The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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9 DEL-MAR-VA Lewes CHARLES S. HORN, manager, Auditorium, contributed much to Santa Claus of the com munity. Salisbury The Shore’s Schine houses, presided over by district manager MARCH GOLLNER, aided by booker BRYAN DASHIELL, are anticipating the annual business drive that is expected to be launched this month. Managers on their toes include the Arcade’s FLOYD SHEAR, Wicomico’s GILDER CRAVER, Salisbury; Hurlock’s ED ELLIOTT, Hurlock; Arcade’s HERMAN KOPF, State’s HAROLD HEFNER, Cambridge; Avalon’s CHARLES HOWARD, Music Hall’s PHILIP HURLOCK, Easton; Federal’s TOM O'BRIEN, Federalsburg. While such things are not unknown on the Shore, the Schines are going in for give-aways in a big way, offering to patrons of the Arcade, Wicomico $1,000 in cash, merchandise. On Monday, there is the "Chest o’ Gold,” with $450; on Thursday "Silver Dollar Nite,” with $50; on the other four nights, "a grand array of beautiful prizes.” Seaford Manager LANKFORD, Palace, collected a to i of foodstuffs for the needy in the charity matinee. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington For the benefit of poor, in cooperation with the Metropolitan Police Department, LLOYD J. WINELAND held successful canned goods matinees. The beautiful Congress is managed bv his son, LLOYD G. WINELAND. News of the year, as announced at CARTER BARRON’S Christmas party for his eastern division: The marriage last September of th“ Palace’s long-time manager ORANGELO J RATTO, its cashier LOUISE VICKERS. Thus did Cupid win, at long last — after 18 years! Attending the party were the Herald’s BETTY HYNES, the News’ KATHERINE HILLYER, the Post’s NELSON B. BELL, the Times’ ANDREW R. KELLEY, the Star’s FRANCIS JOSEPH (Jay) CARMODY, Metro’s RUDOLPH BERGER, United Artists’ FRED ROHRS, managers GEORGE PETERS, Reading; ROSCOE DRISSEL, Norfolk; SAM GILMAN, Harrisburg; EDGAR DOOB, Wilmington; WILLIAM K. SAXTON, Baltimore; CHARLES McCLEARY, Baltimore; 20th Century-Fox’s SAMUEL N. WHEELER, Metro exploiteer CARLTON DUFFUS, News of the Day’s J. C. BROWN, Loewmen EARL ALLVINE,’ ORANGELO J. RATTO. FRANK TAYLOR, HOWARD BURKHARDT, F. EUGENE FORD, J. RAYMOND BELL IRENE WEBER SADEL. Most of the "other halfs” were present also. At the Mayflower, general zone manager JOHN JOY PAYETTE feted his Warner managers, executives following a day’s conference. Those present at the gastronomies included FRANK LaFALCE, HARRY ANGER, GEORGE A. GROUCH, FRANK CAHILL, NAT GLASSER, ALTON J. PRATT, NAT B. BROWNE, WILLIAM C. EWING, JACK FORNEY, EARL YATES, TOM BALDRIDGE, JOHN RAMEY, TOMMY McGUIRE, THEODORE O. LOHMEYER, DAN REYNOLDS, A. JULIAN BRYLAWSKI, PHIL ERSHLER, FRED BEIERSDORF, CHARLES E. McGOWAN, CHARLES V. GRIMES, DANIEL S. TERRELL, HARRY MAGINNIS, ARTHUR A. KILBURG, LOUIS RIBNITSKI, W. MAYNARD MADDEN, JAMES W. ROOT, J. WILLIAM CLEVELAND, MARSHALL KEILEY, RALPH DAVES, HENRY COON, GEORGE WERNER, CLAUDE W. LAND, LAMAR KEEN, FRED THOMAS, WALTER E. CERSLEY, LeROY SHERMAN, FRANK SHAFFER, EDDIE PHILLIPS, GEORGE N. PAYETTE, JR., ALAN BACHRACH, HENRY CLARK, SIDNEY HOFFMAN, ROY KNIGHT, FRED MacMILLAN, JOE CUMISKEY, ROBERT ETRIS, WALDO W. CHANDLER, LOUIS KUSNER, LEO SCHIMEL, TED CROWTHER, CLYDE ABELL, CHARLES H. McKINNEY, VICTOR LITZ, RODNEY COLLIER, WALTER K. PETTUS, GEORGE LARKIN, JONAS BERNHEIMER, JAMES GLENNON, E. N. READ, ROY SCHATT, GEORGE LENEHAN, LAWRENCE SNOOTS. At the same time, the girls of the organization were feted, with MRS. PAYETTE as hostess, assisted by MRS. LOHMEYER, MRS. GUY WONDERS, MRS. GLASSER. Among those present were GERTRUDE CONNELL, MARY DAVIS, KATHERINE McGLYNN, HELEN ANDERSON, MARGARET SEDLAK, FRANCES McCORMICK, KATHLEEN DEERING, MACKIE DUVALL. HELEN HOPKINS, ALICE ANDERSON, DOROTHY REYNOLDS, ISABEL BAUGH, CHARLOTTE DUNCAN, MARY HORNER, NORMA NEWMAN, ELLEN JONES, PEGGY MATHIOT ROOT. Warner neighborhoods, not normally so doing, held daily matinees between Christmas, New Year’s. The Howard, now under the Lichtman aegis, reopened Christmas Day, with its long-time policy of a colored stage show, pictures. B. BERNARD KREISLER, one-time salesman for Paramount, now attached to Universal’s Bo ton office, flew to the coast last week for studit conferences. Bernie is looking for Duke