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The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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PRODUCTS USED: Acoustical Treatment — Acoustone D. Manufactured by U. S. Gypsum Co Air Conditioning — Refrigeration system. Manufactured by Carrier Corp. Carpets — Manufactured by Alexander Smith 5 Sons Co. Chairs — Manufactured by Ideal Seating Co. Construction Material — Brick, steel, Carrara and Vitrolite structural glass. Carrara manufactured by Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Vitrolite manufactured by Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass I Co. Decoration — Executed by Wood-Stretch Co. Curtain Control — A. D. C. Manufactured by Automatic Devices Co. Draperies and Stage Curtains — Manufactured by Charles Kenney Studios. Furniture — Manufactured by WycombeMeyer Co. Generators — Hertner. Manufactured by Hertner Electric Co. Lighting Fixtures — Voigt. Manufactured by Voigt Co. Projection Lamps — Ashcraft Suprex. Manufactured by C. S. Ashcraft Mfg. Corp. Projectors — Super Simplex. Manufactured by International Projector Corp. THE STANDEE ROOM, with its most comfortable standee rail, is neatly done. The candy vending machine in the foreground has been built-in to add more space. Lighting fixtures are of the type that act as reflectors of the air currents emanating from the ceiling ducts. Rubber Mats — Manufactured by O. W. Jackson Co. Screen — Hurley. Manufactured by Hurley Screen Co. Sign and Marquee — Fabricated and erected by General Outdoor Advertising Co. IN THE DAYTIME, the most interesting aspect of the facade is again the marquee. Here can be seen the third name sign that was not visible in the night view. The modern design of the structural glass front, with its glass-enclosed display frames, is laudable. Note also the daytime effect of the silhouette letters. Sign Letters — Adler. Manufactured by Adler Sign Letter Co. Sound — RCA. Manufactured by RCA Mfg. Co. Ticket Register — Automaticket. Manufactured by General Register Co. "DRUMS IN TECHNICOLOR w,[» SABU X RAYMOND MASSEY PRAISED BY ALL THE CRITICS A MOVIE aim PICTURE \m