRISON HUGHES is the operator, BURDELLE KRANTZ cashier, Wardley, Callao, opened by EDDIE CUMBERLAND. Roanoke ELMORE D. HEINS has completely recovered from his influenza attack. Salem Entire territory will be pleased to learn that BERNARD DEPKIN, JR., is gaining rapidly in his fight for recovery from an illness. Suffolk ROY RICHARDSON, maanger, Chadwick, was in Richmond for the opening of the latest link in the BEN PITTS chain, the East End. Chadwick cashier WELLS E. HILL was married in Richmond November 6 to WILLIAM POWELL (not the movie star). They left for a honeymoon trip in New York. T appahannock New house will open Christmas, with a contest for a name. Virginia Beach W. F. CROCKETT, Bayne, Virginia Beach, is looking forward to getting in some shooting soon. Bill is quite a hunter. Warsaw W. A. JONES remodels his Warsaw little by little. Winchester TOM BALDRIDGE, Capitol, sent special cards to all V. M. I. alumni in the vicinity on "Brother Rat.” These were signed "Brother Rats,” and purported to come from Brother Rats who had seen the world premiere of the picture at Lexington. WEST VIRGINIA Franklin FRANK WARNER reports his Franklin is being remodeled at full speed, with the grand reopening planned for next month’s holidays. Paw Paw W. E. MUELLER, who was in the movie business when silent pictures were the vogue, who closed his house when talkies came in, has changed his mind. He intends to reopen his house, completely modernized, sound-equipped, in the near future. He has made arrangements with Washington film men to assure a continued flow of the best pictures. BOWLING Richmond Neighborhood Theatres Duckpin League League Standing Won Lost Ave. brook-vue 13 5 .722 Grand 11 7 .611 Byrd 1 1 7 .611 Capitol 11 7 .611 Westhampton 10 8 .555 State 9 9 .500 Ven-ton . . . . 5 13 .277 Office 2 16 .111 Records Team high game, State — 5 66. Team high set, State — 1531. Individual high game, Radvin, Capitol — 145. Individual high set, Williams, Grand; Overcash, Capitol — 3 5 6. Washington Motion Picture Bowling League Columbia’s powerful team forged to the lead for the first time of the season, when they knocked off Horlacher’s in three straight games. Metro gave up first place but clung to second several notches ahead of National Screen Service and Loew’s. Won Lost Pet. 1 8 5 .783 Metro 12 6 .667 National Screen Service 1 1 7 .611 1 1 7 .611 8 10 .444 7 1 1 .389 20th Century-Fox . . 6 12 .333 D. C. Poster 4 13 .235 LOCAL NEWSREEL Baltimore Variety Club For the luncheon November 9 the guest of honor was "BUGS” BAER, who was obtained for the event through the co-operation of WILLIAM M. BASKERVILLE, managing editor, Baltimore News-Post, Sunday American. Kings-for-a-Day were WILLIAM K. SAXTON, RODNEY COLLIER. EDDIE JACOBS announces that the "Bingo” nights have been changed from Monday to Friday. ADVANCE SHOTS A LITTLE MOTH’S BIG FLAME (Columbia)— 7m. A Color Rhapsody, this has a flirtatious moth falling for a flame to make one of the "cuter” cartoons. A NAG IN A BAG (Columbia)— 1 Bm. The vaudeville team of Smith and Dale do their stuff in a drive-in restaurant setting, indulge in a bit of wagering on the bangtails. THE NIGHTSHIRT BANDIT (Columbia) — 1 8m. Charlie Chase, seeking a nightshirt bandit in a co-ed dormitory, discovers he himself is the culprit. SCREEN SNAPSHOTS, No. 2 (Columbia) — 10m. Top-rating contribution to Harriet Parson’s commendable series, with the usual collection of the cinema’s great, near-great. ME E T AL KATZ • A1 is THE EXHIBITOR touring field representative. He is especially delegated by us to contact you, to make certain you are taking advantage of the various services offered you by Jay Emanuel Publications, Inc. • Long ago, we realized that a successful motion picture trade journal must be more than a publication which is mailed to its readers regularly. It must keep in touch with its many readers and the territory it serves by PERSONAL CONTACT. • With the best local coverage in its territory, with its many correspondents, THE EXHIBITOR is keeping faith with its readers. • But to make this contact even more intimate, we have designated A1 Katz as its field representative, to meet you, to pick up news stories and pictures, to discuss your problems with you, to see how else we can be of service. • One of these days he will be dropping in to see you. Give him a moment or so. His one purpose is to serve you. • WATCH FOR HIM. November 15, 19} 8 ON YOUR DESK EVERY WEDNESDAY NAT