backers who will offer 10 to 7, in the game with U. S. C ARTHUR and HELEN DeTITTA remembered, from Paris, France, their friends on this side of the Big Pond with Christmas cards. Joined not only in wedlock but in enterprise were CURTIS HILDEBRAND, ALICE SWANK, December 27, at the Metropolitan Baptist Church. They left shortly after the reception which followed the wedding for a stay in New York. Mrs. Hildebrand, who had worked with GEORGE J. GILL’S Trio Productions, Inc., now leaves to work for her husband at Preferred, where he is branch manager. Hildebrand also will be doing a bit of selling, according to tentative plans, on the road. J. RUSSELL HILDEBRAND, the groom’s brother, was best man at the wedding. Present at the reception, which took place at the bride’s father’s home, were LORRAINE MIDDLEKAUF, MURRAY BEIER, DAVE ROSEN. PETE PRINCE, ESTELLE TABB, CHARLES HURLEY, MILLIE BEALL, CONSTANCE LARKINS. OLMSTEAD KNOX spent his Christmas vacation at his home in Atlanta. BOB FOLLIARD, branch manager, RKORadio, received a dandy projector from his office force. RKO-olians are happy about that extra week’s pay distributed. J. M. SMITH, Northeast, Northeast, Maryland, was a visitor to the exchanges. RUSS HILDEBRAND, RKO office manager, resolves to have bigger, better pictures, more playing time from customers. GEORGE NATHAN, NSS, has resolved to find the 16,000th combination on the checker board. The wiz already knows 15,999. DAVE ROSEN, Clark Film, Philadelphia, was a visitor. MARK SILVER, DICK HARRITY, UA salesmen, went New Yorking for part of their vacation. also spent some time visiting his folks. FRED SANDY, US Baltimore salesman, spent his time in Baltimore. Notices from New York on the grand reception tendered "The Duke of West Point” makes FRED ROHRS, UA branch manager, very happy indeed. Open house at UA recently was a huge success, Rohrs states. R. S. STEELE is taking over the Coeburn, Coeburn, Virginia, from M. K. MURPHY, it is reported. BILLY HENDERSON, Durkee booker, was a recent visitor ot the Washington exchanges. While here he joined the Monogram party. Bill is Baltimore’s No. 1 fight fan. ART JACOBSON, NSS branch manager, returned from New York, where he attended the annual Yuletide party. GEORGE NATHAN, territory representative, NSS, was given a beautiful brief case from the office lassies. Congratulations go to CATHERINE MURPHY (former booker-stenographer), Metro, and her husband on the arrival of a little girl. Couple will name the daughter MARSHA GWENDOLYN MURPHY (MGM) . It all happened while her friends were at the Metro Yuletide party. State, Radford, Virginia, was recently purchased by PAGE MORRISON. CHARLES W. WHITE is operating the house. MR. ELSWICK has opened his new Maxie, Maxie, Virginia. Town is near Harmon. MR. and MRS. JACK GOLDBERG spent the holidays in New York. They are also planning a trip to the sunny South. And from FRED RIPPINGALE we hear he will seek better subjects for his candid camera. He rivals RAY BELL and DAN TERREL for honors. One of the merriest parties along the row was staged by RUDY (Santa Claus) BERGER at Metro. Berger assumed the role of St. Nick and no one at the party was forgotten (even we got a toy accordion). A beautiful table with delicious cold meats, cheeses, pickles, salads was ably presided over by "chief chef” PHIL BOBYS. Phil did the job well, what with his handling the food and other delicacies. Present at the party were MR., MRS. BERGER; MR., MRS. BOBYS; MR., MRS. HARRY GOLDBERG; MR., MRS. SCULLY; MR., MRS. HARRY COHEN; MR., MRS. FRED RIPPINGALE; MR., MRS. JOE KRONMAN; MR., MRS. HOWARD RIDGLEY; MR., MRS. BLENDHEIM; MR., MRS. CARLTON DUFFUS; MR., MRS. LOU MARKS; MR., MRS. CHARLES MACK; MR., MRS. SIMON DAVIS; MR., MRS. JERRY DAVIS; MR., MRS. ROBERT FRAZIER; MR., MRS. CHARLES STOFBERG; RAY ERVIN (Charlotte salesman); JERRY ADAMS (Ind anapolis salesman); "BUDDY” HALL; MARGE DERMODY; WADE PEARSON; EDDIE KUSHNER; PETE PRINCE; MARY HUGHES; MISS ASKIN; DOT BERMAN; FRANCES PARK; HARRIET GALBRAITH; MR., MRS. GAILBRAITH, of Minneapolis; MR., MRS. MILTON BOBYS; NELLIE SCHROTH; J. C. BROWN; SARAH BROWN; TANE ROTHROCK; ALBERTHA McCONNELL; and friend, CHARLOTTE SHANIGHT; MR., MRS. SAM WHEELER; FRANCES HUSBAND; MR., MRS. McNAMARA; LOIS BROWN; MR., MRS. ZWEIGENHAFT. January 4, 1939