The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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12 REPUBLIC PICTURES CORP JAKE FLAX FILM ROW’S NEW "CLUB.” Beyond these austere brick walls lies Washington Film Row’s newest ''dub,’’ the refurbished second floor of Samuel M . , Jacob E. Flax’s Republic exchange. The added space will give greater facility in handling such Republic hits as "Orphans of the Street,” "Storm Oier Bengal," "Federal Manhunt,” "Fighting Thoroughbreds," not to mention the Gene Autreys, the Roy Rogers, the Three Mesquiteers. NEW BOSSMAN. Ladies and gentlemen: the manager of the Strand, Staunton, Virginia, John Ramey. John, meet the folks. The "baby manager” uas elevated from the assistant’s post at Warner’s Capitol, W inchester. TALENT PICKERS. The Norfolk ( Virginia ) Theatre Managers Association committee named to select stage acts for the giant Joy Fund Jamboree, annual Christmas show. Left to right, they arc Lichtman’s Graham Barbee, Wells’ I.anghorne Weiford, Leo Greenwood , master of ceremonies Hughie Prince, Nona’s Pierre Boulogne, American Institute of Music’s Andrew Ferry. Show will be given December 17. "TWO WEEKS WITH PAY.” Mary Boland is snapped as she boards the plane at the Newark (New Jersey) air en route back to Hollywood. The well-known comedienne had completed a New York vacation after finishing the Paramount picture of that interesting title. "GIANT OAKS, ETC.” Dorothy Lovett, who, at the age of five, toddled onto the stage of an RKO theatre, departs for Hollywood to start her movie career under the aegis of RKO-Radio Pictures. "MEN WITH WINGS.” Clyde Pangborn, solo trans-Pacific flier, receives the gold trophy bestowed by the "Men With Wings” Association for outstanding aeronautical achievement , all of which publicizes the Paramount picture. Presentation was made by Sir Hugo Cunliff e-Owen. December 14, lb IS