The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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"VINE STREET,” NOVEMBER 15, 1918. 3 #TEN GOVERNMENT SHOWINGS FOR “UNDER FOUR FLAGS” . Tlier will lie ten direct Government showings lor "Under Four Flags", the latest 1'. S. Official War Pitcure issued by the Division of Films. The ‘‘official" cities are New York, Washington. Pittsburgh, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Dayton, Philadelphia and C hicago. The release of the picture to exhibitors throughout the United States will I follow. The demand for "Under Four Flags" Is reported to be remarkable. In order to meet tills demand seventyfive prints of the new film are being made at the laboratories of the Division of Films, and this number, it is expected, will be greatly Increased. cuatlon of the various invaded teritorles — the reconstruction of devastated France and Belgium — the ferment in Germany — the meeting of the peace commission — these are all matters of tremenduous historical and news Interest, and they will be fully covered by the Official War Review. "Under Four Flags" will probably be the last big feature war picture to be issued by the Division of Films, but several two-reel pictures are now being assembled — notably those included in the U. S. A. series, and they will ue issued as announced. The present activities of the Division of Films carries its work up to June 1." GENERAL FILM COMPANY PARALTA PLAYS (Hodkinson Service) and the Greatest Short Length Features Anywhere O. HENRY STORIES ESSANAY-CHAPLINS ESSANAY COMEDIES CLOVER COMEDIES JUDGE BROWN STORIES EBONY COMEDIES NED FINLEY FILMS MERKEL FILMS The Patriotic Serial “A DAUGHTER OF UNCLE 8AM” GENERAL FILM EXCHANGE. 1226 VINE STREET “DAD” TRUITT Moves the Movies Repairing and Local and Long Distance Hauling SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO FILM MEN’S CARS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CARACE, 210 N. ELEVENTH 8T. I CALENDARS 6 HOLIDAY NOVELTIES FOR SOUVENIRS Big Business Builders All Year Dialto DUII A Printing 1239 Company Vine St. PHILADELPHIA’S MOVIE PUBLICITY HOUSE The Home of Serials ! THE WOMAN IN THE WEB A FIGHT FOR MILLIONS ‘THE IRON TEST THE MAN OF MIGHT” VITAGRAPH, >** with FRANK GLENDON, HEDDA NOVA » with WILLIAM DUNCAN, JOE RYAN, EDITH JOHNSON >»» with ANTONIO MORENO, CAROL HOLLOWAY with WILLIAM DUNCAN, JOE RYAN, EDITH JOHNSON 229 /V. 12th Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. Affiliated Controls Mutual The Affiliated Distributors Corporation has secured control of the Mutual Film Corporation and its branch offices for distribution of the combined product of the two companies. News of this deal was received Nov. 7 by Allan Rock, publicity director of Affiliated's New York office, from the home office in Grand Rapids. .Mich. The new order of things is to become effective at once. Mutual has branch offices in 20 cities. These correspond very largely with the agencies of the Affiliated, it is said A. S. Kirkpatrick will continue his supervision over all the Mutual branches. ' The officers of the new organization are Wiliian G. Clark, president; H . rV. Brink, vice-president and general manager; James M. Sheldon, chairman of the board of directors; H. C. Cornelius, secretary; Paul rl. Davis, treasurer: A. S. Kirkpatrick, assistant general manager: Hugh Davis, auditor, and Charles O. Pettijohn, general councel. “Lafayette. We Come" will be tne first film to be handled under the new larrangement. I For Sale or Rent 2 POWERS, 6 A. MACHINES Complete. First-Class Condition. Can he seen at 256 NORTH THIRTEENTH STREET | BOOK YOUR DATES NOW ! FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAY PICTURES 2 Big New Fox Extravaganzas “FAN-FAN” “All BABA*"° ™E FORTY THIVES” And Other Features to Choose From "ALA DIN & the WONDERFUL LAMP" "TREASURE ISLAND" “TROUBLE MAKERS” "DOING THEIR BIT” "BABES IN THE WOODS” "JACK AND THE BEAN STALK” "TWO LITTLE IMPS’' "WE SHOUJ>D WORRY" “AMERICAN BUDS” Fox Film Corporation 1233 VINE STREET Short Subjects of Merit If you are a pat’on of either the Goldwyn, Metro, Peerless or First National Exchange, you can save express charges and feel confident that you will receive your show In one shipment by booking your single and two-reelers through the Electric Theatre Supply Company, as all the above exchanges are now located In the one building. Southeast Corner Thirteenth and Vine Streets. Following is a partial list of subjects : CHRISTIE COMEDIES— released one a week. FAMOUS DITMAR ANIMAL PICTURES— released one a wee". EDUCATIONAL SUBJECTS — released one a week. GAUMONT NEWS AND GRAPHIC— released every Mondav and Thursday. TWO-REEL REISSUE MACK SENNETT KEYSTONE COMEDIES — released one a week. LAND OF RISING SUN— scenic in 6 parts. DEPTH OF SEA— scenic In 8 parts. HERCULES— scenic In 12 parts. PIRATE’S HAUNTS— in 5 parts. War News In Different Series, such as : AMERICA IS READY— in 4 parts. SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE— in 5 parts. BATTLEFIELDS OF EUROPE— In 5 parts. SPANISH MAIN— in 5 parts, etc. TWEEDLEDUM COMEDIES. KATZENJAMMER CARTOONS— Mutt & Jeff Cartoons. NUMEROUS OTHER SINGLE REELS. Write us for prices and we will gladly take care of your house. ELECTRIC THEATRE SUPPLY CO. 13™ AND VINE STREETS versai pictures corporation. MPPUA is formed, with Will H. Hays president. ror domination or exhibition. "Lights of New York” is first all-talking picture. ruDiicauons. November 15, 193 8 ON YOUR DESK EVERY WEDNESDAY PHI NAT