The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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6 territorial highlights Flaxes, Republic Set Sales, Booking Drive Brothers Launch Fourth Anniversary Campaign Celebrating the 27th anniversary of the Flax Brothers in the business, the fourth for Republic, Republic Pictures Corporation of Washington, in association with their 3 3 fellow exchanges throughout the country, will conduct during February, March, April the Fourth Anniversary Salesmen and Bookers Drive, it was officially announced this week. That Sam and Jake Flax and Republic have good reason to celebrate, that the exhibitors have an equal justification in joining the festivities is manifest by the large number of substantial, entertaining pictures that have borne the eagis of Republic already this season, the others on the schedule to come. Of the pictures, the Brothers Flax point to "Down in 'Arkansaw’,” by Ralph Byrd, the Weaver Brothers and Elvira; "Federal Man Hunt,” with Robert Livingston; "The Higgins Family,” with the Gleasons, James, Lucille, Russell; "I Stand Accused,” with Robert Cummings; "Orphans Of the Streets,” with Tommy Ryan, Robert Livingston; "Storm Over Bengal,” with Patric Knowles, Richard Cromwell, Rochelle Hudson; "Tenth Avenue Kid,” with Tommy Ryan, Bruc: Cabot, Beverly Roberts — to all these, as well as the westerns featuring Gene Autry, the Three Musketeers (John Wayne, Ray Corrigan, Max Terhune), Roy Rogers, prideful pointing is made. In production, or just released, Sam and Jake Flax may point with equal enthusiasm to the following productions: FIGHTING THOROUGHBREDS — Ralph Byrd, Robert Allen, Mary Carlisle. FLIGHT AT MIDNIGHT— Colonel Roscoe Turner. FORGED PASSPORT— Paul Kelly, June Lang, Lyle Talbot, Billie Gilbert. I WAS A CONVICT — Barton MacLane, Beverly Roberts, Horace MacMahon. MAN OF CONQUEST— Richard Dix, Georg: Hayes, Gail Patrick, Edward Ellis, C. Henry Gordon, Max Terhune. THE MYSTERIOUS MISS X— Michael Whalen, Mary Hart, Chic Chandler, Regis Toomey. PRIDE OF THE NAVY— James Dunn, Rochelle Hudson, Gordon Oliver. STREET OF MISSING MEN— Charles Bickford. WOMAN DOCTOR — Freida Inescort, Henry Wilcoxon, Claire Dodd. Then, in the western field, soon to come are "Home on the Prairie,” "Mexicali Rose,” with the screen’s No. 1 Cowboy, Gene Autry; "Red River Range,” "Three Texas Steers,” with the famed Three Mesquiteers; "Rough Rider Patrol,” with Roy Rogers. As the season progresses, Republic players can look forward to such productions as "Undercover Woman,” "Probation Nurse,” "Doctors Dont’ Tell,” "Calling All Marines,” "White Lightning Express,’ " Two Years Before the Mast,” "Girl From God’s Country,” "Devil’s Island Fugitive,” "G ris of the Road,” "Hit Parade of 1939,” "One Woman’s Family,” "Raffles Strikes Back.” Westerns to come include the following: With GENE AUTRY — "Fighting Cowboy,” "Mountain Rhythym,” "Cactus Cavalier,” "In Old Monterey,” "Pony Boy.” With the THREE MESQUITEERS — "Lone Star Bullets,” "Pony Express Trail,” "Heroes of the Desert.” With ROY ROGERS — "Rovin’ Tumbleweeds,” "Girl of My Dreams.” Joining the Flax Brothers in the Fourth Anniversary Drive will be salesmen Morris Oletsky, Edward L. Martin, office manager Sara Flax Monfried, front officites Hattie Flax, Miriam Hirsch, shipper Jules Share, "back room” attaches Walter Pell, Rebecca Lewis, Opal Long, Alice Klein, Elizabeth Baker, Mary Korson, Margaret Withers. DePerini 1939 Leader For Exchange Local B-13 Ormes Continues As Business Agent George DePerini, 20th Century Fox inspection department, was elected president last fortnight of Local B-13, the exchange employes union. For many years an active worker in the local, DePerini has planned a vigorous program for his organization for the ensuing year. The first meeting will be held February 2 at the projectionists’ headquarters. President also said he would name his committee appointments at the meeting. Others elected were James M. Burns, Paramount, vice-president; R. L. Cunningham, Paramount, secretary; Jack Klein, Grand National, financial secretary; Jules Share, Republic, treasurer; DeForest L. Ormes, projectionist, business agent. Named to the executive board were Claude Ringer, Columbia; Mary Norris, Columbia; Mary Lamont, Universal. To the board of trustees were elected Russell Anderson, 20th Century-Fox; James M. Burns, Paramount; George Sullivan, RKO-Radio. Dyer Joins Trio Here F. Eugene Dyer, former attache, UA, here, for many years connected with the same firm in Charlotte, with GB, was named last week head booker at Trio by branch manager George J. Gill. Well known to the exhibitors in this territory, Dyer makes his bow here again after an absence of some 1 3 years from the local scene. The vacancy was created recently when Alice Swank left to marry Curtis Hildebrand, Preferred manager, also to work in her husband’s office. Blind Aided in Page County Charitably disposed persons in Page County, Virginia, are arranging a program for the county’s blind to "see” and hear moving pictures, it developed this week. Shoreham Chosen as Va. MPTO Headquarters Increased Attendance Makes Change Necessary The sixth annual convention of the MPTO of Virginia will be held February 6 at the Shoreham, Washington, rather than the Willard as previously announced, it was officially stated last week. Need for more room made the change a necessity. Reservations poured in so fast that the place for the meeting had to be changed so that all could be taken care of. Government executives, industry figures, exchangemen, exhibitors, etc. are expected to be in attendance. Rates for rooms remain the same, with the tickets for dinner dance at $3.5 0 per plate for all exhibitors and $5 per plate for others. This includes the registration fee. A. F. O’Brien, Allen Sparrow and Harold Wood are in charge. From both Metro exchange head Rudy Berger and Monogram branch manager Harry F. Bachman came invitations to visiting conventioneers to make their headquarters at their respective exchanges while in the city, to have mail directed to it, to make use of full facilities of the offices, to visit personally with them. Delaware Sunday Bill Up Representative Henry Canby last fortnight introduced a bill legalizing Sunday movies in Delaware after 2 o’clock in the afternoon in the House of the General Assembly in session at Dover. Local option is provided in the measure. The bill an amendment to Chapter 153 of the Revised Code of Delaware, 1 93 5, follows: ” 52 53. Section 4a. Provided, further motion pictures may be shown on Sunday in the State of Delaware after 2 o’clock in the afternoon, unless and except the same be contrary to and in violation of any ordinance enacted by City Council, Town Commissioners, or the Legislative body of any incorporated city or town in the state of Delaware, prohibiting or otherwise regulating the showing of motion pictures.” Immediately church groups in many parts of the state, particularly in Wilmington, banded for a battle in opposition to the measure. New House for Norfolk The Reco Amusement Corporation plans a new theatre for Norfolk, Virginia, according to announcement last week by E. L. Collamer. Collamer already operates the Park, Fairmount Park, where the new house also will be located. It will be of brick, one story high, seating 900. Design will be streamlined, cost $65,000. February 1, 19)9