The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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NEWS OF THE TERRITORY 9 thanks to providence, and now Moe is busy with BUDDY SILVERBERG, his partner, Lexway, installing new inside storm doors in the Lexway foyer to keep the tootsies of his patrons nice and warm. JEAN LENAUER, Lenauer-International, announced his organization is appealing the local decision to ban “Datelines,” short released through his firm, produced by LAURA HAYES. — Jacques Shellman. Bethesda What would have been ordinarily just another benefit show was turned into a big, gala event at SIDNEY LUST’S Boro December 8, 9. Theatre worked with the Leland Junior High School, Bethesda, Chevy Chase. House manager J. WILLIAM JOBES, Lust publicist DAVE GINSBURG really went to town with a Hollywood premiere set-up in front of theatre, featuring flood lights, an orchestra, public address system, prominent Chevy Chase citizen acting as master of ceremonies, greeting well known local citizens as they entered the theatre. Ginsburg promoted stage show for both nights, featuring professionals one night, talent from the school the other. ART BROWN, popular WOL announcer, acted as m.c. the first night, GORDON HITTENMARK, well-known WRC personality, the second night. Washington papers gave the event plenty of space. Frederick JACK FORNEY, manager, Tivoli, planned for his children’s party December 11. Hagerstown City manager GEORGE PAYETTE and JOSEPH CUMISKEY, manager, Academy, attended annual Warner Club party held at Catoctin Country Club, near Frederick, December 11. City manager GEORGE N. PAYETTE is being congratulated upon becoming an uncle. Warner houses in Maryland district will have an extended schedule for first time New Year’s. Houses will operate until midnight on evening of December 3 1. There will be a midnight show opening January 2. FRANK LaFALCE, Warner promotion chief, Washington era, recently highly praised JOSEPH CUMISKEY, manager. Academy, for connecting "Dick Tracy” cartoon in local Herald-Mail newspapers with serial at Academy. PI ans are going forward for annual Warner children’s parties in Maryland district including Hagerstown, Waynesboro, Martinsburg, Frederick. GEORGE N. PAYETTE, local city manager, arranged for party at Maryland, December 11. Admission was by a new toy. Toys will be turned over to Santa Claus, Inc., an organization formed last year following the suggestion of manager Payette. Maryland is running trailer asking people for old toys to be turned over to the WPA for repairs. Toys may be left at any Warner Brothers house. — L. S. McW. Mount Ranier SIDNEY LUST’S Cameo celebrated its 15 th anniversary recently with a gala program of hit shows, its own “movie quiz” contest. Questions on the quiz were confined to the pictures playing the Cameo that week. As prizes, house manager GEORGE O. JOHNSON, Lust publicist DAVE GINSBURG promoted three radio sets. A large number of patrons entered the contest. Manager Johnson made a large ornamental birthday cake for the occasion and decorated the theatre appropriately. The Mount Ranier newspaper came through with a two-column story, photos of the theatre, Lust on the front page. Handsome souvenir programs were distributed. Salisbury MISS HELEN ULMAN, Ulman’s, plans to go to New Orleans for the Mardi Gras in February. WESTERN J AMBOREE. Rising to vocal or fistic needs of the moment , Gene Autry , with the assistance of Smiley Burnette does his stuff in Republic’s western drama. Contrary to other reports, there has been no change in the management of her theatres. All of the theatres, Arcade, Wicomico, Ulman’s Opera House and the New were dressing up for Christmas. VIRGINIA Clifton Forge C. H. McKINNEY, Masonic, plugged “Three Sisters” with 1,000 press book heralds stuffed in the Richmond Sunday papers the balance distributed from house to house. McKinney used special heralds on his stage attraction, “The Rio Grande Rangers’”; 1,000 being distributed from house to house, in automobiles parked along the streets in this city. Lynchburg Paramount’s toy show a big success, with plenty of broken toys turned over to firemen for repairs. Iris under direction of BEN PURYEAR is putting on pre-Christmas revival week. CALVIN BALL is going in heavily for advertising and special fronts for “Girls on Probation,” “Drums.” MR. and MRS. GUS GRIST are due to visit the WILLIS GRISTS. Academy sale was approved by stockholders of Academy of Music Corporation. FRANK FALLS, manager, reports no immediate changes to be made by C. and F. Theatres Corporation, purchasers of the building. WILLIS GRIST, JR., will put on annual Christmas food show December 21, children to be admitted if they give one article of food. — D. W. W. Neivport Neivs A. V. CLARK, former assistant manager, Paramount, has been shifted to the James as manager. He takes over reins left by DICK EASON. In Clark’s place, RAYMOND OVEERMAN, assistant, Langley, Hampton, has been moved up to the Paramount. — W. T. Norfolk FLOYD J. MERCER, assistant to LANGHORNE WEIFORD, manager, Wells, will join the ranks of the benedicts next month. His bride-elect is MISS ELLEN MARIE PINNER. KATHLEEN WATSON, cashier, is under treatment in the Norfolk General Hospital. STANLEY WILLIAMS, assistant to W. O. FISHBACK, manager, Wilder’s Colley, is back on the job. Does CARTER BARRON, Loew’s eastern division manager, eat turnip greens and hog’s knuckles when he comes to Norfolk? ELVAN L. COLLAMER will be a happy man when the city finishes work on the 26th Street bridge. LANGHORNE WEIFORD may be seen looking proudly at the new theatre furniture. STANLEY (Jack-Pot) BARR, manager, Colonial, had a bulging pocket after attending the weekly luncheon meeting of the Norfolk Theatre Managers Association. SYDNEY GATES, manager, Roxy, gathered a few plums himself. LEO GREENWOOD found that he could get half a dozen lemons for 3 0 cents. ED LEVINE has a new mascot at the Plaza. Someone, he says, stole his black cat, pet of the patrons. He has a white one now. GRAHAM BARBEE’s last week’s assignment sent him to Rocky Mount to look over the Lichtman theatre there. GEORGE L. LOEFERT, manager, Grand, is giving a show for the benefit of Christmas baskets for the poor December 17. JEFF HOFHEIMER, Byrd, Visulite, is happy. His assignment for the Joy Fund Jamboree was to obtain trailers. Norfolk theatre managers have a round of applause for GEORGE F. DEMBOW, general sales manger; ARTHUR JACOBSON, M. HERSCHMANN, National Screen Service, which donated valuable trailers to help promote the Norfolk Joy Fund Jamboree. A bouquet also was tossed to the Globe Poster Corporation, Baltimore, C. MELTON BARBEE, Norfolk representative, for the gift of posters to aid the cause. CARTER BARRON was on hand to welcome ALLAN JONES and his wife, IRENE HER V If You CONTEMPLATE BUILDING A NEW THEATRE . . . • YOU LAY THE BRICKS and DO THE PLASTERING • THEN . . . TURN YOUR JOB OVER TO The RICHMOND THEATRE SUPPLY CO., Inc. 1207 EAST MAIN STREET RICHMOND, VIRGINIA • Seats Marquees Signs Booth and Stage Equipment Draperies Floor Coverings Decorating Ticket Machines Poster Frames. SOUND EQUIPMENT and AIR CONDITIONING WITH WRITTEN GUARANTEES. December 14, 19)8