The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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18 BETTER MANAGEMENT PlTKJNSNl. VAvlA R\ZKV/AJ(r, Nature Said, “Let There Be a Great Land, Brave Women and Bold Men to Guard Them!” The land was Canada, millions of miles of lush forests and hidden gold. The men were those fearless watchdogs of the wilderness, that handful of redjacketed heroes— THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE! DICK FORAN— GLORIA DICKSON— GALE PAGE— ALLEN JENKINS— PATRIC KNOWLES Ijpi ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 'haii to the bravest MEN IN THE WORLD •••AND TO THEIR GLORIOUS TRADITION — "GET YOUR MAN" \\ ASTOR^aH oil Today and Tomorrow ON STAGE HEART of theHORTH IN TECHNICOLOR DICK FORAN GLORIA DIXON GALE PAGE ALLEN JENKINS IN PERSON HARLEM’* HOTTEST I ClAVDI HOPKINS AND HIS ORCHESTRA PLUS SLIM A SLAM "FIAT FOOT FLOOGIF" BOYS AND A SEPIA REVUE That SIZZLESI EXTRA! T0N[GHT JITTERBUG CONTEST ON STAGE 'ffocttZiT&l Nfew VortK All in TECHNICOLOR STARTS ^ ' . . v AX' FOR THE FIRST TIME, TODAY f CANADA’S HEROIC MOUNTIES 11 A. M. / SWING INTO ACTION IN BALCONY ^11 150 TO 3 " n 1 m |1 ■ 1 HEARTOF THE NORTH I When the anknown hides a thousand dangers... L Wbwe » handful of men guard an entire nation... COMPANION FEATURE! DICK POWELL OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND Star** W luK\|AHr-?OAJ, PELA^ARe MEET the MEN WHO p... NEVER TURN BACK Until they get their man! The Romantic. Courageous Adventures of Canada’s Royal Mounted filmed entirely in LIVING COLOR ! EART”“NORI£j in TECHNICOLOR WARNERS "HEART OF THE NORTH ” OPENS. Selected at random is the opening-day advertising on " Heart of the North” of five theatres in the Metropolitan East. How the Warner technicolor production is treated in various situations in Pennsylvania , Delaware, New York is here depicted. On the opposite page will be found a discussion of these advertisements , the second in a series of articles on " Hints on Newspaper Advertising ” December 21, 19) 8