The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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14 THE NATIONAL MIRROR Number 2 of a Series: MORTON G. THALHIMER President of NEIGHBORHOOD THEATRES, INC., operators of 22 fine theatres in the State of Virginia. "Sam Bendheim and I both want to congratulate and salute you as a weekly. I believe we can truthfully say that we have never missed reading any of your issues during all the years of their successful existence, and have benefited greatly by and through them. May you continue with even greater success and prosperity for many years to come. "You can certainly count on the continuance of our theatre subscriptions to THE NATIONAL EXHIBITOR, as an evidence of our satisfaction of the fine efforts you folks are putting forth.” Nearly every Exhibitor reads THiTeXHIBITOR ! AN INVITATION Throughout 193 9, expressions of praise, comment, criticism or suggestion from our many Exhibitor Friends will be carried in similar form in every issue. W.e welcome the expression of every reader and will use them in the order in which they are received. Schaefer Lists Names in Future RKO Releases Company Inaugurates D rive for Neiv President Six major productions with box office names including Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Irene Dunne, Carole Lombard, Cary Grant, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Charles Boyer, John Barrymore, Victor McLaglen are ready or nearing completion for early delivery to the field forces, President George Schaefer of RKO Radio Pictures told district managers, home office representatives in an optimistic address before the mid-season convention in New York last week. The meeting, held at the WaldorfAstoria Hotel in New York, brought the key field men together with their newlyelected president for the first time. It was called to announce new product, outline objectives, to crystalize plans for a billings campaign. Ned E. Depinet, Jules Levy presided. Said Schaefer: "One of the best things I can do, as your president, is to see that you have consistently good product. No organization is better than its pictures and one of my tasks will be to give you an even flow of first-bracket productions. On my last visit to the coast I saw 'Gunga Din’ and 'Love Affair’ and I know you will be very proud of them along with other important pictures such as 'Pacific Liner,’ starring Victor McLaglen and Chester Morris. 'The Flying Dutchman,’ with Douglas Corrigan, 'The Great Man Votes,’ starring John Barrymore, the story of Irene and Vernon Castle, an Astaire-Rogers film, 'Little Mother,’ starring Ginger Rogers and 'Memory of Love,’ starring Carole Lombard.” The above are all scheduled for early delivery, the RKO Radio president announced. Several are already completed. Schaefer expressed his appreciation, thanks for the forthcoming sales drive named in his honor, the details of which were announced by general sales manager Jules Levy. Levy said the new billings campaign would be known as the George Schaefer Drive to be inaugurated January 2 8, carrying to June 2, a period of 1 8 weeks. The Schaefer drive will be captained by Walter Branson, midwestern district manager who soon will begin a tour of branch offices in Canada, United States. Branson was captain of the Ned Depinet Drive last year. A drive publication will be put out in the field. Harry Gittleson, editor, RKO house organ, Flash, will accompany Branson on his tour. The drive slogan is "We’re Going Places.” Schaefer heralded the campaign on "Gunga Din,” under the guidance of S. Barret McCormick, director of advertising, publicity, as the most comprehensive ever given a picture, one whose unique merits even competitors were shouting Warner Brothers Begin Poll on Young Starlets Will Ask Audience to Determine Future Seeking to determine both public, exhibitor attitudes on several of its most promising younger contract players, Warner Brothers is mapping out plans for a national survey of the country, it was announced last week. Findings will guide Jack L. Warner, Hal B. Wallis in the assignment of these actors, actresses in future productions. Players who will figure in the nationwide checkup will be: John Garfield, Jeffrey Lynn, Priscilla Lane, Eddie Albert, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Ann Sheridan, Gale Page, Jane Wyman, Marie Wilson, Rosella Towne, Bonita Granville, John Payne. Through literature distributed in the theatres, notices on the screen, patrons will be asked to closely observe performances of the comers in their new attractions. Using blanks provided by the management they will file their reports as they leave the houses. Warner theatre managers will also turn in reports based upon conversations with patrons, lobby remarks. The survey, which starts immediately, will occupy nearly six months. It is the intention of Warners to make this an annual poll. about. Two hundred thousand dollars, it was said, had been allotted to sell this spectacular drama to the trade, public. A trade announcement covering the RKO line-up set into April to be released during the period of the George Schaefer Drive is now being prepared by McCormick, the executive stated. There has been a substantial increase in both RKO Radio domestic, foreign sales for the season of 193 8 over 193 7, vicepresident Depinet said. Convention members were addressed by representatives of producing concerns releasing through RKO Radio. Addressing the convention were Ned E. Depinet; Jules Levy; Phil Reisman, general manager of the foreign department; Walter Branson, Schaefer drive captain; Harry Michalson, short subject sales manager; S. Barret McCormick; James A. Clark, ad sales manager; Ralph Rolan, representing the Jesse L. Lasky "Gateway to Hollywood”; Cresson E. Smith, western, southern sales manager; E. L. McEvoy, eastern, Canadian sales manager; A. A. Schubart, manager of exchange of operations. January 18, 1939